Georgy Topolaga

An ordinary day for the wealthy Garber family ends with a stunning event: their daughter Lena appears in their gallery, disappearing without a trace ten years ago. She does not remember where she was all these years and how she managed to return. Already lost hope, Katerina Garber immediately recognizes her daughter, while her husband is in no hurry to believe in a miracle. The return of Lena does not bring happiness to the family, but, on the contrary, makes her life unbearable, throwing the Garbers away in those moments of the past that they would rather not remember.

Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.


Boris is desperately trying to recollect the events of the last three days while he is charged with manslaughter.
