Giuseppe Lanci

After the release of "Nostalgia", Andrei Tarkovsky runs out his Soviet authorities permission to work abroad: he has to go back home. But he understands from the messages of some friends and colleagues that his life in Russia would be even tougher than before. So he then decides to break with Soviet authorities and, a year before the Milan Conference of 1984 during which he will announce publicly his decision, he leaves his friends that are hosting him in Rome and takes refuge in a secret location.


Italian comedy


The Lark Farm is set in a small Turkish town in 1915. It deals with the genocide of Armenians, looking closely at the fortunes, or rather, misfortunes of one wealthy Armenian family.


After a long marriage, Maria and Jeffrey are now in crisis. Trying to keep the family together, she tries to convince their children to attend the birthday of the old grandmother Assunta, owner of the beautiful house in which they live. But their children are going through a rough patch. Francesco is a writer who is ashamed of having achieved fame with a book of literary shoddy, why his wife has lost respect. Marco is a doctor and is happy with his family, but his wife is determined to throw it all away for that to become an actress. Meanwhile, Miriam, a young emancipated, discovers she is pregnant, but does not know which of her lovers is the father.


After the death of her husband Fausto, Stella decides to return to the house by the lake where she was born and where twenty years earlier she knew him, remaining conquered by the melancholy.


A psychoanalyst and his family go through profound emotional trauma when their son dies in a scuba diving accident.


During the 20 months prior to Italy's liberation from fascism, a group of college students decide to trade hollow rhetoric for action by journeying into the mountains of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. Amid the turmoil, group leader Gigi (Stefano Accorsi) becomes attracted to his best friend's girl Simonetta (Stefania Montorsi). As the Resistance struggle continues, the students suffer pain and loss, some members of their group are killed, and the brutal reality of war leaves its mark on the idealistic students.


Nanni Moretti takes a comic look at the ebbs and flows of his life as he becomes a father for the first time. He struggles with distractions while trying to make a documentary of the Italian national elections.


The Prince of Homburg, disobeys orders and leads a cavalry charge in battle against the Swedes, which leads to victory. He is court martialled however for disobeying orders and sentenced to death. His love who is now to be betrothed to the King of Sweden, following his execution appeals to the Elector, her uncle, on his behalf, as do his comrades in battle. He must also contend with his own desire to live and conflicting sense of honour.


Writer/director/actor Nanni Moretti offers a three-part film diary which takes a sharply satiric look at Italian life.


Stefan finds that he can no longer tolerate the arrangement of his cheating wife ... he, the husband, gets her during the week and her lover gets her on the weekends. At the same time the wife finds herself increasingly drawn to the violence of her lover versus the adoration of her husband.


Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.


A girl and her art professor get trapped inside a castle-museum after it closes at night. After a little resistance she agrees to have sex with him, but then she sues the professor for rape. The professor will have to prove his innocence.


Michele is the leader of the Italian communist party and a professional water polo player. On this day he's just lost his memory following a car accident. So he has to discover the intricacies of his life again, and he does so through the naive eyes of the anxious child he used to be - through an improvised psychoanalytic trip symbolized by the friendships and adversities of a water polo game.


The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty. He seeks the Pope's blessing, and he endures persecution at the hands of the family of Chiara Offreduccio (1194-1253), who becomes St. Clare. Many join the order he has established and then rebel at his expectations. In near despair - and ill - he writes a Rule to take to the Pope; then, the Lord sends him a message. He dies smiling.


An adaptation of a classic "Three Sisters" play by Anton Chekhov.


The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.


After the bankruptcy of their father's stonemasonry firm, brothers Nicola and Andrea emigrate to America to restore their fortunes. After many adventures and near-disasters, they end up in Hollywood designing sets for D.W.Griffith and marry beautiful actresses, but tragedy strikes with the arrival of World War I, which finds the brothers fighting on opposite sides...


Rabal is a blind, elderly leader of the Camorra whose son ends up dead as he attempts to rape Molina. Somebody has stuck the corpse strategically with a hypodermic needle, which is to become the signature of a series of killings of Naples drug dealers.


Tony is a young Neapolitan musician. He has a lot of problems and a past with drugs, but also with women. He is engaged to Susy, but he betrays her with a university professor, who has an invalid husband, but also with other young aspiring singers, who try in every way to break into the world of music. Among these there is Elena, engaged in various difficulties to organize a concert with the best names of Neapolitan music.


A poetic and intimate scene-by-scene look into the filming of Tarkovsky's 'Nostalghia'.


Five stories center on a werewolf, a feudal landlord, peasants, a ghost, and a mother and her sons.


A Russian poet and his interpreter travel to Italy to research the life of an 18th-century composer.


A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.


Wolfgang Cazotte, a famous, refined and charming court painter of the early 19th century,plans to seduce Ehrengard, an attractive and proud virgin, without touching her, just by instilling in her a throbbing passion. At one point, though, the painter's artifice seems to start turning its back on him...


Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and is now affected by psychic problems and suicide fantasies. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. Mauro become unconsciously jealous of this relationship, and try to get Giovanni arrested... Written by Francesco Benzi


Plot of Fear tells the story of a decadent weekend party full of orgies and drugs on the outskirts of Milan. After two deaths occur Inspector Lomenzo interrogates one of the guests, a fashion model who becomes his informant, as well as his lover. Clery reveals that after a “wildlife orgy”one of the hosts tried to jokingly feed one of the prostitutes to a tiger but she got so frightened that she died of heart attack. In his attempt to find a connection between the victims, he investigates a cutting-edge security and surveillance firm whose director has secrets of his own to hide.


The drawbacks and difficulties of military life are explored in this film. Paolo Passeri is a college graduate, somewhat spoiled, somewhat effete, who finds himself in an officer training program under the stern martinet, Captain Asciutto. He gradually becomes acclimated to the military mind-set, and when the Captain's wife decides to take a romantic interest in him, he does not report her dangerous peculiarities to anyone.


Domenico Modguno is a horn dog who loves looking up skirts and travels back to Italy to stay with his brother and wife. His brothers stepdaughter is hot and he spends most of the movie forcing himself on her, and for a change of pace her mother.


Giallo thriller about a child killer roaming the streets of Venice. The family of the latest victim begin their own investigation. Soon finding they are in way over their heads, the killer now begins to target those who have discovered too much.


Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders...


A widow whose land and life are in danger as the railroad is getting closer and closer to taking them over. A mysterious harmonica player joins forces with a desperado to protect the woman and her land.


Ale, a deeply disturbed young man subject to seizures, benignly decides to murder members of his dysfunctional family for altruistic reasons.
