Gino Cervi

Italian nunsploitation movie from 1973

Valeria (Piccolo) and Gianni (Baldini) are students and soon begin a love affair. When she becomes pregnant, they have to face the decision to have the child or an abortion.


Maigret is about to leave for the holidays but a colleague asks him for help in investigating the mysterious murder of a stripper and a noblewoman, both of which took place in Pigalle.


The village of mayor Peppone and Don Camillo, after much dispute, gets assigned a sister village in Russia. When Peppone and his comrades decide to attend the ceremony on the other side of the iron curtain, Don Camillo wants to join. Peppone is strictly against this but after Don Camillo threatens him to disclose information about an earlier side step the mayor agrees. Don Camillo arranges for false papers: He is now comrade Tarocci. Only Peppone and the other villagers know who he really is. In Russia the agenda includes various cultural events: Ballet, Opera, a fishing competition and various parties...


King Henry II of England has trouble with the Church. When the Archbishop of Canterbury dies, he has a brilliant idea. Rather than appoint another pious cleric loyal to Rome and the Church, he will appoint his old drinking and wenching buddy, Thomas Becket, technically a deacon of the church, to the post. Unfortunately, Becket takes the job seriously and provides abler opposition to Henry.


Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.


The Shortest Day is a 1962 Italian comedy film. It is a parody of the war movie The Longest Day and stars the popular duo Ciccio Ingrassia and Franco Franchi in the leading roles. Dozens of many other well-known actors accepted to appear in the movie in cameo roles for free, to avert the bankruptcy of the production company Titanus.


Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.


Two young men in a village in Sicily raping a girl. In the end, two skilled lawyers will succeed in getting them to complete the trial, but one, who in the meantime has fallen in love with the victim.


The incognito visit of a fascist hierarc in a tiny country town shakes deeply the ruling class and their lack of integrity.


Husband try to kill his wife with a help of the plan he saw in a film. But reality is not a film.


Don Camillo is now a bishop, Peppone is now a senator, but their rivalry is as fierce as when they were just a village priest, and a village administrator. Don Camillo learns that Peppone is about to promote the building of a communal house on the place of an old, derelict church, and that spurns the old flame. They descend from Rome onto quiet Brescello, and they will agitate their faithful hosts, christians against communists, using all devious ways. Even Christ makes a cameo appearance, when things are going a trifle too far.


A cinematographic account of the reprisal ordered by the ruthless Austrian colonel Kappler in 1944 in Rome. In Via Rasella (Rasella Street) ten Italian civilians were sentenced to death for each German soldier killed in a partisan attempt.


Ulisse is a naive young man out looking for a job after being released from the army. He drops the offer he gets from a group of fascists to go in with the Fossatis, a family of anarchists (unknown to him).


Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.


A rich man's daughter (Rhonda Fleming) sides with a Christian rebel during the fall of the Roman Empire.


In the midst of World War II, the story of the affair of a young woman, married to a man bound to a wheelchair, with a desertor from the Italian army, intertwines with that of the grab of power of a very fanatical local fascist leader, who gets the hold with a massacre of Pacific opposers, among them, the father of the young desertor. Oppresive fog covers both dramas, as a reminder of how values such as courage, love and truth are fading.


Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.


In Paris, scoundrel mates Paolo and Antoine Venturen hope to get rich quick by asking ransom fro rich Mr. Jumelin's preteen son Eric. Masquerading as Indians, the scamp's favorite game, does the trick. They soon learn such bratty rascal is more trouble then he's worth. The boy's a P.I. instead of paying, and it gets worse.


Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.


Zenobia, Queen of Palmira, revolts against Rome and defeats the Roman troops, but she makes a big mistake when she falls in love with enemy officer Marco Valerio.


Maria and Paul love them, but they are very young and, moreover, Maria is the daughter of the municipal sweeper while Paul is the lawyer Bonelli, vice mayor and head of the opposition. To complicate the story there is the reconstruction of a hermitage destroyed during the war. Reconstruction would take the view of the Paseroni villa, big industrial and political traffic. Bonelli's lawyer, a great speaker, becomes a mayor for the death of his predecessor and is bought by Paseroni, while rejecting the love of Paul and Mary for social differences and why Paul should stay behind Doddy Paseroni. At this point, Paul and Mary flee to kill, just as Bonelli has to hold a talk on the radio for the inauguration of Paseroni's villa ...


A historical fiction based on the lives of artist Goya and the Duchess of Alba


The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...


Omar Sultan's army has been defeated. However, Prince Said, son of the Sultan died, encourages people to form an army and fight again to Ibrahim. The town gets excited and running quickly, while crossing the desert, they encounter the enemy caravans and raid without knowing that one of them is Fatima, daughter of Ibrahim, who poses as a singer of the harem. Said, dazzled by the beauty of the girl, released. But soon after, Fatima, who also doesn´t know the origin of the robber, sees him again, and among them born a strong attraction.


