Gunta Virkava

Imants is a security guard at a small town store. He is always nice, honest and truthful and would not let anything happen to the store and to the people that are working there, until one night when his honesty and truthfulness are set to a test. He has been given a choice – stay and be dishonest with himself or leave and open has hart to love. The choice seems easy, but it takes some courage to step out of a place where you have been for ages.

A white cat owns a mill, but loses the mill to a black cat and the devil. Latvian animation.


Based on the novel by same name by Vladimir Makanin. A cabinetmaker falls in love with a poetess who is courted by a university professor. The cabinetmaker has a wife and two high school sons. He is confronted with a difficult choice between family and beloved woman...


Austra arrives to a small Latvian town to work for a state institution and faces disinterest and carelessness from her colleagues. Her other troubles include a difficult relationship with her daughter and a sudden falling in love.

Directed by Bolotbek Shamshiyev, the movie shows Kyrgyzstan under early Soviet rule; and tells us about opium contrabanda across the border.
