Gisela Dali

Aimilia, a young and relatively well-to-do woman, leads a rather schizophrenic existence. Every day, she gives piano lessons to the children at an orphanage, while at night she brings home a series of lovers whom she picks up at random and whom she kills while in a sexual frenzy.


Jason just arrived from Johanesburg and visits a deserted beach house, which belongs to his best friend Mihalis. There he finds Mihalis's wife, Mary, with her sister Magda and a weird fisherman named Kosmas, that stays with them, but seems to somehow, bullying them. He decides to stay with them waiting for his friend to arrive and find him there, but also because he falls in love with Magda. While Jason is having good time with his mistress, things get complicated when he discovers that the fisherman is not what he says he is and at the same time two suspiciously looking characters appear and are stalking the young couple's, every move..


An honest man is trying to find a job, but finds it difficult just because of the honesty. The need becomes more urgent when falls in love for a young girl who lives near him.


A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.


A soldier runs away from the horrors of war, finds love with a virgin farm girl and a mistreated housewife, and will find that it is difficult to survive the battles of sex and love.


When good girl Nadia investigates her sisters death she finds out that sadistic pimp Nick is behind it all so she straps on the leather and whips and beats him at his own games.


Peter is a scion of a wealthy family who sees a girl who is the model of a showroom and falls in love instantly. But he does not want to throw the money and it plays the poor


Thanasis Vengos plays a poor young man that comes to Athens looking for a job. We watch as he tries many different jobs; druggist, photographer, even wrestling referee. The result is always hilarious and explosive!


As Pelopidas is going around hungry, trying to find something to eat, a misunderstanding makes him seem like a thief. In order to escape his persecutors, he runs trying to hide. He hitchhikes and gets a ride by a truck, whose driver happens to be his fellow villager who knows the runaway’s past. Pelopidas has been working hard since his childhood, but due to his naivety nobody is serious with him. His return to the village where was born gets him mixed up in more trouble.


An industrialist has decided to marry his daughter with his partner and, for that reason, will try to help him in whatever way he can.


A tailor mistakenly considered an ambassador of a foreign country, which exploits the future father in law to present him as a groom on frivolous daughter.