An American police detective's investigation into a series of murders leads him to drug smugglers in North Africa.


The beautiful Beatrice Cenci, daughter of the noble Francesco, falls in love with Olimpio. But she has to face the jealousy of his violent and morbid father, and the hostility of his stepmother Lucrezia, who has a relationship with her other stepson, James. The stepmother and stepson-lover plan to kill Francesco. And when the latter dies accidentally, they decide to put the blame on Beatrice and Olimpio.


Peppone, hardened mayor in Brescello, the small village on the Po river, aspires to become senator. Neither before or after WWII, where he fought against the Germans and fascists, he never went seriously to school, so he needs (at least) a diploma. Believe it or not, don Camillo helps Peppone to pass the examination (with the forecast of moving to Rome) prompting him the solution of geometry's problem. As implicit reward, Peppone writes a composition about "A man I'll never forget": obviously don Camillo, when Peppone was a resistant in WWII, and don Camillo the young military chaplain. Getting the diploma was the first step. The election campaign just started and the two big parties - Christian-democratic and Communist, forgetful of respective favors, settle down an electoral "war of the words", mean tricks (culminating with the famous horny Peppone/Lucifer) and easy propaganda.


A story of the love of Frou-Frou - an actress and singer in the in the beginning of her career.


Despite of (or perhaps because of ) its sparse production values and unpretentiousness, the Italian Gli Innamorati was feted at the 1956 Cannes Film Festival. The bulk of the story takes place in a single Roman neighborhood. In the manner of the 1925 German classic A Joyless Street, director Mauro Bolognini studies the hopes, dreams, successes and failures of the neighborhood's various and sundry denizens. No one subplot dominates the proceedings, though a bit of extra time is afforded the story of a fickle seamstress and her seemingly meek-and-mild boyfriend. The cast is dotted with such reassuringly familiar faces as Nino Manfredi and Gino Cervi. Released in the US as Wild Love, Gli Innamorati was instrumental in bringing international fame to director Bolognini, whose career soon shifted into high drive.


The story takes plays during the annual Good Friday pageant in a tiny Italian village. Local priest Don Vincenzo faces a crisis when the girl selected to play the Virgin Mary shows up pregnant.


The adventures of Count Angelo de Marchis as he tries to reach his besieged allies in Rome with much needed funds from England. Can he evade the pursuing "Contessa Sara Mondini" and her Milanese henchmen?

Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.


Una donna libera (internationally released as A Free Woman) is a 1954 Italian drama film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi. In 2008 the film was selected to enter the list of the 100 Italian films to be saved.


Vittorio De Sica's original 89-minute "Terminal Station" was released in Europe in April 1953 as "Stazione Termini," the Italian title of Cesare Zavattini's story. Producer David O. Selznick later recut the film down to 64 minutes, dramatically altering characterization by removing establishing shots and neorealist touches. Columbia Pictures released his shortened and re-edited version in May 1954 as "Indiscretion of an American Wife." In 1983, the picture was restored to its original length and shown for the first time in the U.S. at that length.


By a twist of fate, the photogenic Milanese shop assistant, Clara Manni, gets the leading role in Italian movie producer Gianni Franchi's romantic drama, "Addio Signora", and becomes an overnight sensation in Rome. However--as this small role catapults her professional career as a silver-screen diva--more and more, Clara finds herself trapped in a glamorously cruel world of false promises, failed relationships, and disastrous choices. Now, a betrayed, weak, and, above all, insecure Clara has her back to the wall, forced to make a difficult but pivotal decision in her life. Is there a future in the commercial film industry for the beautiful Lady without Camelias?


Alexandre Dumas's classic tale is one of the most filmed epic adventures...


After his battles with the communist mayor Peppone, Don Camillo is sent in exile by his bishop in a remote village. Peppone thought he got the village in his hands. But when the municipality decide to build a dike against the periodic floods, the proprietor of the land refuses. War between the village clans is about to begin. Maybe only the strong hand of the priest could persuade the landlord to change his mind. Will Peppone passed over his pride and send for his enemy?


While on vacation in Rome, married American Mary Forbes becomes entangled in an affair with an Italian man, Giovanni Doria. As she prepares to leave Italy, Giovanni confesses his love for her; he doesn't want her to go. Together they wander the railroad station where Mary is to take the train to Paris, then ultimately reunite with her husband and daughter in Philadelphia. Will she throw away her old life for this passionate new romance?


Ruggero Pascoli, the father of poet Giovanni Pascoli, is killed by a corrupt officer. His body is brought back home by a mare that will, several years later, reveal the one responsible for the murder.

In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.


