Grethe Weiser

Dr. Stefan Burger (Peter Weck) wants to take over the management of a home for children. Together with Rena (Gitte Hænning) he gets involved in a small scam.


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After his wife's accidental death, the once successful pop singer Eric Kersten and his son Peter retired to Lake Maggiore. He spends his time painting pictures that he sells to tourists. One day he meets the pretty Eva, who looks very much like his late wife. He falls in love with her without knowing that his producer sent her to bring him back to music.


Cafe owner Paul Perlacher is a real pig: not only are his daughter and sister Trude embarrassed constantly by his disgusting behavior, but his tenants are subjected to every legal trick under the Sun to get them to move out. Nevertheless, Amalie Hartning's a stubborn woman and can take care of herself well when it comes to her tyrannical landlord. If that weren't enough for Paul, his daughter's gone and fallen in love with the nephew of this pain in rear! And when Paul's ordered to jail by the courts, that really is the last straw.


Military farce starring Harald Juhnke and Gunther Philipp.


Directed by Richard Eichberg.

Two out of work musicians put on drag to get work in an all girl band. Inevitable comical romantic complications ensue.


Adaptation of Theodor Fontane's novel Mathilde Möhring.

A young man and woman meet on a bridge, both about to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and recount to each other their experiences.


Armande, the wife of surgeon Colbert, has numerous love affairs and pursues Jacques, whom Armande’s girlfriend Liliane has in her sights.


1944 German film.


Blonde goddess Marika Rökk plays Julia Koster, a ravishing red-headed musical revue star and her opening number, "At Night It Isn't Right To Be Alone", playing to a packed theater, is both an eye-popper and a jaw-dropper.


The attractive Oberleutnant Paul Wendlandt is stationed in North Africa as a fighter pilot. While in Berlin to deliver a report he is given a day's leave, and on the stage of the cabaret theatre "Skala" sees the popular Danish singer Hanna Holberg. For Paul it is love at first sight. When Hanna visits friends after the end of the performance, he follows her, and speaks to her in the U-Bahn. After the party in her friends' flat, he accompanies her home and chance throws them further together when an air raid warning forces them to take cover in the air raid shelter. Hanna reciprocates Paul's feelings, but after a night spent together Paul has to return immediately to the front. There now follows a whole series of misunderstandings, and one missed opportunity after another. While Hanna waits in vain for some sign of life from Paul, he is flying on missions in North Africa. When he tries to visit her in her Berlin flat, she is giving a Christmas concert in Paris.


Caught at the window just before an air-raid warning (WWII) composer Paul tells how he met his wive Anni, a revue star and song writer, how he handled the courtship and the early years of his marriage, inspite of some professional conflicts - his operas were flops, while his wive had one success after the other - they finally found out how they could help each other.


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Rudi, who’s been quite the ladies’ man, finally wants to settle down and marry Hilde. So as to not get into a touchy situation with all his many women, he plans to bring them all together the night before his wedding. While sitting alone in his apartment and burning all his old photos and love letters, he notices a woman in the garden. She assets, that she’s hiding from a stubborn admirer and he stupidly offers her to come in … and then it all begins! First, his wife-to-be Hilde shows up, who wants to spend the night before their wedding together. While Rudi tries to hide the unknown woman in his bedroom, a hotel detective shows up and claims he’s following a thief.

Nora and Peter constantly fight and wish to divorce. Nora's uncle Eberhard, however, believes the two belong together and comes up with a plan to bring the two back together again: as a lawyer, who is processing the divorce, he explains to them that the paperwork for the divorce is completed, but will only go into effect once they undertake a reconciliation attempt. For the first reconciliation meeting, Eberhard enlists the help of his friend Christa and together, they turn Nora into such a hot tamale, that Peter burns with jealousy that any other man might look at her. At the second meeting of the two, which takes place a year later (how long do divorces in Nazi Germany take?!?!), Nora plays the girl abandoned by everyone. In the interim, she's given birth to Peter's son -- which apparently does not count as a reconciliation -- and Peter has become a successful composer. When Nora again disappears after this meeting, Peter does all he can to win her back.


