Günter Meyer

Spuk am Tor der Zeit is the conclusion of the trilogy, the mummy of Roggelin. The children's series from the "Spooky" series by Günter Meyer is thus the continuation of Ghost in the realm of shadows.

Eight year old Paul and his mother just moved to a skyscraper. After an embarrassing encounter with Anna, Paul meets her in the elevator. Anna makes fun of him and they start to quarrel. They can't arrange about going up or down. The elevator suddenly drops and carries them deep down into the realms of a wicked witch. The witch is out for their youth, since her own time is running out. Their only chance against her is for once to help together. They meet a blind horse, a clock without clock hand and a knight without courage helping them on their journey.


Kai, a young boy, living in 1923 Berlin tries to convince an American businessman that he can market his chewing gum better than anyone else in town.


An adventures of a Berlin family spending summer in haunted house.


Some unusually intense meteorological event causes a family to suddenly swap roles. That means that the children are in charge and the adults must obey. Coincidentally, mother’s new admirer, Mr. Droehmbüdel, proposes marriage but when he enters their apartment, he is very surprised by the strange family relationships. With determination her son (Tom) tries to chase him away against constant pleas from his mother and grandmother. But Mr. Droehmbüdel does not give up and is constantly inventing new ways to gain access to his future home.

Two kids suddenly call three very enchanted persons to reality while spending summer in their grandma's village.


Film by Günter Meyer.