Gil Cagnè

Special TG3 by Giorgio Chiecchi of 8 May 1980.

The inhabitants of the distant planet Gemini send to Rome the extraterrestrial Bix. His task is to transport twelve Earths to the planet so that we can find out if they are suitable for living there. Bix, who's distinguishable from humans only because he has a green face, also has supernatural powers that allow him to repair damages. On the eve of the departure for Gemini, a trap is set for him...


Four episodes. A pilot is ready to change sex, but the doctor made an error. A woman is searching a partner for a dance contest. A worker seduce his boss wife. A guard is too much proactive and this will cause many troubles.


Deathly ill Count Dracula and his slimy underling, Anton, travel to Italy in search of a virgin's blood. They're welcomed at the crumbling estate of indebted Marchese Di Fiore, who's desperate to marry off his daughters to rich suitors. But there, instead of pure women, the count encounters incestuous lesbians with vile blood and Marxist manservant Mario, who's suspicious of the aristocratic Dracula.
