Ghada Abdel Razek

The series takes place inside the popular neighborhood, where the social problems that an Egyptian family is going through.

The story of Morra and a tragic family crisis that threatens her future.

A social drama that deals with the tense relationship between Muslims and Christians, through the story of a young Muslim who falls in love with a Christian girl and marries her despite the objection of everyone. On the other hand it revolves around the involvement of a businessman in a major corruption case in the country.

During the 1940s, a girl was raped by a group of English soldiers, and three young Egyptians retaliate. The British soldier is being held at the Karamouz police station in Alexandria, headed by General Youssef al-Masri. General Frank Adams demands that the English soldier be handed over to him, but Yusuf refuses. The British army is led to block the police station, and enters a fierce confrontation with General Yusuf and the rest of the Egyptian soldiers.


Those who fear are dead

A mother's journey in search for her son's murderer. The story unfolds between the past, present and even nightmares which gives subtle clues and hints to guide the mother to the murderer.


In an exciting teaser, the film takes place in an apartment its owner call it "The Waitress" The movie revolves around three people only. A man (Nedal Al Shafey) and his wife (Ghada Abdel Razek) and a thief (Manzer Reyahna). The sequence of events reveals a lot about the backgrounds of these characters. The film sends a message that any human being can make mistakes, regardless of his culture and the environment in which he was raised.

Ibrahim Toshkee, a non-talented who wants to become an actor. When he faces failure, he utilizes his wits into coning people, which leads him to many problems. In the meantime, he is in a love with his neighbor "Abla" and having an affair with a prostitute “Ashgan”.


The film is about the issue of inheritance, through the three girls, a graduate of the rights and sister, a graduate of Darul Uloom and other narcissistic left her and married the Faculty of Commerce and failed, and their fathers. Large inherit the estate, where a cabaret called Bonn Swaraih, and holds the two of them ... (Ghada Abdel Razek and Nahla intelligent) administration happily, which will bring them a quantum leap on the physical level, amid objections and the advice of their sister the third religious (May Kassab) that Atkhalsa of this nightclub, they Nidtan and refuse to accept her advice, but provides each paragraph in this cabaret. As a result of entering this new world they were subjected to many problems, ending Petrkhma this place and the search for decent work.

The wife of a well-known singer dies along with her driver in a traffic accident. In the ensuing murder investigation many latent – but explosive – issues rise to the surface.


A violent murder takes place in a quiet neighborhood, Abou Leil(Khaled El Sawy), is in charge of the investigation to unveil the identity of the mutilated body and his killer..


Shehata (Amr Saad) is the son of Ganainy (Mahmoud benign), who opened a shop and a fruit called the son Shehata. Shehata is suffering from the influence of his brothers and his bad treatment of severe jealousy of him and which ends Bmsah. The movie discusses the problem of the destruction of genuine Egyptian values ​​and the bad case, which arrived in the community to it and see how the director Khaled Youssef effect on future output: Khaled Youssef (out) / Mohammed Hamdeen Sabahi (Assistant Director) New York: Nasser Al-Rahman (the author of - Script Writer) Release Date : May 20, 2009 AD


In Al-Batniya neighborhood, a drug dealer owns a wood factory as a cover for his drug trading. His daughter marries a police officer against his will, while his son falls in love with a poor girl whom he marries in secret. But when his father wants to separate them, she seeks revenge.

Hisham Al-Maraghy is an opportunistic lawyer who doesn't care about whether his clients are innocent or not, which affects his relationship with his colleague and his lawyer wife, who stands up against injustice. As their problems mount, their conflict soon turns into a case of public opinion.

Fawziya, an impoverished woman holds the secret for leading a successful life. She gets married and raises all her children in her tiny house. Will her simple secret recipe stand firm in the face of changes and threats?

A film highlighting the issue of street children and the marginalized social class living under the pressure of economic conditions in a shanty district. Nahid escapes from her stepfather’s harassment only to become a victim of a horrible rape incident. She then becomes a dancer.

Hossam returns home to Cairo for New Year's Eve after a year's separation from his wife. At the airport, his plans for a romantic night (and to conceive a child) are thwarted by several events, including a terrorist plot.


A casino for foreigners run by the "Age of War," which is of overwhelming presence, joining the work has a quiet young man wants money to complete his marriage, Vthgerh his fiancee and his family for his work with the casino. Excel in his work by the Director and Fajb Astafah despite his fraud in order to provide money for the luscious feel free to place and loved at the same time establish a relationship with a prostitute working the casino. He decides to torment him Akhtaueh recognition of the Director, who declares that all what is happening to him but with his knowledge and he is the master of all around him.


The film revolves around the wife, Estefaqah and her husband Jebel, both of whom earn their living from theft. During the process of stealing one of the villas, she was arrested while her husband fled, and he began to believe that he would take care of her son and wait for her when she was released from prison. She was found guilty of life imprisonment, and was surprised that Jebel was not interested in the prison and did not ask about her. After leaving after serving her sentence, she searches for her husband and son, and finds her husband married a rich young woman named Safi. Net, and events start when you try to open Est The birth of her son, while trying Djabl away from his new life.

In a comic framework, one of the husbands tries to get rid of his wife's control over him, especially since she has a great income, which makes him responsible for home matters and raising the child, and with his feeling of not being important, this husband resort to forming an association, in which he collects the oppressed men from their wives.

The series follows the fierce clash between the corrupt Helmy Askar and his rival Mansour Al-Maghazy who is determined to unravel Helmy's foul deeds, even if he gets imprisoned for it.

A credit manager and her colleague discover that the bank's chairman and his manager are stealing the depositors' money. They try to make her cooperate with them, but she decides to hunt those involved to obtain condemning documents.

A group of men decide to form an association called "Men of the World Unite" after the roles between women and men are exchanged.

The biography of the iconic leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, from his birth to igniting the revolution to the defeat of 67 and his disagreement with Abdel Hakim Amer, then his planning for the War of Attrition and his sudden death that stunned the world in 1970.

On the eve of the 1919 revolution in Egypt, the friendship between Houda al-Najjar, who likes boxing, Petro, who likes to sing, and the good worker of the printing press, believes in revolution. Fatima, the sister of Houda, is in love with Hussain, and they marry. The revolution takes place, and Houda dreams of shaking hands with its leader, Saad Zaghloul, and dreams of participating in the 1924 Olympics as a boxer. Hasan is imprisoned for his involvement in resisting the British occupation, and Huda is married to a neighbor of Hanifa. Hassan was killed by the Israeli occupation forces and Houda was able to participate in the Olympics


The play revolves around Houda, a simple young man who is insulted by a police officer and cannot get his right.

The film revolves around a romantic context about Adel (Samo Zain) and the beautiful little girl (Zina) dreaming of a peaceful life, but his mother (Nihal Anbar) and grandfather (Adel Hashem) stood before the realization of this dream, rejecting its association with a breeze because of the disparity of the social level between them at a time when Sherine tried ( Ghada Abdel Razek). A breeze falls in him from parting with her lover and gets to know the plastic surgeon (Ahmed Haroun), and she falls in love with her, but fate writes an end to their love story when Nessma discovers that Adel is still alive to announce together their rejection of the traditions and decisions of his mother and grandfather who acquiesce in Nessma and Adel.
