Gérard Tichy

Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.


A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.


His bloodline damned by a witch, Waldemar Daninsky heads to Japan to seek a cure for his werewolf curse.


A frustrated Boston detective searches for the maniac responsible for mutilating a number of university coeds.


A young European boy living in San Francisco is reluctant to marry his long-term girlfriend because he wants to travel around the world first. His wealthy uncle agrees to send him on a global expedition aboard his ship, but en route the boy and his travelling companion are shipwrecked on a remote island, populated by countless prehistoric creatures as well as gold-hunting bandits.


A young Catholic girl takes viewers through a changing Spanish political and social landscape as she develops from her confirmation day to adulthood. Her first experience with the real Spain comes when her Jewish godfathers cannot come to her confirmation. One of the godfathers, using a ring, poses an early challenge to her innocence that puts her in danger. He later returns, indirectly introducing her to a new boyfriend. If he is one of the symbols for Jewish life under Franco, or for a Judeo-Christian interaction, that interaction is complex. The young woman encounters different lovers as she grows into adulthood, but at the same time she is burdened with financially supporting her father and his own rather decadent lifestyle. Again, this difference in generations could be understood as a difference between the "new" and "old" Spain; it is up to the viewers to interpret the story elements as they decide.


Prince Almalarik is a royalty building an extensive harem of European beauties. When his latest acquisition named Sara convinces him to abandon polygamy, the other wives conspire to get rid of the unwanted competition.


A disillusioned and depressed film director is forced to confront his lack of humanity through his involvement in the death of a young actress and the suicide of her husband.


Chris Miller lives with her stepmother Ruth in a large secluded mansion in the countryside. Both women have been traumatized by the mysterious disappearance of Chris’ father but their isolation is soon interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious young drifter, Barney, who they take on as a handyman. All the while, an unknown scythe wielding killer has been stalking the area, leaving an ever growing body count, and it’s not long before the women grow increasingly suspicious of Barney…


Upon his uncle's death, Serge Chekov journeys to a spooky Scottish village for the reading of the will. But when he inherits the estate, Serge runs afoul of his uncle's jealous wife , his business partner , his maid and others. It's not long before zombies join the fun in this Italian supernatural thriller, also starring Paul Naschy as a nutso gravedigger.


1865, The American Civil War: Five POW manage to escape by balloon from Fort Richmond. Caught in a storm and with the balloon damaged they find themselves 'shipwrecked' on a volcanic desert island somewhere in the Pacific. Just before crash landing their leader, the brilliant engineer Cyrus Smith falls to his apparent death in the raging waters, but later turns up completely unharmed and with no memory of how he was saved. His fellow castaways are: the famous journalist Gedeon Spilett, the salty sailor Bonaventure Pencroff, the orphaned boy Harbert Brown and the black servant of Smith, Nab. The dog Top also joined them in the escape.


Four friends from Paris are living misadventures of all sorts in Spain when their group of travelers is forced to split due to a travel scam.


This multinational crime action film also boasts an international cast. During his childhood, a boy (Chris Mitchum) sees four men drown his father; now, the grown young man makes it his business to kill each member of the foursome. His last killing presents him with some challenges, as his victim is only wounded. He kidnaps the man's daughter (Claudine Auger) and goes to a hideout. In the meantime, an ex-cop (Karl Malden) has been tracking them down.


Arms dealer Yolaf Peterson aims to make a sale to guerilla Mongo, but the money is locked in a bank safe, the combination known only to Professor Xantos, a prisoner of the Americans. Yolaf agrees to free Xantos, accompanied by reluctant guerilla Basco, but a former business partner of Yolaf's- John 'The Wooden Hand', has other ideas.


A madman haunted by the ghost of his ex-wife carves a corpse-laden trail.


The war in Europe is ending, but the American troops have to find a scientist on the run who is also chased by some surviving SS forces.


A boxing manager discovers that one of the boxers who have been promoted in love with a protected model and his mistress. Mad with jealousy, organized a match between it and another fighter who are friends with each other. Revenge in this case will be bitter.


Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.


Katharine Milford commits suicide by jumping out the window. Her brother, Richard refuses to believe the police story about suicide, and when it is discovered that more people had contact with Katharine died in the same way he starts a private investigation, which leads the man into Londons 'dirtiest hippie clubs. It seems that music is the common factor in all suicide - or was it murder?


During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.


When a deported gangster dies in Italy, the U.S. Treasury Department is very interested in the one million dollars Madigan owed the government, but managed to take to Italy with him. They send Agent Jason Phister over to Italy to nose out the million. His criteria for the job is that no one would ever guess he's an agent of the United States government.


Jorge Martin is relentlessly stalking a gang of outlaws led by the ruthless Slim (Jack Elam) who raped and murdered his bride.


The most ultra-secret telephone number of all is that of the "Hot'Line' that links the heads of state of the United States and Moscow. A conniving double agent manages to steal the top secret phone number and then begins to implement chaos by phoning Washington and Moscow, telling the two powers that their respective spy chiefs are traitors. It's spy versus spy, agent versus double agent, counter spy against counter-counter spy in a rapidly increasing international crisis that finds its solution on the stage of Chinese theater in Barcelona, Spain as the spy leaders, the traitorous agent, a beautiful girl, three old ladies, a young man caught up in the chain of events and a troupe of acrobats collide head on in battle.


An actor is approached by a group of men offering him a job posing as an executive at a diamond exchange to help them pull off a robbery.


