Gino Milli

Gothic and erotic mystery about a young man called Marco, who goes to stay with his strange uncle, whose wife (Marco's beautiful aunt) died some time ago. His uncle's sister-in-law is the only other person living there. Marco spies on rituals of self-gratification performed every night by a red-headed woman who looks just like his dead aunt! Marco begins to wonder if the woman is actually the sister-in-law made up to look like her dead sister, or the dead aunt haunting the place


Three thugs commandeer a couple of cars on a moving train and spread terror among the passengers.


A story of a modern day neo-Nazi youth gang that meets in a place decorated with swastikas and a poster of the "Führer". The members of this gang are all bored teenagers from rich families. One of the gang prefers playing pin pall to getting a girlfriend, because playing pin ball literally gets him off. The leader of the gang indulges in violent sexual fantasies, which ultimately leads to rape and murder. This inspires a teen gang from the streets, whose members are poor kids from the ghetto.


An air hostess gets involved in Naples, against her will, in the in-fighting amongst rival gangs.


A young man comes back to his provincial home town to visit his dying uncle who is being attended to by a night nurse and novice nun. Before long, the young man develops a deep longing for the young, beautiful nun.


Vincenzo is hired by mobster Salvatore and moves to Turin with his sister Annunziata. After witnessing a mafia hit, he is sent to France. On his return he discovers that his sister is no longer working but is instead performing as a stripper in a nightclub...

A lowly bank clerk, literally allergic to money and revolted by its nefarious influence on humanity, launches a campaign of harassment against a wealthy butcher, stealing small, insignificant items— but never money—from the man. The victim uses the thefts to make large and fraudulent insurance claims, refusing to finger the thief for fear his own financial improprieties might be exposed.


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The three daughters of Madonna Violante: Nanna, Concetta Fiorenza and have only one thought, to have a good time as much as possible with men. Learning that one of the peasants of the family, Torello, is powerful, attractive, and very handsome, Concetta he brings it into the house. Meanwhile Fiorenza, believing her husband to be out of town for penance, enjoys the favors of a friar.


Italian sex comedy version of Arabian Nights
