Giuseppe Addobbati

A pharmacist is murdered, and a woman happens to see the culprit leave the scene. She soon finds herself being stalked by the killer.


The true story of the greatest manhunt of the century!


The story in this horror movie revolves around a strange religious icon and the demonic sexual influence it exerts on a young art student. After a gory dream sequence in which the woman imagines herself being nailed to a cross herself, the statue eventually comes to life and begins to sexually torment her.


A concentration camp survivor discovers her former torturer and lover working as a porter at a hotel in postwar Vienna. When the couple attempt to re-create their sadomasochistic relationship, his former SS comrades begin to stalk them.


Stefano, son of the Mafia Don Angelino Ferrante, is killed by Gaspare Ardizzone (John Saxon) for refusing to sell some valuable land. The old don sends for Ferrante Santino Billeci from America, in the hope that he'll be able to help in getting revenge. But Gaspar, meanwhile, is becoming the most powerful and ruthless boss of the area...


In this evocative, atmospheric biography, Roberto Rossellini brings to life philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, amid religious persecution and ignorance, believed in a harmony between God and science.


A desert bandit leader robs a jeep and hauls off a lot of American money. He doesn't get much of a chance to enjoy it, however, because he and his men are soon attacked by a "phantom", who kills all his men, and steals his weapons. When a beautiful young woman shows up in search of the money, she is raped by the phantom. When another man shows up the three of them decide to head into the desert to find the "treasure" and wind up finding something they weren't expecting.


Group of concentration camp prisoners is being constantly tortured by their Kappo. Since they are too weak to stand against him, they pick the strongest among themselves and feed him with parts of their rations.


Frank was removed from an investigation into Mac Brown, the owner of a pharmaceutical company, who was suspected of drug trafficking and illegal experiments on teenagers. When Brown is murdered, Frank is called to investigate...


In the wake of terrorist bombings, senseless assassinations and widespread destruction in Cyprus, the attempts of local government officials to negotiate peace is thwarted by renegade guerrilla leaders. The World Council steps in and decides that the United Nations Secretary should visit Cyprus and encourage peace. But this is precisely what the fanatic priest Evagoras had hoped for...soon he will have the U.S. government and the Greek government at his mercy - when he unveils his most devious plan!


June 1942. As Rommel swept toward the Nile, the fall of Egypt and the capture of the Suez Canal seemed inevitable. Italian and German advance units raced toward Alexandria. Mussolini had given explicit orders: The Italians must arrive first!


During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.


A stranger and a bandit seek out a trio of playing cards that will lead them to hidden treasure.


Ramon's parents are killed by men of landowner John Barrett. While trying to get revenge, Ramon is wounded but has saved the life of Rezza, an old disillusioned killer. While nursing his wounds, the men become reluctanfriends and Rezza teaches Ramon the art of shooting, surviving and the loneliness a killer has to bear. Ramon becomes threat for Barrett, the landowner engages Rezza to kill Ramon.


A writer gets wrapped up in espionage.


Idaho Kent, an agent of the pony express company, is asked to reach Sacramento with proof against a dishonest politician candidate for the local elections. Several people, paid by the corrupt man, try to stop him.


In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.


An 18th century European village is haunted by the ghost of a murderous little girl.


Ramon and his bandit gang launch an attack on Danger City, searching for rumoured hidden treasure and unable to find the loot either kill or take as hostage all the men, leaving only the women and children to produce the treasure or face 'Deguello' - an attack with no quarter. Four men arrive in town searching for Ramon and agree to help protect the town from the bandits.


Two brothers part company only to be reunited when one is hired to stop a thief who turns out to be his sibling.


A sadistic count tortures and murders his unfaithful wife and her lover, then removes their hearts from their bodies. Years later, the count remarries and the new wife experiences nightmares and hauntings. The ghosts of the slain return to exact their bloody revenge, until their hearts are destroyed.


When Sheriff Bill marries, he moves to another village to lead a more peaceful life. His replacement is killed by Colorado Charlie and his gang. The town sends for Bill, who returns unarmed because his wife has hidden his gun. When Colorado Charlie demands a shoot-out, Bill's wife relents and gives him back his weapon After Bill kills the bandit, his wife agrees to his return as sheriff.


