Giorgos Tzifos

When Tamtakos' house is brought down by the bulldozer a record company makes him a proposition for a new band.


Three short stories satirizing the Greece of “Change” in early 80's. A take-off on the police dramas of Giannis Maris; a satire of the films of the New Greek Cinema; and a satire of the “fustanella (Greek kilt)” films as well.


Odysseus and Giblas (Giorgos Pantzas and Stathis Psaltis) come to Athens, hoping to make their lives. They find a room and work at the Aristomenos factory (Grigoris Vafias). When the rumors about the attempted murder of his son Giorgos Pantzas organized the factory, Odysseus, who looks amazing, will take on the role of salvation to deceive the killers. Odysseus, without knowing what is happening, charismatically emphasizes his boss's son and gives benefits to the workers. Soon it is revealed that the very son of the factory was the one who spread the rumors and Odysseus, taking the part of the workers clean, destroying an agreement with Arab entrepreneurs, overcoming his superiors and finally resigning.


During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…


The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is a clown trying to conceal a young colleague’s subversive action. In Part Two, we see Thanasis suffer because of his honesty and kindness, in a country where the system’s irrationality is clearly evident.


A Naive man from the countryside, affected by the famous Italian cine star Lado Bouzanka and his ladiesman ways, travels to Athens in order to act in a similar way with women, after having sold all his land and ready to spend a lot. He stays with his cousin, a crazy deluded artist and his sexy models. His many attempts with every single girl he meets, are being interrupted by several incidents.


This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that they put on is entitled "Golfo the Shepherdess," the thespians end up echoing scenes from classic Greek tales in their own lives, as Elektra (Eva Kotamanidou) plots revenge on her mother (Aliki Georgouli) for the death of her father, and seeks help from her brother, Orestes (Petros Zarkadis), a young anti-fascist rebel.


Thanasis Zevedaios (Thanasis Vengos) has a shop with watches and running but not enough! Time and the clocks have become obsessed after running nonstop in an effort to nourish their relatives. The 'philosopher' brother dies and leaves another four mouths under his protection. The day is divided between the shop, his sister and his niece to marry, and his beloved, who works in a supermarket, while the economic situation and their obligations do not allow them to marry.


The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage and the government prevaricates over tactics so as not to alienate potential political allies.


The amateur singer, Magdalo, plucks up the courage to leave her small village in search of a well-paying job and has a chance encounter with the idealist classical musician, Fodas. Bent on taking back the familial plots from a money-grubbing loan-shark, Magdalo lands a job as a resident singer at a trendy nightclub, whereas, Fodas is having a hard time keeping himself afloat. Once more, after Magdalo's rapid rise to stardom, the two artists cross paths; however, they are too proud to admit their deeper feelings for each other. Will those two polar opposites bury the hatchet for love's sake?


Lambros Konstantaras performs a wealthy gossip that has never worked, and all he has to do is make fun and jokes to others. But when he suddenly finds himself in the street, he realizes that life is not just fun and is forced to look for a job. In the end, it turns out he had not lost his fortune as it was an idea his father had invented shortly before he died to be


Returning from a 3 year captivity in Vietnam, a kind chemist finds his wife married to his boss who has become rich due to his invention.


In this color comedy Thanasis trying for years to leave illegally for America to make his life because due to financial can not pay fares, but always something was wrong and left behind. His friend, Nikiforos, advises him to stay in Greece, to work and to look to find the namesake of Thanasis, who helps around the world.


Alekos falls in love with Sophie, daughter of tycoon Grigoriadis, and is presented as the son of industrialist Merntsesoli.


Years ago, Grigoris was forced to sell four velvet armchairs to the junk dealer. After the death of his aunt, he was informed that her entire legacy, which was a box of jewelry, was hidden in one of those four armchairs. In the meantime, the armchairs had been sold to other people, and so a desperate quest for the right armchair begins, resulting in many and sometimes grotesque adventures.


