Gilberto Gazcón

The misunderstanding between two people; lack of consideration in marriage; the false image that the children of the parents have; the easy door; the quick fix. It does not matter to debase, it does not matter to stain. A family watching at the apex of violence.

Two women meet by accident and discover that they both have 10 year+ relationships with the same man. Also, unrelated subplots involving other women.


Trucker accepts an assignment to haul an extremely dangerous load of explosives from Tijuana to Mexico City.


Two bozo construction workers discover a cache of 19th century gold coins while demolishing a building.


An abandoned child steals to survive and has problems when he decides to steal from the priest who helps him.


A man is murdered. His father tracks the killer, hoping to get revenge before the police capture him. What happened to cause his son's death is gradually revealed.


Footloose roving-gambler type marries a young woman against her father's wishes; she assimilates herself to his rootless, random lifestyle, but her family is working to track them down. Eventually, he decides to settle down and lead a more responsible life, home-and-family style... and then...

Wanted to fly to the sky ...And one day he got it When a child dares to steal the keys to the orphanage, guarded by a soldier, is exposed to too many dangers. This is the story of that child, freeing his birds, he demanded to life and men, their own freedom. '


Disenfranchised drifter finds a home, working on a young orphan woman's ranch.


Near the end of a very long engagement, two lovers break away from each other to cut loose and have one crazy weekend before their wedding.


Priest suffers a head injury, develops amnesia, ends up in a hippie commune.


Know what this is about?


Traveling salesman's amoral/sometimes criminal behavior catches up with him after he settles in at his brother's vinyard.

Man accused of murder, and the dead man's daughter, try to find proof of the real murderer's identity.


Three parallel romances among young people working in a steel mill.


Small-town doctor bitten by rabid dog, races the clock to get to the city and receive treatment.


Bastard son kidnaps legitimate heir in attempt to suborn their father's estate... but a surrogate comes forward to impersonate the real heir while the other problem getss resolved.

Zorroesque adventure pitting two swordsmen against a newly-appointed governor who wastes no time in displaying his despotic tendencies. Sequel to En El Viejo California.

Romanticized, glamored-up neorealism, life in a squatter's-rights shantytown.


Troubled young man meets his father for the first time.


All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...


Young woman manipulates all three of the men of the hacienda, planning to marry the father and play with one or both of the young ones.


One-armed man tracks the people who killed his father.


Two construction workers discover a stash of gold coins hidden in the walls of a building they're demolishing.


Three childhood friends are reunited after twenty years to receive an inheritance.


A comic movie that involves a guy who sees a kid in his house who escaped from his wealthy grandfather's mansion.


Family in crisis: the American Dream collapses for four members of a Mexican family in Texas, all at the same time.

Law officer tracks and recaptures escaped convict.


Four young women facing "crises," mostly centered around the crucially-important issue of preserving their virginity in a variety of purity-oath threatening situations.


Gambler faces comical mishaps trying to pay off a poker debt.

Undefeated boxing champion for 15 years faces retirement. One final bout...


Spoiled rich girl has massive temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way; a business associate kidnaps her to his private island to teach her a lesson and also tempestuous tropical love connections.


Father and adult sons give help to an orphaned teenage girl.

After breaking out of jail, a group of convicts finds a ghost town they can take possession of. They send word out along the grapevine that criminals and marginal people can make a home there... and as the population grows, their self-policing efforts turn the whole town into a model community.


Two brothers and their pops end up helping out an orphaned young woman who wants revenge against her father's murderer.