Gilberto González

Farmhand and plantation-owner's daughter fall in love, but class differences and stuff.

Self-righteous young Social Services woman puts all her faith in the institutional answers to questions of the Public Good, and she destroys a couple of lives in the process.


Concert pianist unjustly convicted of espionage. On release, he hooks up with a terminally-ill ballerina.


Newlywed couple move from small town to Mexico City. Their first night in the city, they get separated by accident, and it takes them 90 minutes and lots of incidents before they find each other again.


Two brothers: one's a cop, one's a gangster.


Law enforcement vs. outlaw gang.


Cantinflas is a clumsy fireman, who one day receives the visit of his little goddaughter, whose mother recently died in the jungle. After having work in a few fires, Cantinflas decided to quit and become a policeman, because is less dangerous. Everything goes well until a gang of gangsters kidnap the girl, because of a monetary inheritance.


In the lobby of the hospital of the City of Mexico, Dr. Alberto Robles receives a letter from his friend Juan the priest of Santa Cruz. In the text, the priest tells him that they both lived before his departure, and the reason why Alberto decided to leave the town where he struggled against gullibility and ignorance of the people towards their science and against David, chieftain who abused his power by invading land, such as a farmer Roque Suazo, who leaves the town after the death of his mother for being staffed by a healer instead of a doctor. Later, Roque returns to fight their land and falls in love with Soledad, a peasant who is in love with Alberto. Soledad pregnant from rape and dies during childbirth, so Alberto decides to go to the city.


Newlywed Oliverio receives disturbing news that his mother is on her deathbed. He travels to a remote part of Mexico to fetch a lawyer who can sort out her will. Leaving his wife behind, he embarks on a bus ride that’s interrupted by an increasingly absurd series of episodes, including an impromptu birthday celebration; a one-legged man writhing in the mud; come-ons from an insatiable small-town belle, Raquel; and Oliverio’s frequent, Freudian nightmares.


A sequel to "Un rincón cerca del cielo". Pedro Gonzalez first gets into trouble as part of a criminal gang and then works honourably to become rich. Money is his undoing allowing him to become a womanizer and drinker, almost losing his wife. Finally he rejoins her, they have a son and he pays for his mistakes.


Ruined alcoholic doctor escapes a tropical plague and begins a new life back in civilization, taking over the identity of a dead man.


Woman prostitutes herself to the man who murdered her fiance, to get evidence of his guilt and bring him to trial.


Career criminals vie for ownership of a disreputable waterfront dive and for the love of the cabaret-gal that sings there.


Small town girl moves to the big city. When she can't find a job, she starts hanging with a bad crowd.


Ranchera romance; two young lovers whose families are hostile to each other.

The playboy Roberto "El Suavecito" takes very comfortable working relationship with Lupita, despite his constant infidelities. One night in a ballroom, "El Suavecito" fight with the driver Carlos. After making peace, "El Suavecito" invites the betting parlor Carlos "El Nene", a dangerous gangster. There he commits a crime and Carlos is wrongly accused. Coward, "El Suavecito" sells his silence to "El Nene", but regrets not allow you to keep your promise for long.


Mother and daughter return to Mexico to escape the US Civil War... and get caught up in the conflict between the French army and the fighters for independence.


Two romantic rivals join the Mexican Revolution on opposing sides. The movie's more interested in the love triangle than in the war.


When her father dies, a young Afro-Mexican woman joins the Revolution, the way he was planning to do, and becomes the leader of a Zapatista battalion.


It's 1913, and noble Mexican General Pancho Villa leads his troops against the assassins of President Madero.


Three generations of a stable, middle-class family in the capitol are scattered to the four winds by blowback from the Mexican Revolution.


Two old friends get hinky with each other over the deed to a tract of land, and their children's engagement gets broken over it.


Night shift at police headquarters; criminals and victims of all sorts pass through to get their cases sorted out.


Emilio Fernandez directs Dolores Del Rio and Pedro Armendariz in a classic tale of family and obsession. Raimunda's daughter Acacia hates her stepfather Esteban, and in order to escape her suffocating home life she's accepted a marriage proposal from a man she doesn't even love. But Esteban has become obsessed with Acacia, and in order to ensure that she doesn't leave he's plotting to murder the girl's unsuspecting fiancée. As Esteban's true nature emerges, mother and daughter must band together to support one another and make sure that their family bond remains strong even in the darkest of times.


Three soldiers desert the Revolution to put a plan into action to reclaim the estate that was usurped from one of them. Plan involves kidnapping the usurper's daughter...

Something's rotten in the state of Puebla.

Two military goons slaughter a young man's parents and siblings. A few years later, the same guys rape and murder his wife, then use their young son for target practice. Enough is enough.

Wholesome young man falls hard for a woman who's identified as a luxury commodity; gangster/pimp guy in her orbit convinces the nice boy to do crimes so he'll have enough money to move in her circle.

Outsider comes to visit a remote village as a representative of an oil company. Once there, he discovers that the man who owns the land he's interested in has a daughter who's identical to a bad, troubled woman from his bad, troubled past.


Labor disputes and love triangles among coastal-village fishermen.


Romantic triangle during the Mexican Revolution.


Mexican Revolution: rich man's son kills somebody over a woman, runs off to the war, goes home afterwards. Many complications, much melodrama.


A poor Mexican diver discovers a valuable pearl in the ocean, but it brings his family only trouble


Dark romantic melodrama, played out with high-stakes card games and cockfights.


A 1946 film.


College-educated emigre has to get macho when he returns home to the Venezuelan outback.


Two adventurers visit a small coastal village in 1850 in hopes of getting access to a shipwreck that took place 100 years earlier. Also, local girlfriends.


City slicker scams on young farmgirl while her fiance's in USA on a work permit.


Venice Film Festival 1947


Theatrical troupe schemes to expose corrupt dealings in local government.


Lone Ranger style heroic adventure, number two in a four-movie series.


Proud old family's hacienda is falling into decay, and the oldest son has to come back from college to set things aright... or does he have other plans?

A 1940 film directed by Manuel R. Ojeda,

A 1940 film directed by Robert Quigley.

A 1940 film directed by Enrique Herrera.

Hilaria's engaged to be married, but her fiance may never come back from Texas. Meanwhile, two local guys are interested in her...


Young woman's father, with the help of the boyfriend he prefers for her, spreads a rumor that the guy she likes better was already married.

Mexican Revolution: a small squadron of insurgents are chosen to trek to US border and pick up an arms shipment.


Beautiful peasant girl runs afoul of her landlord's horny son and he poisons the well between her and her fiance, so she runs away and joins the Revolution.

First all Mexican sound film. Story is based on the ancient customs and legends of the fisherfolk as they come into conflict with the exploitation of agents sent by "big business" from the cities.
