Goffredo Unger

Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out. The sole survivor and witness to the massacre is a young girl. Twelve years later in Rome a new wax museum is opened, whose main attractions are lifelike recreations of gruesome murder scenes. A young man bets that he will spend the night in the museum but is found dead the morning after. Soon, people start disappearing from the streets of Rome and the wax museum halls begin filling with new figures...


A detective's hunt for the man who murdered his friend takes him to the Caribbean, where he finds himself enmeshed in a web of corruption and murder.


A group of people are trapped in a West Berlin movie theater infested with ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers.


A marine biologist, a dolphin trainer, a research scientist, and a local sheriff try to hunt down a large sea monster, a shark/octopus hybrid, that is devouring swimmers and fishermen off a south Florida coast.


Mercenary takes revenge on bad guys. The Last Mercenary, a thrilling story of violence... of a rare man... a man trying to forget his past. The story of a man's buring vengence, an avenger who cannot forgive. Neither threats nor traps can stop The Last Mercenary. Stretched to breaking point both physically and morally, a fight until death follows. His Price is death!


It's the year 3000 and a nuclear war has turned the earth into a desert wasteland. A group of survivors living in a cave run out of water and desperately need to locate a new supply. The last guy they sent out to find water never returned, and now his 10 year old son Timmy wants to join the next search team. They think they know where there's an untapped well of water, but to get there they have to travel through dangerous terrain controlled by a savage gang of motorcyclists under the bloodthirsty reign of 'Crazy Bull'. On their mission, Timmy and his team run into a lonesome stranger named Alien (Robert Iannucci) who may be able to help them against the marauding motorcyclists. Can the struggling survivors looking for water in this barren world defeat Crazy Bull and his exterminating minions? Hang on tight - the battle has just begun!


A native America named Thunder returns home only to find that his ancestral burial ground is being destroyed by construction workers. He tries to put a stop to it, but the law is not only not on his side, but he is banished from town, beaten up, and left for dead. Now he wants his revenge...


After a nuclear war, society breaks down into two groups, the evil Euraks and the rebel Federation. A mercenary named Parsifal is hired by the Federation to infiltrate New York City, which is controlled by the Euraks, to rescue the only fertile woman left on Earth.


In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor saves his cave-babe from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland.


A scientist's experiment with a deadly bacteria goes awry and leaves him horribly deformed. The monstrous man then runs amok in his town.


A young couple's wedding ceremony is brutally interrupted when a pair of outlaw brothers arrive and massacre almost everyone in sight. They kidnap the beautiful young bride and leave her husband for dead. Luckily, he only sustains a flesh wound and quickly saddles up to track down the brothers before they sell his wife and a group of other women at an auction to a group of Mexican brothel owners.


A priest-doctor chasing a man with supernatural regenerative abilities, who has recently escaped from a medical lab, reaches a small town where the mutant goes on a killing spree.


Released from captivity in Vietnam, two American Army officers return to civilian life and discover they have acquired an insatiable taste for human flesh. A city is terrorised... as they stalk the inhabitants to satisfy their primitive appetites.


A reporter tries to stop the crash of an aircraft after uncovering an airline's plot to save their business by sabotaging Concorde flights and have them decommissioned.


A pair of smugglers manage to pick up a castaway while running from the authorities, who turns out to be the only survivor from a secret mission to destroy a mysterious superweapon designed by the evil Count Zartharn. The smugglers are soon recruited by the Emperor to complete the mission, as well as to rescue the Emperor's son, who has gone missing.


Napoli spara! (internationally released as Weapons of Death and Naples shoots) is a "poliziottesco" film directed by Mario Caiano in 1977. It is an unofficial sequel of Napoli violenta, of which reprises the character of Gennarino (still played by Massimo Deda).


A school bus with young children being kidnapped. Commissario Betti will solve the case. High action is promised, including hostage, bank robberies, car chases, prison scenes and mafia bosses!


A Swiss bank discovers some of its clients are becoming the victim of a brilliant blackmailer. The bank's president contacts David Christopher, a former agent with the U.S. Treasury, to help discover who the blackmailer is and to foil his plot. As Christopher delves into the mystery, he uncovers a complicated web of intrigue, car chases, and shoot-outs that takes all of his wits to unravel.


A tough, violent cop who doesn't mind bending the law goes after a machine-gun-carrying, hunchbacked psychotic killer.


