Giorgia Moll

The incorruptible judge Annibale Salvemini, starts investigating over a classic Italian business/politics/corruption affair. He start to operate, as usual, very strongly. He orders numberless arrests. But the reaction of counterparts won't take long. In fact his strong energetic manners, drive him unintentionally on the opposite situation. Who is the real guilty the judge or the corrupted Italian society?


An American commando officer, in search of his father's killers, becomes part of a plot to capture a trainload of gold bullion destined to finance the Nazi cause. What begins as mission impossible explodes into a battle to rock the Balkans.


Nina, a gorgeous blonde communist, attracts the attention of two wealthy bon vivants. Prince Solomon and Jack attempt to impress the young woman and win out over their rival, surrounded by the stunning scenery of Greece.


A man witnesses a suicide and starts imagining that it was a murder committed by himself.


Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.


As an Iranian prince is killed just before signing a deal giving mining rights to an uranium mine to the USA the CIA, fearing that the same will happen to his heiress, princess Sania, tasks agent Tom Dollar with the mission of discovering who's behind it.


A CIA man poses an actor as the husband of an amnesiac, all for Chinese missile data and a jewel.


An hour-long discussion between Fritz Lang and Jean-Luc Godard in which they discuss a variety of art forms, the role of the cinema, their collaboration together, and much more. (Filmed in 1964 but released for TV in 1967.)


Two devils from Hell are sent to Earth to cause trouble. Belfagor and his faithful sidekick Adramalek must start a war between Rome and Florence in 1478.


The last of Sergio Sollima's three Eurospy movies about an US agent who battles a spy network.


An American woman in Italy falls in love with a man, unaware that he has an insane wife hidden in the attic ...


A drama directed by José Bénazéraf.


A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang (as himself) to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.


Con artist Steve Blair persuades Tony Dallas, a Manhattan gangster, to finance a movie about Adam and Eve by offering the female lead to Tony's stripper girl friend, Cha Cha Miller. The film is such a disaster, however, that Steve and his writer, Paul Ferris, decide to escape on a freighter to Greece. En route, Steve learns that the island of Paradeisos has lost its tourist trade because it has no apparent historical or mythological heritage. Intrigued, he hits upon the scheme of turning Paradeisos into a legendary island of love and taking a cut from all commercial enterprises. After planting Greek antiquities in the waters surrounding the island, Steve induces Paul to "recover" them, thus causing the tourist trade to increase.


Historical film, telling the story of Turkish Sultan Suleiman's attempts to conquer Vienna. The advance of his army was checked on Yugoslav territory.


When Karim impersonates a prince Osman, he steals the heart of Amina the Sultans daughter. The real prince intends to get Amina back by giving her a love potion. But his plan backfires and Amina becomes deathly ill. Karim must make it through 7 doors to retrieve the only thing that can save his love-a mystical blue rose. A timeless, enchanting story!


An Italian adventure film starring Roger Moore as Romulus in the early days of Rome. His city of thieves is populated entirely by men, and so Romulus is convinced to find some ladies. After finding some in Sabinia, he proceeds to take them to his city and engage them to his men. The Sabines declare war and battle ensues.


A German "Schlager-Film" (a musical comedy with popular songs) with Giorgia Moll in the title role.


In Spain, during the Napoleonic rule, the French Governor of Andalusia is besieged by the locals who have countless demands and wishes.


A prostitute is robbed and murdered. A fourteen-year-old girl (Laura Vivaldi) sees a suave gigolo come out of the hotel where the murder occurred. She has a schoolgirl crush on the handsome man though, so instead of reporting the crime she befriends him.


The story of Hadji Murad, a 19th-century Chechen chieftain who led his warriors in a fight against the invading forces of the Russian Czar.


Various short stories. Giovanna arrives from Rome with her husband Alberto for a film audition. The journalist Gino comes to interview the great industrial Signore Carsoli. The famous American actress Rita is in search of her umpteenth husband. Leopoldo and Angelina from Sicily are on vacation in Rome where they meet the street smart Nicola.


Cynical British journalist Fowler falls in love with a young Vietnamese woman, but is dismayed when a naĂ¯ve U.S. official also begins vying for the girl’s attention. In retaliation, Fowler informs the communists that the American is selling arms to their enemy.


Federico, Bruno, Pirro and Benny are married. The first three have beautiful wifes, Benny instead is married to a ugly woman. Ornella is Bruno's wife, she is very jealous and maintains that all men are deceitful, granted the opportunity, while Claudine, Federico's wife, maintains the contrary point of view. So they bet that Tosca, a former dancer, will succeed in seducing Federico.


In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.


Nero is on holiday at the seaside. Poppea, Seneca and many other guests are with him. Nero is preparing a great show where he will be the star. When Agrippina, his mother, arrives with her German praetorians and decides Nero has to conquer Britain, she is asking for trouble. Many attempts of murder and poisoning will happen on the eve of his great show.


A remake of a pre-war French film success, Club de femmes is a seriocomedy centralized in an all-female boarding house. Forced to band together because of a housing shortage, the film's heroines set up camp in a deserted structure, despite the tongue-cluckings of local busybodies and do-gooders. Complications ensue when a huge corporation announces plans to raze the building and erect a factory. Amazingly, the ladies are saved by the very company that wants to evict them.


Achilles, a Hulot-like factotum for an evening newspaper, travels around looking for a scoop in the Milan of the "economic miracle."


As part of a story, a reporter goes to meet Elisa, a young woman he met a few years ago on a trial on which she was finally exonerated.
