Guido Celano

A mobster kills a cop during a robbery and then finds himself pursued by the police, his gang, and the media.


Mark Terzi goes to Genoa to take on the case of a serial killer who calls himself "The Sphinx".


A glamorous playboy thug's brutal trail of murder, terrorism and sexual blackmail across Las Vegas, Rome, Paris and London quickly wins him a prominent place in the Rome syndicate loosely run by an aging and decrepit Mafia Don. He even wins over the Don's much younger wife.


After a cult besieges her convent, a young nun goes with an army of Muslims to destroy the convent and kill who wronged her.


Boccaccio (also known as The Nights of Boccaccio) is a 1972 Italian comedy film written and directed by Bruno Corbucci. It is loosely based on the Giovanni Boccaccio's novel Decameron, and it is part of a series of derivative comedies based on the success of Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Decameron.


Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.


A sheriff is killed by the leader of the local bad guys, and the father of the sheriff is not to pleased. The father, Mr. Piluk, is the local undertaker and also plays a mean violin when he is in a bad mood.


Jose Desmet, a butler, killed his employer because the latter, once a district judge, had long ago condemned Desmet's father, a well known gangster, to death. When Desmet tries to seduce Salazar's daughter, who is heir to a goldmine, kills a woman and the village doctor because they had found out that he was selling weapons to the Indians, a government investigator, Bill Walcome, together with the sheriff, sets out to put an end to Desmet's activities. Source: SWDB


A police inspector and his bumbling assistant investigate reports of "strange goings-on" in a rural community...


A melancholy man meets a stunning, mysterious woman while he is traveling, and discovers she may or may not be involved in a prostitution ring. She disappears after their relationship lasts a few days, and though he searches for her, those around him pretend not to know who he is speaking of.


Erik, the hypnotist Georg's assistant, is in love with Magda, Georg's fiancée, and secretly sends her roses every night. Chris, the guy delivering the flowers, who is also an amateur boxer down on his luck, takes advantage of the empty dressing room to steal the trio's bankroll, but he is caught by Georg, who is knocked out by Chris during a brief struggle.


Maciste's village is attacked by pirates. The women, including Maciste's fiancee Guja, are carried off to Salmanak, where dwells the lair of the blood drinking Kobrak. Maciste vows to rescue them.


A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.


Epic account of the thief Barabbas, who was spared crucifixion when Pilate manipulated the crowd into pardoning him, rather than Jesus. Struggling with his spirituality, Barabbas goes through many ordeals leading him to the gladiatorial arena, where he tries to win his freedom and confront his inner demons, ultimately becoming a follower of the man who was crucified in his place.


Five Yugoslav women who consorted with the German occupiers are publicly humiliated and banished by the Yugoslav partisans but they take up arms to fend for themselves.


Alvaro Cosenza, also known as the Hunchback from Quarticciolo, during Rome's occupation by Nazis in 1943, decides to revolt.


An exotic dancing girl of India inflames the passions of a traveling draftsman.


Italy, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci and Giovanni Busacca are called, as all the Italian youths, to serve the army in the WWI. They both try in every way to avoid serving the army.


Dubrowsky (Italian: Il vendicatore) is a 1959 Italian- Yugoslav historical period drama film directed by William Dieterle. It is based on the novel Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin.


Philippe Derblay, master of Pont Avesnes ironworks, is an honest and generous young man loved by his workers. He has long been in love with Marchioness Claire de Beaulieu.


The title of this Italian slice-of-life drama translates to Young Husbands. The husbands in question rather casually enter into marriage, never intending true fidelity to their spouses. When they realize that they're committed for life, our immature heroes return to their home town for one last fling. In the course of their final hours of bachelorhood, they come to the sobering conclusion that their carefree youth is not only past, it's already long past. Somewhat reminiscent of Fellini's I Vitelloni, Giovani Mariti boasts excellent performances from all concerned.


A young officer in the army of Empress Catherine of Russia is on his way to his new duty station at a remote outpost. During a blinding snowstorm he comes upon a stranger who was caught in the storm and is near death from freezing. He rescues the man and eventually brings him back to health. When the man is well enough to travel, the two part company and the man vows to repay the officer for saving his life. Soon after he arrives at his new post, a revolt by the local Cossacks breaks out and the fort is besieged by the rebels. The young officer is astonished to find out that the leader of the rebellious Cossacks is none other than the stranger whose life he had saved during the storm.


