Gillian Freeman

Frances Austen, whose well-appointed apartment overlooks a park in Vancouver, one cold day, observes a rain-soaked young man on a park bench whom she assumes is homeless. Hoping to repress her loneliness, Frances invites ‘the boy’ inside her home to get warm and ends up encouraging him to stay. The young man accepts her every hospitality—food, clothes, profuse conversation, and a room of his own. Little does she realize that her guest is not the person he appears to be. Nor, for that matter, is Frances the woman that she appears to be.


Newly-married Rebecca leaves her husband's Alsatian bed on her prized motorbike - symbol of freedom and escape - to visit her lover in Heidelberg. En route she indulges in psychedelic reveries as she relives her changing relationship with the two men.


Young, rebellious Englishwoman Dot escapes her dull family life by impulsively marrying bike mechanic Reggie. Their union, however, begins falling apart almost immediately, particularly after Reggie meets handsome young mod Pete.
