Giorgio Careccia

'Live or dead ... we'll bring it to you in 24 hours!' this is the slogan of a particular Milanese funeral agency, that organizes funerals throughout Italy with a low price. Marco, who works there, will therefore have to bring an old widow to bury her late husband in a small village in Molise, but the problems with the local populations will complicate everything.

Salvo was five when his father Vincenzo was arrested, practically before his eyes. Seven years later Salvo lives with his uncles and his cousin a controlled and peaceful existence in the Turin area, but his father returns and claims his son for four days. Vincenzo has to carry an important load to Bari and brings Salvo (nomen est omen) with him as insurance: a child is better than a gun, he says, because his presence in the event of a possible police detention can have a distracting effect . This however is not the only reason why Vincenzo wants Salvo with him, and the "Salv-atore" child will prove to be a potential vehicle of redemption for that messed up father, but not entirely devoid of feelings and attentions.


Set in Italy in the 1970s, VALLANZASCA is the true story of the Italian underworld’s most infamous outlaw. A criminal by age 9, Renato Vallanzasca grew up to become the country’s most notorious mobster before the age of 27. Vallanzasca and his gang wrested control of the Milan underworld with a string of high profile robberies, kidnappings and murders. In the process, he captivated the public and earned the nickname ‘il bel Renè’ – for his devilish charm and handsome face. Arrested multiple times, his daring escapes from prison enraged the government, angered his rivals and fed his legend.


Il film nasce dal Diario di Antonio Perrone, condannato per motivi di mafia a 49 anni di prigionia e detenuto in stato di isolamento. All'inizio degli anni Ottanta Antonio Perrone è il promettente primogenito di una benestante famiglia del sud Italia. Si innamora di una donna, Daniela, che diverrà sua moglie. Insieme sognano una vita all'insegna della conquista dei piaceri più evidenti che una società consumistica promette. Per raggiungerli si trasformano da giovani romantici in protagonisti del piccolo crimine di provincia, fatto di rapine e spaccio di droghe. Arriva un tempo in cui, per mantenere le proprie posizioni, occorre crescere e Antonio diverrà un esponente importante della mafia locale, denominata Sacra Corona Unita.


The Lebanese has a dream: to conquer the underworld of Rome. To carry out this feat without precedent he puts together a ruthless and highly organized gang. Their progress and changes in leadership take place over 25 years, from the 1970s into the 90s, and are inseparably intertwined with the dark history of modern Italy: terrorism, kidnappings and corruption at the highest levels of government.


While waiting for the brain surgery of his daughter Angela, victim of a motorcycle accident, the surgeon Timoteo recalls his torrid affair with and passion for Italia, a simple woman from slums in the periphery of the big city where he lives. The ghost of the beloved and sexual object of desire Italia chases him in his memories.


While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about his discovery, eventually spilling the beans to his closest friend. Michele's parents learn of his discovery and warn him to forget what he saw
