Georges Rivière

Film shot in subjective camera, often in voice-over which tells the love affair of the blonde Yselle, surprised by her extremely jealous and very possessive husband.

Italy, the early 19th century. A villa is the home of a small English community, all rich and superficial people lounging about in its beautiful surroundings. Claire, George's wife, and Robert, her son, are murdered by a mysterious killer. Thinking the murderer is one of the family, distraught George devises a plan to unmask the culprit. Having met a woman, Ann, who is a dead ringer for Claire, he takes her back to the villa and announces their imminent marriage. Ann is considered an outsider and treated with contempt and hostility, while George fails to find any significant clue to the solution: everybody is to be blamed, at least morally, but the final revelation is more bitter than expected...


A 1965 Italian adventure-Eurospy film directed by Sergio Sollima (credited as Simon Sterling). This is the first chapter in the Sollima's spy film trilogy with Agent 3S3. Here the intelligence agent from the U.S. is tasked with uncovering the leader of the Black Scorpion.


A writer accepts a wager that he cannot spend the night alone in a haunted castle on All Soul's Eve. Once night falls at the castle, several who had been murdered therein return to life, reliving their deaths and seeking to kill the writer for his blood in a vain attempt to stay alive beyond that one night.


Wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, Minnesota Clay seeks revenge on the man who withheld evidence at his trial. There is a problem however, he is going blind.


The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a man, Jean-Marc. The film shares the same plot with "Françoise ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.


The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a woman, Francoise. The film shares the same plot with "Jean-Marc ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.


A young beautiful teacher is transfered to a remote island's school, where her colleague (also the principal of the school) falls in love with her. This banned love provokes the jealousy of the principal's wife and makes her seek revenge.


Women are being tortured to death with various torture devices in the dungeon of an old castle by a deformed, hooded, holocaust survivor.


The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day"


A helicopter crashes in the desert, and the crew winds up in the underground city of Atlantis and get mixed up in a slave revolt.


Three couples are involved in a murder at Montecarlo.


Le passage du Rhin (original title). Following the defeat of France by Germany during WWII, two French soldiers are taken to a German farm as forced laborers.


A certain number of French fighter pilots who will not accept the Second Armistice at Compiègne nor Vichy's orders decide to join the USSR. Once they have reached Moscow they resume training and form a squadron they call "Normandie". Reinforced in 1944, the squadron wins many victories. Following the acts of valor displayed by its pilots during the Battle of the Nieman River, it becomes the "Normandie-Niemen" squadron for the rest of times...


The bio-epic about the infamous John Paul Jones.


Aging-roue comedy: foxy grandpa's doctor tells him he needs to cut out the high-living and make a stable, tranquil home for himself, as befits his age and station... but he decides he'd rather do that by marrying his nephew off and piggybacking on the domestic tranquility created in that household.

A provincial girl who sells pots tries to obtain the bells that the church of her people needs.


An expulsive star of a variety theatre cannot decide between the love of an honest archaeology professor and the love of an extravagant official who turns himself into a cabaret comedian in his sparetime.


Crime-picture dealing with car thieves.


When a woman finds out that her husband is being unfaithful to her, she decides to give him a dose of his own medicine, making him jealous with another suitor.


A great dancer, unable to continue dancing, takes as a disciple a girl who wants to succeed.


This clever "feminist" reworking of Fritz Lang's classic M focuses on the mothers of children stalked by a deranged pedophile.