Lawyer Savvas Tsiviklis receives a gift from an old girlfriend, Kiki Petachtidou, who has just returned from the Congo. The gift is two small wooden lions which, in order not to find his wife Koula and mad in the bedroom, gives them to a well-known young man. In a while, however, his wife comes and gives him the lions he had previously given to the young man. Savvas goes crazy and begins the quarrels and jealousy that bachelor Menios supposes by constantly exclaiming "What good do I do and not get married!" Of course, in the end, they clear everything, since Koula from the beginning She had said the lions were a gift from an old classmate, Ms. Contoyorgus, and those that Savvas gave to the young, though quite the same, were different.


Leandros is a night club owner who is trying to avoid imprisonment by searching for money to pay the insurance contributions. Along with his debts, he has to withstand the pressures of his beloved for marriage.


Kostas Karavedouras is the conductor of the municipal orchestra in a small town in the country, when he decides to leave for Athens to become a great classic music performer. He is staying temporarily at his cousin’s place and he spends all his spare money with his landlady’s daughter. He works in many places just because he doesn’t want to work as a bouzouki player. Finally, the owner of the club where he was working as a waiter, takes him into performing for him and Kostas ends up being what he always avoided, a bouzouki player.


The Tasia chasing the impostor Lepoura Vangelis arrives with hitchhiking in Athens. Gaining confidence wholesaler Kyriacou Bolore and taken to his house as a maid. The daughter of Kiriakos, Lia, presents the writer Phaedon Tramountana and asks him to finance the scenario. His son Lakis, wants to succeed in the profession of wholesaler and prefers to deal with the rock band. His sister Ismene has in mind only the deck.


Undercover cop takes to find and restore a rich girl who ran away from home


An engineer is working hard without any substantial effect and he is not taking seriously the persistent remarks of his wife on this. When a businessman, on the one hand, and his company's executives, on the other hand, will try to lure him to serve their conflicting interests in the construction of a new road, the engineer reacts.


The rise and inevitable fall of an amoral


An anthology series


Thanasis tries to reunite with his wife.He is having for obstacle her mother, which did not want him because he helps anyone in need with any way he can.


Thanasis, the waiter of country tavern "The seven brothers", is preparing to marry the Anthoula. Shortly before going to church but has an accident and suffers amnesia. While Anthoula, siblings and friends are waiting for him in the church, he wanders the streets unnecessarily.


When a man decides to marry the woman he's been living with, she stops being the silent patient person she was and claims to be the boss in the house. Her behaviour changes so much after the marriage that the husband gets so irritated as to ask for a divorce even a few hours later..


Thanasis (Giannis Gionakis) succumbs to the pressure of his wife (Kati Lambropoulou) and buys an old car that turns out to be a shame. Until he can get rid of it and take back his money, there will be a number of misunderstandings and confusions, comic situations, and emotional fools.


Antonis Tsilivikis, a stingy construction contractor, neglects his home and wife Eleni and forces her to lie to her rich uncle in America, Peter, in order to continue to send a monthly financial aid. But when the uncle notices that he comes to Greece, and in order not to reveal the truth, Antonis disguises himself as a retired named Beizanis, who supposedly rents a room at their home...


Thanasis Vengos plays a poor young man that comes to Athens looking for a job. We watch as he tries many different jobs; druggist, photographer, even wrestling referee. The result is always hilarious and explosive!


A tailor mistakenly considered an ambassador of a foreign country, which exploits the future father in law to present him as a groom on frivolous daughter.


By closing his pharmacy, Panagiotis Panagiotidis falls on a provocative stranger, Lulu, who leads him to a beach for swimming and then drives him home. There, he learns that he is called Jordan Steka, that Lulu is his wife and that he suffers from a personality split. He asks for police assistance, but the policeman is convinced that he is crazy and he asks for a psychiatrist to prove him suffering from a personality split.


A bachelor by conviction not watch the girl who works at the shop cashier is in love with him, despite all the efforts of the landlady.


Angelos, a law student in Athens, is expecting Lavrentis, his rich uncle from the village, hoping that with his money, his luck will change. His uncle though is very sick and the doctors suggest rest and calmness. Youyou, Angelos' girlfriend though suggests otherwise in order to push the rich uncle closer to his death. And so, Angelos, with two friends from his village, Damian and Sarantis start partying with Lavrentis whose health starts getting better and better. In the meantime Angelos meets Myrto, falls madly in love with her and decide to finish his studies and marry her.
