Gianni Pulone

"Regina Coeli" is the nickname with which inmates call Regina, voluntary assistant in Rome's Rebibbia jail, very involved in solidarity but lonely in his private life. The jail director entrusts her with the task to try re-educating Graziano, a young Sardinian sentenced for a kidnapping of which he always proclaimed himself to be innocent. Regina is way too much mature and lonely not to feel intrigued by the mysterious personality of the illiterate shepherd, who expresses himself only in his almost unintelligible Sardinian dialect.


Professor Ricardo Rossi is an uncompromising moralist and a paladin of Catholic morals. He is understandably baffled when he finds his wife Elisa in bed with another woman (whom Rossi mistakens for a man). Furious, he poisons his wife and throws her body into a lake, then brings home a prostitute, Eva, to replace her. He also begins an affair with his niece Barbara. But Elisa is not dead, as Rossi soon finds and she is plotting with Eva to get rid of him. Rossi is more precise this time and shoots the two women dead. However, there is a complication and more deaths ensue...


Ketty,a photographer living in Rome,accidentally witnesses the murder of a young woman at the hands of a razor-wielding black-gloved killer.Ketty and her fiance,Alberto,go to the police-only to learn that two other witnesses to the crime have been slashed to death.


Alfredo, a timid young Italian, lusts after and woos the beautiful Maria Rosa. But when he manages to marry her, he discovers life is not nearly so blissful as he expected.


Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.


Beautiful young model Jennifer Lansbury and her goofy friend Marilyn Ricci move into a swanky high-rise apartment after the previous tenant gets brutally murdered. Pretty soon Jennifer is being stalked by the mysterious killer. Probable suspects include a predatory lesbian neighbor, a weird old woman and her deformed son, and even the building's handsome architect who suffers from a severe blood phobia.


Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.


To spite her father, a young woman enters a convent. However, the woman's old boyfriend shows up and tries to win her back.


Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.


A former American gangster organises a safari in Kenya in order to have his business partner, whom he suspects of being responsible for his brother's death, killed. However, it turns out that he killed the wrong person and a series of murders follow.


A very young Ornella Muti plays a rich girl who falls for an older hippie boy. Her parents don't approve and try to stop her from seeing him so they run away to a villa (Her parents') by the sea. Later they are shipwrecked on a deserted island. The plot focuses on the efforts of the police to figure out where the girl is, which is set against the developing relationship between the two young people.


Andrea, the only son of a rich publisher, is a neurotic young man obsessed by his mother. He is dominated by uncontrollable impulses and suicidal fantasies, while his regressive behaviour makes him lonely and frustrated. Incapable of having normal sexual relationships, he spies on his stepmother's adulterous affairs and is obsessed by Carol, a young American girl he secretly films (even when she's making love with her boyfriend), and whom he clumsily courts. Finally, Andrea wins Carol over but is still tormented by the fear of losing his own private world of memories and macabre games...


After many years of living abroad, a troubled young man returns home due to the death of his father (who he suspects was actually murdered). He attempts to untangle that mystery while still carrying an unhealthy obsession toward his mother, who committed suicide ten years ago. This obsession then draws in his attractive cousin and takes a sexual turn.


Two anarchistic brothers live by petty thievery and try to recover from their Catholic upbringing. Bandiera and Rabbino were children when they pushed their drunk of a father out of a window for killing their pet sheep. When a girl is raped by her father, she is brought by young "rescuers" to the home of the two brothers who then watch their friends take advantage of her sexually. The brothers take her in, and the three live happy and celibate if not uneventful lives until the brother's are sent to jail for stealing.


An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.


A teenage girl begins a career as a prostitute.


Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1968


Comedy about a lawyer who is suspected of murder


Diana is divorcing her husband, and decides to spend winter at her younger sister's home. Adultery and saphic love will enter her life, amidst sad remembrances and with unsuspected consequences.


During World War II an Italian secret agent is sent undercover to kill the head of the resistance in Budapest.


Industrialist Jean is living a jet set life in late sixties Paris. Things are not so well at home with his frigid wife Danielle. He meets their new neighbour, Nicole, and they become lovers. But she has a sadistic ex-boyfriend, Klaus, which keeps showing up. It soon transpires that Danielle and Nicole are conspiring against Jean, Klaus being the hitman hired to murder him.


A detective is assigned to head a manhunt for four violent bank robbers.


Sgt. Sullivan puts together a group of Italian-Americans into disguise as Italian soldiers in order to infiltrate a North African camp held by the Italians. After the soldiers have knifed the Italians in their beds, they find a hooker living at the camp. Sullivan's commandos are to hold this camp and its weaponry until an American battalion arrives, all the while these Italian-Americans pretend to be Italian soldiers, often hosting the enemy. Lt. Valli is a young, "green," by-the-book officer who constantly argues with Sgt. Sullivan, who tells his superior that he has no idea what he is doing. One man on the base, probably a touch from Argento, is an entomologist who is needlessly killed. Things go terribly wrong after that.


The adventurer Clint (Roger Browne) travels across Borneo with a bunch of rogues and geologists on the search for a diamond mine. In the middle of the jungle, they meet a beautiful woman called Samoa (Edwige Fenech). Hardly a surprise that Clint falls in love with Samoa, but trouble with the natives begins when the diamonds are found because diamonds are holy stones to them.


Eve is a jungle girl brought up by apes. She is captured with a number of apes by a mad scientist, conducting mind control experiments on them. Eventually she is liberated by a young explorer.


Serafino a young and innocent shepherd inherits a huge fortune. He immediately spends the entire sum in presents for his friends. For this reason he is believed mad, and his uncle decides to legally forbid him to take any decision about his fortune. Serafino liaison with his cousin drive him few steps to marry. Tired of this entire situation Serafino finally decides to come back to the mountains by his sheep.
