Greet Verstraete

The ultimate confrontation between the acid-mutilated Kim and her ex-boyfriend, revolving door criminal Kasper. The latter hopes for a reduction of the sentence, but Kim hopes for something completely different. Revenge, here and now.

Jonathan, a kind-hearted young man, is released from prison due to lack of evidence. He returns to his mother who lives in a small house by the dunes. Jonathan wants to forget the past and is determined to become a different and better person. But even though he strictly adheres to the rules, his good intentions are soon put to the test when a young woman moves in next to him with her small daughter.


The story of two brothers who, even though they have absolutely nothing in common, open a bar together that quickly becomes a regular hangout for nighthawks. Despite the success, they must soon face up to the difficulties inherent in running a family business. Their brotherhood turns into rivalry, through no fault of their own.


A cordon seals off a section of Antwerp when a deadly virus threatens the city. People are left to their own devices which brings out the best but also the worst.
