Gry Bay

Jimmy Duncan is a film director working on his fourth film but things are not exactly going as planned.


Emmalou works as a waitress on a cruise ship filled with lonely people. She mourns the loss of her boyfriend who died in an accident the previous year. One day, a small boy disguised in a blue costume boards the ship


Epo, Dingo and Grandpa are bicycle couriers for Copenhagen's Green Couriers. The three friends love the freedom of their jobs, but should have started careers years ago. Grandpa and Dingo are in steady relationships. Epo is a swinging single, to the jealous chagrin of his two pals. Nobody picks up the best-looking receptionists in town like Epo - before he meets Cecilie, that is. Conversely, Grandpa and Dingo have finally resolved to break out of the constricting confines of their commitments. They are turning over a new leaf, but is it really what they are after?


Anna is a young costume designer, focused on her job and wary of getting caught in romantic relationships. She has just found a new apartment, and is tempted to let her latest boyfriend, Frank, move in with her. Instead, she finds a tenant: The flamboyant, fun-loving Camilla, who shares Anna’s views on love and commitment. For both of them, it’s all about fun.


The film is about Slim, Slam and Slum from the Danish cartoon series, three young boys at twenty-something who lives in an apartment in Nordvest in Denmark. They are the kind of guys which is using a lot time sitting on the toilet, playing Playstation and smoking pot. But suddenly they all quit their bad salary jobs, and start on fresh with something new. They get a big weird idea on gaining money, power and respect. First of all they start a popular web site that their conman partner Dahlgård which after a little time betrays them and sell the site. Then the three boys start Boomin Crew, a music group of hip hop. They all suddenly get in love with the three honeys, Dit, Dat and Dut, and their new goals are to try snap up with them.
