Gunnar Kilgas

Three Jolly Fellows tells of the adventures of three small men in a world that borders on the fantastic: the composed and close-to-nature Mossbeard, the irritable city dweller Halfshoe, and the sensitive poet Muff.


Roman Baskin's debut as a film director is an allegorical story of a man (Sulev Luik) who happens to step out of a train in a small town named Vernanda. He buys some bread only to discover that it has got a bomb inside and "souvenirs" of this kind are the town's trademark. While the man wants desperately to get rid of the bomb the townsfolk is not amused by such rude behaviour.


Once upon a time, a King had eleven sons and one daughter. When his wife, the Queen, died, the King remarried. The new wife and the children's stepmother looks beautiful on the outside, but actually she's an evil witch. She sends the young princess Eliise to live in the village as an ordinary peasant girl and turns all the princes into wild swans. The princes are stuck being swans all day long and only at night can they regain their true form. When Eliise is 15 years old, she learns about the fate of her brothers and now she must overcome the obstacles put in her way by her stepmother in order to release her brothers from the spell.


“Three Jolly Fellows” tells of the adventures of three small men in a world that borders on the fantastic: the composed and close-to-nature Mossbeard, the irritable city dweller Halfshoe, and the sensitive poet Muff. An old woman’s inexplicable love of cats has lured many felines to the city. Risking their lives, the diligent and ready-to-help fellows lure the gang of cats out of the city, with the result being trouble in both the city and nature.


In September 1944, Estonia is on the brink of being released from under the occupation of Nazi Germany only to be seized by the Soviet army. This film follows the destinies of two women - Maarja and Leeda - and two men - Gert and Mati - under the harrowing influence of war and foreign occupation.


Professor August Miilas has succeeded in hiding in his private house from the war. He thinks this is mainly caused by his complete devotion to science. As August is not interested in anything that is going on outside his citadel, his family members avoid disturbing him. However, the political situation disrupt August's quietude. Right in the middle of his domestic citadel, the professor finds out about dangerous secrets so that he must give up this apolitical attitude and open up for the new reality.