In the eve of the war between Vienna and Berlin playing dear comedy with then popular occupation: The mother wants to marry her daughter to the lord of the manor, but the daughter prefers the elegant hoteliers.

On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, Sister Angelika bids her boss, Professor Reimers, farewell, for she has quit her post. Reimers doesn’t understand the reason for this and since she won’t say a word as to why she’s quit, he asks her to spend the evening with him and his son Konrad. Konrad, however, wanted to take advantage of the holiday to bring his divorced parents back together and sends Angelika packing as soon as she reaches the house. Disappointed and sad, she drives to the airport to meet Captain van Santen, who also invited her to spend the holiday.


A love story between officer von Warp coming from a wealthy family and salesgirl Therese. When the social rules of the time would force the officer to resign from service in order to marry Therese the situation becomes tense.


The seamstresses Franzi and Mizzi have opened up a small shop in a suburb of Vienna. Mizzi is of the opinion, however, that her friend could have a much better life if only she'd marry Karl, the son of the landlord, who has been hot for her for quite a while now. Next store to them lives a rather elegant gentleman, whom Mizzi does not like. One day, an excited woman bursts into the studio, tears off her clothes and begs the girls to act as if they're fitting her for a dress should her husband waltz on in, too. In fact, her jealous husband Stefan does show up and is thrilled to discover that his Gerda isn't cheating on him. But Mizzi and Franzi are positive, that she's been meeting a certain elegant gentleman next door.


German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.


Women are being sent to an all male settlement. The marriages are planned in advance, but not everything goes according to plan.


Cheeky Jette is a typical Berlin girl. Together with her mother, she performs couplets in a Berlin suburb theatre every night. Then, a young Austrian baron, who is worshipping Jette, enables her to audition for Königstädtisches Theater. Although she at first fails with an aria from an opera, Jette wins over the hearts of the board members with her fresh style when she performs a cheeky couplet that was written by Barsch, the stage manager of the suburb theater.


Gabriele Bordersen, a woman from a good home, wants to see what real life is like among the common folk. With her stewardess Fanny Flint and the tour guide Simikry, she goes off to visit a sailors' bar. Fanny and Gabriele change clothes, which allows the stewardess to introduce herself as a fine lady. When Gabriele asks Fanny to leave with her, Fanny begs her to give her an hour more out of fear of embarrassment. Gabriele, however, is thrown out of the bar by the owner without money and papers; is picked up by the cops; and suffers a nervous breakdown, leading to her being sent to a hospital. No one believes in the slightest that she's really Gabriele Brodersen.


a movie by Paul Heinz

Coming soon


During a journey of the "Ceder", the Captain, von Moltmann, disappears. It looks like an accident, but it could also have been murder. Attorney Dr. Burger and superintendent Störensen discover quickly that two of the crewmen hated the Captain: Chief officer Rohlfs suspects an affair between his fianceé Gerda and von Moltmann. Chief engineer Sparkuhl thinks the Captain has seduced his niece, who later committed suicide. The court decides that the Captain has gone overboard without anyone else's "help", but the rumors don't come to an end.


"The Man with the Paw" is what people call the very successful banker Wiegant, who is desperately in love with Lena Kroning, the wife of the lawyer Hugo Kroning. So as to be nearer to her, Wiegant hires her husband to be the bank's lawyer. Shortly thereafter, Wiegant is suspected of having conned the Countess Steindorff during a telephone conversation; but he never did. During the relevant period of time, he was with Lena "having tea" (uh huh), which he conceals from the lawyer-husband, so as to protect Lena.

For three difficult orphans living by her aunt the former employee of the family searches a new premouth; he releases with it a result of tumultuous involvements. - Humble-entertaining mistake farce, completely fitted on Hans Moser.


Robby and Jim are two friends working in a circus. When Marina, a new acrobat, enters the show, both men will compete for her love. She needs a partner for a flying number, and one of them will be elected. Then accidents will happen.
