Giulio Pizzirani

The adolescence of Mozart is chronicled in this Italian biopic. Here, young Wolfgang is seen as a prodigy who aspires to a normal life. He is studying music in Bologna when he falls in love with a local girl and makes friends with a boy his own age. Mozart is so elated that he fails a music exam on purpose so he can stay a little longer. Unfortunately, a priest rigs his test and the young composer is forced to move on.


Dante arrives at the castle of the recently deceased Marquis Zanetti to sell a book which contains a prophecy that the death of nine members of the Zanetti family will reveal a hidden treasure.


A young restorer is commissioned to save a fresco representing the suffering of St. Sebastiano, which was painted on the wall of a local church by a mysterious, long-dead artist.


A fig tree located in the lands of a baron of the lower Padana has for many centuries been the subject of veneration. The baron, crippled and atheist, one day sees a girl lying on the fig tree in a benevolent attitude and exchanges for the holy venerated by her villagers. Immediately the aristocrat converts and decides to give his belongings to a religious institute. In fact, he was a victim of a cheating and the "santa" is a prostitute who has given up on rage.


Italian horror movie written and directed by Pupi Avati.