A number of unexplained military deaths hit Italy and are ruled to be accidental or suicides, but police inspector Giorgio Solmi suspects otherwise. When a mysterious wealthy electrician is seemingly murdered by a female escort, a sinister plot slowly begins to unravel.


After a couple of 'special squad' cops are gunned down while chasing some kidnappers, the head of the squad takes it really personally! His violent path to find the kidnappers leads him to the upper echelons of the government. Now, the powers-that-be don't want to be found out and decide it's time to kill one more cop...


Sequel to Lucio Fulci's first 'White Fang' has the wolf-dog once again trying to stop the villainous Beauty Smith from claiming a recently discovered gold mine in 1899 Yukon, Canada.


A young woman is forced into a convent. However, due to her nobility she rises to be an abbess. She has to deal with corruption in the church.


There's trouble in Frankie Diomede's criminal empire in Genoa. A French gangster has moved into his territory, so he flies home to take care of business. He promptly has himself arrested so that he'll have the perfect alibi when the bodies start piling up. But it turns out his enemies have enough juice to keep him in prison, his associates start dying and the attempts on his life start. Cue Tony Breda, a wannabe wiseguy, who has a plan to spring Frankie from jail.


The plot involves the murder of a prostitute in a Paris brothel (run by early 60's sex symbol Anita Ekberg). It's blamed on a jealous client, but the lead detective ("Bogey") suspects otherwise. And when the murders continue after the suspect's ironic-if-he-were-actually-guilty demise, his suspicions are confirmed.


Charming, blithely amoral devil-may-care rogue Jesse Smith and peaceful, devout straight-arrow Mormon Lester O'Hara are estranged half brothers who are reunited after receiving a sizable inheritance from their deceased mother. The wildly contrasting mismatched duo get into all sorts of trouble while trying to claim said inheritance. Written by Woodyanders


Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.


Franco and Ciccio are two cousins ​​who, in the old West, have opened a service station, where they carry out the washing and drying of the horses and a bar service for the passing riders. One day a stranger saves them from an attempted robbery against them: the girl introduces herself as Calamity Jane, as well as Franco and Ciccio's aunt.


Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.


Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death. The pornographer who helped Carlo sell his pics is garrotted and Olga, Carlo's girlfriend, is beaten to death...


Roy runs away from the labor camp of Santa Lucia with Emiliano, a New Mexico rancher, both imprisoned unjustly for three powerful American bankers, to seize the gold mine that had Emiliano. During flight, the landowner dies and in his last moments asked Roy to recover the mine and save Jessica, daughter of his former foreman.


A diamond robber, who was left behind in the hands of the police, gets out of prison and teams up with the man who funded the robbery, but who never saw the loot, to get even with the other members of the gang.


The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal activities, find who is behind them and gain revenge for his family.


Dan Hogan and his gang have held up a bank for $100,000 in gold bars. They meet up at Jackal's Ranch, a weigh station for stage coaches. While waiting for the gold to arrive they encounter a stranger, John Webb, who wants half the gold in exchange for guiding them safely to Mexico. Reluctantly, Dan agrees and they set across the brutal desert for a race to the border with the Rangers hot on their tail. Is John who he says he is? Is he really after the gold or does he have an ulterior motive?


An American commando who's the sole survivor of a parachute jump into WWII-era Italy leads a group of children in a campaign of sabotage against the Nazis.


A hitman is double-crossed by his girlfriend and barely escapes a murder attempt. He then sets out to take his revenge on the woman and the gang boss who put her up to it.


Brazil, the 1920s. The sadistic colonel Minas massacres the hometown of a famous cangaceiro (a kind of revolutionary bandit). The only survivor is a young farmer called Espedito; he is nursed back to health by a (crazy?) hermit who thinks he has been sent (= espedito) by God and therefore baptizes him the Redeemer. Espedito/The Redeemer forms his own gang of cangaceiros but doesn’t really understand what he’s doing until he befriends the proverbial European intellectual, a Dutch Oil prospector, who introduces him to important people. Espedito is hired (and of course double-crossed) by the Dutchman and a corrupt local governor, but then the Dutchman changes sides …


A man tracks down the five outlaws who murdered his brother, all the while being shadowed by a mysterious Pinkerton detective.


Johnny King, a rebellious drifter, sets out to avenge the death of his mentor and friend, Steve, after he has been murdered for his land by the Ward Brothers. After causing some trouble for the Wards, Johnny faces a new opponent, his outlaw friend, Meredith.


