Gilbert Pratt

The stooges make a whole batch of homemade beer, but get tossed in jail when Curly sells some to a cop. Their minor indiscretion turns into a forty year sentence when a keg of beer Curly has hidden under his coat explodes while the boys are being photographed. In prison the stooges get into more trouble with the warden and wind on the rockpile when they try to escape. Released as old men with long gray beards, the first thing Curly wants is a bottle of beer.


Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.


Matronly great aunt Emily went off to Africa and left behind her wanna be snobbish family. Ten years later, upon her death, the greedy family members awaits the reading of the will. Ready to celebrate their fortunes the family gathers the evening before with a big party. A great assortment of characters, comic ones, are all expecting to get their share of the inheritance.


In their first comedy two-reeler of 1932, vivacious Thelma Todd and fluttery ZaSu Pitts learn that the royal seal of a foreign country has been stolen and promptly set out to catch it -- a sea lion.


It's in three distinct segments. The first and probably best involves Charley, his girlfriend, and her father foolish her mother and the suitor she prefers into getting Charley into the house for dinner. In the later two segments, in which Charley must get married within minutes to get a job, and then tries to go on a picnic with his new family, are both also packed with laughs and timed with an almost musical brilliance.


Anita and Marion realize that an abandoned baby they sneaked into an orphanage was kidnapped from a millionaire. For the reward, they proceed to break into the institution at night, dressed as men to beat curfew, to get the kid out again. This film survives only in very fragmentary form.


After many outrageous moments, a young girl marries her former acquaintance, not with her fiancee.

After being dismissed for imitating his boss's voice on radio, former Assistant District Attorney Richard Deming witnesses a store robbery and is taken captive by the criminals. Suspected of the crime, he is sought by the police, but his sweetheart, Marie, convinced of his innocence, enlists the help of two friends, a newspaper reporter and a half-witted detective. Hoping to win the girl's favor, the two go to the gangsters' hideout, encounter a violent gang war, and accidently set off a case of police tear bombs. The police, summoned by Marie, arrive just in time to save the kidnaped attorney.


This is translated from a 'Cine-club' catalog Ufoleis (France) 1973-1974. The Three Fatty (A ton of fun) are salesmen in a grocery. Everyone will finish drinking the cider in the flooded cellar.


A Ton of Fun slapstick comedy short directed by Gilbert Pratt.

"Ton of Fun" comedy short.

While somewhat happily married, Walter Moore's eyes do stray from time to time, especially when Tessie McNab is within his eye-sight range. But while trying to just be helpful to a damsel-in-distress, Walter's jealous wife suspects there may be some hanky-panky involved.


Hayfoot, Strawfoot? is a silent comedy short.

Here it's Andy Clyde in a long beard as Raymond McKee's rich uncle Dan. He quickly becomes entangled with Carmelita Geraghty, the vamp next door, and her conniving brother Bud Jamison.


Ton of Fun in a wild World War 1 slapstick comedy!


A pretty harem girl is rescued by a U. S. Navy officer. Whilst fleeing from the guards the girl takes refuge in the rooms of the notorious Rodney St. Clair, an erring Knight, who is proud of his long list of feminine conquests. But the Navy officer again comes to her rescue, and Sir Rodney is left to marry the harem's fattest woman after she puts a love potion in his drink.


James Parrott joins every lodge in town to get in good with people as he tries to sell his fire extinguishers.


At the Second Annual Athletic Meet, "The Fat Men's Race" is open to anybody ~ under a ton and a half... The entries are 'Hippo' (Loback) and 'Rhino' (Parrott) who get on the scales to be weighed. Rhino is assisted by extra padding and a third leg supplied by Wallace Howe on the scales in an attempt to boost his weight. The judge spots his attempts to cheat and orders Rhino to carry extra weight in order to qualify for the race so he is stuffed with filled sacks.


Process server Neal Burns raids a hospital to bring a reluctant doctor to trial.

A 1924 Jack Duffy comedy. Jean manages to be expelled from college to be able to go to Europe with her grandfather. When he learns about that, grandpa disinherits Jean and starts looking for a grandson to replace her. Jean dresses as a boy, Oswald. Grandpa then tries to marry Oswald and test his new grandson’s strength.

Rhubarb Vaselino lives in a small village, when he and his friend, Sapo, enter a bullfighting contest, Sapo dies, but Rhubarb kills three bulls and becomes a local hero earning money. Two years later, he is living in Madrid as a national hero , when he becomes involved with Filet de Sol, and his lover finds out, he must fight the most deadliest in Spain, in the last bull fight of the season.


Laurel was cast as Humpty Dumpty in this film because he did pathetic things like untidying an office. Clearly, he is displaying genius at this early stage in his career, and just needed Hardy as his Nemesis, and sound to immortalize his screen persona.


Jimmie Adams and Sid Smith comedy produced by Jack White and distributed by Educational.

Trouble is stirred up at a munitions factory by a Walking Delegate.

Movie comedy with Earl Montgomery and Joe Rock.

Wanted – $5,000 is a 1919 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels.

Lloyd and Pollard help a young girl out of the water but they are then chased by a shrew. On a bicycle built for two, Lloyd lazes about on the back while Pollard sweats from all of his effort. Thieves escape by car but it breaks down. Lloyd and Pollard help them start up again but the thieves steal the tandem bicycle, leaving the car in the hands of the heros.


Our newlywed hero is about to embark on his honeymoon when he realizes that he has lost the train tickets. In a mad scramble to find them, his bride is led to believe that she has been deserted.


At a masquerade ball, our hero, in a tramp costume, is arrested when they think he is a real hobo. In the meantime, an actual hobo, at the party, is treated like a guest.

Con artists Harold and Snub attempt to outwit phony psychic Miss Goulash and her "professor" father.


A short film starring Harold Lloyd.


Bebe is surrounded by suitors, but her father wants her to marry Professor M. T. Noodle. Harold makes his move by impersonating the professor.


Roomers in a boarding house break the rules and are caught cooking if their room. A frantic run-in with the landlady ensues.

A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

Bees in His Bonnet is a 1918 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd. It is presumed to be lost.

The Lamb is a 1918 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd. It is believed to be lost.

Our hero gets a job at a hotel in the country and proceeds to introduce some changes, installing gadgets and time-saving devices.


Hear 'Em Rave is a 1918 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.


A short film starring Harold Lloyd.

An Englishman and his valet have adventures in the American West.

In pre-historic times (dream sequence), our hero, in a loin cloth, battles other cavemen over the opposite sex.


Our hero is a police officer who gets involved in a crap game, flirting with a nurse and other amusements.


A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.


A short film starring Harold Lloyd.


Luke operates a sanatarium, which he has naturally staffed with a bevy of attractive nurses.

Luke is an inept detective who follows the wrong man to a seaside hotel.

Lonesome Luke, Plumber is a 1917 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.

While on the job, delivering a message, Luke finds himself in a girl's seminary.


Luke, running a chili parlor, inherits a million dollars and joins high society.

An Englishman and his valet tour the American West.

Nell Saunders is the daughter of an innkeeper in a college town. She is loved by Glen Dale, the quarterback of the college team, and also Pierson, the fullback.