Grigore Grigoriu

The continuation of adventures of Maria and Mirabella, in which the two girls get lost in a fabulous world inside a television set.


The young talented girl Anya, dreaming of a ballet, enters the choreographic school. Due to poor health, learning for her becomes unbearably difficult, but dreams of a ballerina career make her stubbornly deal with adversity. Anna’s performance and determination does not go unnoticed by the celebrated choreographer Marius Petipa, who helps to stage Pavlova's examination performance. Such a gift becomes a starting point for Ani in the world of big ballet, her fast-paced career, position in high society and world fame make her forget about close friends and especially her faithful Michel Fokine, who invested a lot of energy in the formation of a ballerina.


Something about U Chertova Logova

Musician Stefan meets a young attractive woman Lidia. Stefan is going on tour to Austria, and Lydia, "accidentally" remembering her Viennese acquaintance, asks to give her a souvenir from Moldova. In Vienna, Stefan is met by people who are well aware of his private life and even familiar with his diary. The musician begins to suspect something is wrong, but when his daughter's well-being is threatened, Stefan becomes truly worried...

An aristocrat falls for a young woman who brings him ruin. Based on Chekhov's story.


A flamboyant comedy about love, work and money—revealing that the "planned" economy produced some unconventional entrepreneurial methods.


Film by Veiczi.


This colourful, music-filled and sensual melodrama based on early stories by Maxim Gorky tells the fatal love story between the beautiful and rebellious girl Rada and the handsome horse thief Zobar. The story is set in early 20th century Bessarabia, now part of Moldova, then belonging to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...


Leader of a traveling gypsy band from the steppes of Bessarabia (now Moldova), Toma Alistar is a skilled violinist whose fame takes him on tours around European capitals and royal courts. He remains obsessed with his first love, beautiful Leanca who was married elsewhere while Toma was traveling, and spends his life and fortune trying to find her.


The film dwells of the love story in the midst of the Second World War in 1943. A Hutsul girl Annychka finds herself in the middle of hostilities and gets acquainted with a wounded soldier in the forest.


To save their flocks from the heat and the sun, the shepherds of a Soviet cooperative farm decide to take them to a fertile but remote place. A journalist and the beautiful daughter of one of them accompany them in their long journey. Folklore melodrama praising the truth and the beauty inherently tied to nature and folk rituals.


Famous Romania communist propaganda movie, one of the templates to what followed. It is about the volunteers that built the Bumbești-Livezeni railroad.