Black Jack Murphy (Robert Woods) is the brains in an outfit of outlaws who rob the bank at Tusca City. All goes to plan with the heist but once the loot is safely obtained Jack's men lose no time in trying to double cross him. Wily Jack manages to outfox them at first and gets away with the cash but they soon catch up with him again and not only make off with the money but leave him crippled and carrying multiple causes for wanting revenge. This need for amends possesses Jack with an all consuming passion and he sets out to get even with each of his unfaithful former compadres but has his particular sights set on Indian Joe (Mimmo Palmara) and Sanchez (Rik Battaglia) who abused and killed his beloved sister. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net


A heroic expedition braves snow-whipped precipices and discovers the dreaded humanoids. But wait – these are extraterrestrial yetis who zipped in from outer space to conquer Earth by melting the polar ice caps with high-energy proton fields. Will mankind be global-warmed into surrender?


When Gordon Smash tries to get away with the loot from a successful diamond heist, his fellow conspirators shoot him in the back. Smash manages to get a clue to newspaper reporter Robert Foster, who sets of to retrieve the diamonds. Despite becoming a target for the rest of the gang, Foster prefers to rely on fashion model Arabella and news paper photographer 'Flash' instead of the more seasoned Inspector Chandler.


In the 21st century, aliens with mind-control powers attempt to take over the earth.


Another Eurospy flick featuring Craig Hill as a secret agent.


A mysterious knife-throwing viking warrior protects a young peasant woman and her young son from the clutches of a evil regent bent on claiming the title of king and the woman for himself.


When a trio of scientists who have discovered an alternative energy source starts dying mysteriously Bob Fleming goes to Casablanca to solve the mystery.


Scientists try to prevent a collision between Earth and a planet that is heading for it.


An American CIA agent (Richard Harrison) must find the whereabouts of valuable microfilm that was smuggled over by two Russian scientists who had been hoping to defect.


The daughter of a noble man is sold into slavery, only to be later rescued by the film's hero. Repackaged from an original Sword-and-Sandal italian film.


Inspector Sylvester is assigned to investigate the violent murder of a fashion house model Isabella, by a masked assailant. As the investigation proceeds all of the house’s various sins, including corruption, abortions, blackmail and drug addiction, begin to come to light. It turns out that Isabella had kept a diary detailing these vices, and now almost every employee becomes nervous.


Hercules is summoned to oppose the evil Queen Samara, who has allied herself with aliens and is sacrificing her own people in a bid to awaken a moon goddess.


it's a fast moving blood and thunder tale well rendered and at least rooted in fact, and has a good feel for the period. It's interesting to have a look at somewhere else in medieval Europe besides England and France for a change. After all, Spain, Portugal, and the Italian states and some other principalities were big players at that time, too.


A Roman Consul, on his way to fight a border war, stations a garrison of soldiers in a provincial town. The townspeople aren't happy with this situation but decide it's in their best interests to cooperate. However, the Tribune left in charge of the garrison proves to be cruel and demanding. He takes over a house for his own use and forces his attentions on Fabiola, the owner's daughter. She reluctantly submits in order to protect the life of her lover, Brenno, who's already been publicly whipped and who's been hauled off to the local arena to provide sport for Roman gladiators. Soon, Brenno and Fabiola's brother are organizing a resistance which will put an end to the Tribune's reign of tyranny.


During Julius Caesar's invasion of Gallia: The Gauls have broken their treaty with the Romans. Marcus Valerius and his friend are sent to punish them. Antea's father wants to have peace with Rome, having once been there and acknowledging their superior culture, but Lysircus forces a severely anti-Roman politic. When her father is killed by him in treachery, Antea joins the Romans who have to evade into a swamp. She falls in love with Marcus. Will she forsake her people forever?


The story of Hadji Murad, a 19th-century Chechen chieftain who led his warriors in a fight against the invading forces of the Russian Czar.


When Gelsomina, a naïve young woman, is purchased from her impoverished mother by brutish circus strongman Zampanò to be his wife and partner, she loyally endures her husband's coldness and abuse as they travel the Italian countryside performing together. Soon Zampanò must deal with his jealousy and conflicted feelings about Gelsomina when she finds a kindred spirit in Il Matto, the carefree circus fool, and contemplates leaving Zampanò.