The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina (Aka: Le bellissme gambe di Sabrina) is a 1959 low-budgeted German crime-drama-comedy film, starring Mamie Van Doren; the movie co-starred, Antonio Cifariello and Rossana Martini. The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina, was Mamie Van Doren's first film away from Hollywood since her career started in 1951. She had signed with Universal Pictures, though she stopped accepting roles from them before her contract was up; she had made both good and bad films, and became known as one of "The Three M's." The other two including, Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield. Out of "The Three M's" Van Doren is the only one remaining. Beautiful Legs of Sabrina, was a flop when released and is largely unknown in today's world.


A poor girl is convinced she is the daughter of a prince.


Two young hunters of wolves are involved in a conflict. Besides the dangerous wild wolves, beautiful Teresa is the center of attention.


Twenty-year-old Joseph (Perkins) and his sixteen-year-old sister Suzanne (Mangano) live in the merciless conditions of an intemperate foreign land with their widowed mother (Van Fleet). Their mother attempts to exert a hold on her children by involving them in the family's run-down rice plantation. However the siblings seek liberation, and look for this in their romantic lives. Suzanne becomes involved with Michael (Conte) and Joseph finds a love interest in Claude (Valli).


Peppone, hardened mayor in Brescello, the small village on the Po river, aspires to become senator. Neither before or after WWII, where he fought against the Germans and fascists, he never went seriously to school, so he needs (at least) a diploma. Believe it or not, don Camillo helps Peppone to pass the examination (with the forecast of moving to Rome) prompting him the solution of geometry's problem. As implicit reward, Peppone writes a composition about "A man I'll never forget": obviously don Camillo, when Peppone was a resistant in WWII, and don Camillo the young military chaplain. Getting the diploma was the first step. The election campaign just started and the two big parties - Christian-democratic and Communist, forgetful of respective favors, settle down an electoral "war of the words", mean tricks (culminating with the famous horny Peppone/Lucifer) and easy propaganda.


At a wedding party involving three beautiful women, a young man should choose the most charming. But a professor intervenes to prevent the verdict, remembering the troubles caused by Paris in a similar situation.


An Italian historical drama.

Emma and Lucia grow up together in an orphanage and remain friends throughout adulthood. When Emma has to work away from home, she entrusts her daughter to Lucia. When she receives word that her daughter has died, she is desolate - but whose child did, actually, pass away?

Eight-year-old Roger Court is in Venice expecting to reunite with his father, British diplomat Major Court (Trevor Howard), whom he hasn't seen in three years. Roger lives with his Aunt Rose since his mother abandoned him.


When peasant girl Nives is deserted by smuggler Gino Lodi, she betrays him to the police. Police officer Enzo Cinti, who loves Nives, traces her to the Po River cane-fields, where she is working as a cutter to support herself and an infant son, and warns her that Gino has escaped from prison and is seeking revenge. She rejects his offer to protect her. Gino finds Nives, mourning the drowning death of their son. He surrenders himself to the police and then walks at Nives' side in the funeral procession.


"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.

Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.


"The Man from Cairo", a Michaeldavid production for distribution by Lippert, with Ray Enright the only credited director on the film print, finds Mike Canelli, the man from Cairo, nosing around Algiers with mystery surrounding the people he meets and the things he does and has done to him, all deriving from the war-time theft of $100,000,000 in gold which lies somewhere in the adjacent desert. People representing many nationalities and reasons are also seeking the gold. It boils down to a battle between Canelli and the original looter aboard a speeding train.


TotĂ² is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and TotĂ² hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. TotĂ² doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.


It's a story about a young Italian orphan boy taking his pet donkey to the Vatican to be blessed.


The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.

Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.


A husband states that a possible betrayal of his wife, he would kill her without mercy. The case is that his hypothesis turns into a presumed reality.

A family man travelling for work, Paolo Bianchi, meets on a train a lonely girl, Maria. He sees her again on a bus and she reveals him that she's in troubles: she's pregnant, her baby's father has left her and she doesn't know how to tell to her parents that she's not married. She asks Paolo to play the role of her husband and he accepts....


The great Italian opera composer recalls his eventful life on his deathbed: his childhood in Busseto, his studies in Milan, his first opera "Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio", the death of his wife and his children killed by smallpox.


Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his true worth and returns as commander when Santelia is mortally wounded. Cristiana arrives and tries to entice him to return to Rome, but he decides to stay in Africa with the army.


A woman leaves her husband and her young daughter after she falls for a rally driver.