Wanted north of the border, Jess Carlin resides safely in Mexico. Then he hears his brother was killed in a gunfight with another man. Knowning his brother never carried a gun he heads north to find his brother's killer. After battling bounty hunters he arrives in Rimrock, a town controlled by Luke Starr. Starr is the man he wants but he unable to find any evidence until he is given an item found by his brother's body.


Bandits ambush Capt. Roy Dexter of the U.S. Cavalry while he and his men escort a fortune in Confederate gold coins. Only Dexter survives the attack. He's subsequently sentenced to life in prison on the false belief he masterminded the ambush. Escaping from prison, Dexter sets about tracking down and exposing the true culprits.


After accidentally killing an opponent on the ring, masked wrestler Superargo quits wrestling and, following the advice of his friend Col. Alex Kinski of the Secret Service, becomes a secret agent, using his superhuman abilities to stop villain Diabolicus' plans to wreck global economy by turning uranium into gold.


A government agent tries to prevent foreign spies from obtaining a scientist's formula for a solid-rocket-fuel.


Former rancher Clint Brenner and the younger Reese, his equal in skill at gun-fighting, are independently recruited to help farmer Seth Grande free the locals of Manitoba town Glory City from vast ranch owner Jack Villaine's rule of terror. They become friends on the job but ignore they'll be pitted as adversaries in the town's founder's day spectacular duel by last-minute blind substitution.


An American adventurer who has a gambling den in Istanbul, who is suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of a nuclear scientist, but ultimately becomes self on the search for the disappeared and gets a striving for world domination secret organization.


The life of a Russian physician and poet who, although married to another, falls in love with a political activist's wife and experiences hardship during World War I and then the October Revolution.


A stranger rides into Rainbow Valley where he's mistaken for a former resident who was believed killed in the Civil War and soon finds himself in opposition to local boss Tom Cherry, who seeks to find $100,000 stashed away by a Mexican general.


Marie-Chantal travels by train to her cousin's place to spend a winter holiday, when a stranger - apparently a fugitive from someone aboard - entrusts her with a jewel in the shape of a tiger with ruby eyes. Unknown to her, these false jewels contain a virus powerful enough to destroy all humankind. Doctor Kha is just one among many spies from different nations trying to get their hands on the tiger, or Marie-Chantal... It will give any nation a tremendous control over all others! Marie-Chantal, a snob girl, will evade all attacks by sheer female cunning, and shows tigerish qualities in dealing with her male, and female foes.


Not realizing the dangers he is facing, Young Dieter will do anything to get his ball back after it was thrown over the Berlin wall by a ruthless guar


Wyatt Earp comes to a small town, Rio Bravo, to help the woman saloon owner against the town villain and to save a mine owner from robbery.


Greece is under the power of Rabirius, from which rise a few patriots led by Axel. He is taken prisoner and condemned to die of hunger and thirst. But his brother Leslio, who fears no one, makes him free. The next step Leslio takes, is to dissolve a group of mercenaries, without listening to his brother, who begs her to join the fight for freedom.


After committing a robbery, Rafael joins Silvestre and they begin a long run to escape the Police that takes them to Puigcerdà, near the French border they want to cross. Silvestre is tougher and they have some quarrels.


The beautiful young daughter of a crazed count fears that she will fall victim to the family curse - to be sacrificed to fulfill an ancient family legend.


A Spanish music hall performer gets caught up in espionage during the First World War.


A scientist develops a serum that can eradicate scar tissue. He tries it on a girl with a horribly disfigured face. It succeeds, but then he discovers the girl is an escaped mental patient from a local asylum.


Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.


Epic film of the legendary Spanish hero, Rodrigo Diaz ("El Cid" to his followers), who, without compromising his strict sense of honour, still succeeds in taking the initiative and driving the Moors from Spain.


Who is Jesus, and why does he impact all he meets? He is respected and reviled, emulated and accused, beloved, betrayed, and finally crucified. Yet that terrible fate would not be the end of the story.


A child suffering from leukemia craves getting on a plane, so at a U.S. base located in Zaragoza will make the kid a favor and grant his wish.


Nun Belen works as a spiritual guide in a women's prison. Is a very understanding woman, possibly due to her past. At the past she was Magda, the star of the cabaret "The Mill of Twenty." She was attractive, young and admired by the public, she had it all, but three very different men end up marking her destination. A fate that is inexorably opposed to her happiness.


A suave art thief romances a wealthy duchess, only to enable him to steal a priceless painting from her collection. Complications ensue.


Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.


In late 1800, a committee of hygiene Hawaii had decided that all leprosy patient must spend the rest of his life on the island of Molokai, away from their families, in a no man's land where only prevailing law of force and death. It is there by choice comes at a schooner Father Damien, a Belgian priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts. The priest has decided to devote all his time to the leper population of this small island in the archipelago of Hawaii ...


Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.


In a Eastern Germany harbor town, two siblings, Elsa (Sabine Bethmann) and Richard (Conrado San Martín) Wolff, help people to cladestinately cross the borders and escape from the communist regime to Western Germany, .


Jorge is involved in a robbery in which a man is killed. Following the incident, decides to take refuge in his home town where two of his brothers. Once there, despite the time elapsed, the old family feuds arise again.


A Catholic priest lives in a communist country where all religious are being killed. When trying to escape is stopped by a commissioner who had been a fellow student.


Maureen O'Hara hunts drug smugglers in Africa. Director Richard Sale's 1954 film also stars Macdonald Carey and Binnie Barnes.


The story of Judas's betrayal of Christ.


Javier Mendoza a Catholic missionary established in Alaska, recalls, when about to die, the years of his youth and his relationship with his family and friends.
