Georgi Yepifantsev

A young heir of a big fortune Sergey Privalov is coming back to his native town after a long absence. Having visited his owned plants, he breaks out with the idea to rebuild the industrial processes, improve the life of workers, and build schools and hospitals. Though, his interests collide with the interests of local big wigs, to whom the existing situation suits perfectly


Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.


Set in a mining town in the Donets Basin, it centres on a clash between the political establishment and a religious cult which infiltrates the community.


Foma Gordeyev, the son of a wealthy Volga merchant, doesn't want to continue his father's work. The mind is sickened by the dirt and injustice of life around him. Foma is seeking solace in a drunken rampage and wild antics. After many years of desolation, he is half-ill at the opening of a night shelter built with his father’s money.