While recuperating from their injuries in a hospital, three young women flash back to the events leading up to the catastrophe. Remata (Lia Amando) has spent her entire life trying to overcome a childhood rape. Annamaria (Antonella Lualdi) has recently come out of an unfortunate marriage to a wealthy but insensitive boor. And Gianna (Eleanore Rossi Drago), the daughter of a college professor, has ruined her life with narcotics.


A poor musician hires a courtesan to pose as his wife so he can "give" her to a wealthy count in return for patronage.


The Queen of Sheba falls in love with the King of Israel. The King of Israel, however, is in love with someone else.


Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...


The Forbidden Christ combines a revenge tale with a postwar reenactment of the first four books of the New Testament. Freshly released from a Russian POW camp, Italian soldier Raf Vallone tries to discover who betrayed his brother to the Nazis. Alain Cuny is an enigmatic carpenter who has confessed to causing the brother's death. Cuny is slain by Vallone, whereupon it is revealed that the carpenter sacrificed himself on behalf of the real culprit, Phillipe Lemaire. Vallone catches up with Lemaire, but is unable to kill him, thanks to the Christlike example of Cuny. Originally titled Il Cristo Proibito, this film represented the movie directorial debut of novelist Curzio Malaparte, who also wrote the musical score.


Paola (Lucia Bose) is the beautiful and jealously-guarded younger wife of a shady factory owner, Enrico Fontana (Massimo Girotti). In order to investigate her romantic history he hires a private detective, which ironically brings Paola back into contact with former lover Guido, with whom she resurrects a lost passion. Dogged by the suspicions of their respective mates, they are drawn closer to each other in the face of adversity, and begin to plot Enrico's demise. But when the challenge of being together falls away, will the passion start to wane? A masterpiece of intensity and finely-wrought emotion.


Women Without Names (Italian:Donne senza nome) is 1950 Italian drama film directed by Géza von Radványi and starring Simone Simon, Vivi Gioi and Françoise Rosay.[1] It is set in a displaced persons camp after the Second World War. It was made at Cinecittà in Rome.


On his way to his own wedding, a young man saves a woman who attempted suicide by jumping into a river and falls for her.


Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.


Valjean's new life as a man of position and respect is forever threatened by dogged detective Javert.


Second part of the adapation of Hugo's novel "Les misérables".


An Italian documentary from filmmakers Enrico Gras and Luciano Emmer.


This is a documentary film on the romantic and decadent atmosphere of Venice at the end of the 18th century. A vigorous comment by Jean Cocteau tells us of the sick souls and the sorrows of literary characters and musicians who lived the dream of this city. It is the Venice of Lord Byron, Alfred de Musset, George Sand, d'Annunzio; a Venice made of precious images, palaces reflected in the water, mysterious moonlights, little squares where unhappy lovers wander under the music of Richard Wagner.


The film follows the struggles of an idealistic Catholic politician.

A mob boss seeks refuge from the police at the home of an ordinary family.

Drama directed by Riccardo Freda.


A man comes home from the war and finds both his plant and his family destroyed.


The ordinary life of the prudent employee Mr. Travet accelerates as he and her wife meet his new chief.


Elena invites her former husband Roberto to her country house with the aim of winning him back while her sister Monica invites her lover Filippo.


Emma, who is married to lawyer Giulio Scarli, is secretly in love with Fabrizio Arcieri, who works with her husband.


A family man travelling for work, Paolo Bianchi, meets on a train a lonely girl, Maria. He sees her again on a bus and she reveals him that she's in troubles: she's pregnant, her baby's father has left her and she doesn't know how to tell to her parents that she's not married. She asks Paolo to play the role of her husband and he accepts....


In the kingdom of Kindaor, traitor Sedesmondo kills his brother, the King of Kindaor, and becomes the tyrant of kingdom. He abandons the prince Arminio to beasts in the woods, but lions don't kill him and breed him as one of them.


An adaptation of the 1827 novel The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni, considered the greatest Italian novel of the 19th century.


The life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Directed by Mario Camerini.


Seduced and abandonned by her fiance, Maria Ferrante leaves home to avoid any scandal. She is trying to find work and place to stay but one misfortune after another comes into her life Venice Film Festival 1940


Everything unfolds in Naples seventeenth century, when a mysterious masked swordsman who calls Salvador Rossa becomes champion of the needy and lonely struggle against the cruel tyrant that frightens the country.


A ferryman assists a woman who had a car accident and falls in love with her. When she leaves suddenly, he sets out to find her.

Bebe, a handsome and rich young man, is getting engaged with Letizia, a young heir to a noble family.

Attempting to cover the fault of one of his subordinates, an officer of the Napoleonic army is condemned to death for treason.


Pushed by his mother Agrippina, Neron seized power at the expense of Britannicus. His poetry makes him commit numerous crimes. He will die stabbed after having killed his wife, his mother, his advisers, his wife's lovers, and an incredible number of Christians ...