Giovanna Giuliani

The film is a rendition of Resurrection, Tolstoy’s last novel. It begins with a reading of the beginning of the first part in Naples, in September 2012. It moves on to Berlin, Locarno 2013, Oneglia, Paris, Casalborgone, and it ends in Milan with the beginning of the second part. The places and times change, and so do the people doing the reading. But also, in the middle, real people and voices surface, like Adamo Vergine at his home and Jean François Neplaz in Marseilles. The film searches for the possible faces of Tolstoy’s two protagonists in Oneglia, Procida, and Casalborgone.

A 2004 Italian film.


A couple of bourgeois intellectuals, Carlo and Silvia are married for twenty years. But they wearily live their relationship separately; while she lives in their original flat in Rome, he lives with a young lover, Lù from time to time in his house in the country while writing a book. He does not keep his relationship hidden from his wife and even accepts that Silvia may have lovers, among them in particular a young and violent neo-fascist. But this relationship rekindles Carlo's jealousy and he becomes obsessed by knowing everything about her affairs and jealousy makes him blind. The film navigates between eroticism, decadence and perversion, in an obscure game with no wins or winners.


A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.


A group of actors meet with little money in a unofficial theatre in Naples' Spanish Boroughs. Director's plan is to travel to Sarajevo, still under siege, to stage a classic Eschilus' play about civil war in Tebe. While they rehearse in the theatre cast members come and go and another kind of war goes on every day in nearby streets of old Naples.