Joe Dexter, a famous gunfighter known as Nevada Joe, Golden Hill reaches a mining town. There he will find that the transport of gold from the mines is monopolized by John Randolph, who is opposed only Julia Brooks, owner of a mining concession, with which Dexter intimará and support in its confrontation with Randolph.


Edward, a powerful rancher, serves as a real chief of a town near the Mexican border. The arrival of Oklahoma John, new sheriff, not to your liking. The new lawman faces Jimmy, the son of the chief and his buddy.


While fighting in Britain, Roman forces commanded by Caligula capture the noble warrior, Glaucus. Seeing in him gladiator material, Caligula takes Glaucus back to Rome along with other hostages including Glaucus's girlfriend, Ena. A man seeking to restore the Roman Republic then assassinates Caligula after which Claudius is proclaimed emperor. Messalina -- Claudius's beautiful but evil wife -- then maneuvers to replace Claudius with her lover, Silio. She forces Glaucus to help her in this quest by threatening to harm the enslaved Ena. Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis


A theater troupe's young, energetic leader has secured an old theater in which to produce his new production. The theater's elderly caretaker urges the group to leave at once. A vampire is awakened and discovers that one of the troupe is the reincarnation of the woman who he once loved.


A small town in Arizona is oppressed by the tyranny of a powerful rancher. The owner of a farm, fed up with constant abuse, decides to hire a former gunslinger, as the town sheriff is recognized powerless to stand against the tyrant.


Filmed in Singapore it tells the story of Sandokan who is a Malaysian rebel who, with a group of renegades, goes up against a British General who is trying to force the King to resign.


Guzman, a rich U.S. landowner is forced to leave for a short time, leaving his pregnant wife alone in the ranch. That night, a group of bandits, believing that the house is empty, enters with the purpose of stealing. She surprises them and they kill her. When Guzman returns, he finds in the fingers of his dead wife the tie pin of the murderer. Then, with the help of a Portuguese and a Mexican friends,he begins his revenge.


Hamilan, a cruel and ambitious general, murders his king and places himself on the throne with the former king's evil niece as his queen. He then wages war against his peaceful neighbors, killing their women and enslaving their men. A hero named Ursus appears at a tournament to challenge Hamilan's authority. Though victorious at the tournament, Ursus is arrested and forced to turn a grist-mill under an overseer's lash. Meanwhile, the former king's virtuous daughter, Diana, is tormented by her evil cousin, the new queen. Sentenced to a slow and tortuous execution, Ursus breaks free and a revolt breaks out. Ursus throws Hamilan to his death in a fiery pit and then Ursus and Diana enjoy the cheers of a grateful populace. - Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis


An adventure movie directed by Domenico Paolella.


Historical film, telling the story of Turkish Sultan Suleiman's attempts to conquer Vienna. The advance of his army was checked on Yugoslav territory.


Journalist and man-about-town Marcello struggles to find his place in the world, torn between the allure of Rome's elite social scene and the stifling domesticity offered by his girlfriend, all the while searching for a way to become a serious writer.


An Air Force captain teaches pilots to fly jets but doesn't like it.


Princess Beatrice's days of enjoying the regal life are numbered unless her only daughter, Princess Alexandra, makes a good impression on a distant cousin when he pays a surprise visit to their palace. Prince Albert has searched all over Europe for a bride and he's bored by the whole courtship routine. He is more interested in the estate's dairy than Alexandra's rose garden. And then he starts playing football with the tutor and Alexandra's brothers. Invite the tutor to the ball that night and watch how gracefully Alexandra dances with him.


When his girlfriend falls for a rich entrepreneur, an aspiring singer plots with the man's girlfriend so that they can get back their respective partners.

Returned from exile where he accompanied his mother Caterina Sforza, Giovanni de 'Medici (1498-1526), becomes, under the name of Giovanni delle Bande Nere, captain of fortune at the service of the idea of a united Italy.


In order to encourage the young maestro Vernieri not to break down after the first failures, the director of the theater "La Scala" in Milan tells two significant episodes concerning the theater.