Guram Pirtskhalava

The story of Pascal Ichak, a larger-than-life French traveller, bon vivant, and chef, who falls in love with Georgia and a Georgian princess in the early 1920s. All is well until the arrival of the Red Army of the Caucasus, as the Soviet revolution that has swept Russian comes to Georgia. Told as a flashback from the present, as a French-Georgian man whose mother was Pascal's lover translates his memoirs for Pascal's niece.


Set in 1937 Stalinist Georgia, the film traces the parallel destinies of a mother, condemned by the government as "an enemy of the people" and exiled to a work camp in Siberia, and her daughter, who meanwhile is sent to an orphanage. Arriving at the overcrowded work camp, the mother and other women who are not considered strong enough to be labourers, must journey still farther, crossing the icy Siberian landscape in search of food and shelter. At the same time, the daughter escapes the orphanage and returns to her former home, where she finds that a KGB officer has taken up residence. He protects her and an uneasy rapport between them develops—one of abhorrence and attraction, need and suspicion.


After being sentenced to death by the Bolsheviks, Nazar has conversations in his cell as he awaits execution with the commissar who sentenced him and a priest.


The film tells a strange story, in flashback, about a British Telegraph Company’s engineer named Hughes appearing in a distant Guria village. Falling in love with the beautiful Anna, the Englishman became the enemy of her brother, Bolshevik Nestor. Both Hughes and Nestor were shot dead by Lavrenty Mgeladze, who had once had everything, but later was dispossessed and driven out of the village. The old Anna told that story to a young composer who recorded the music: “My dear homeland, why are you weeping?…”


Full Circle. Whirlwind.


The tale of a 20th century family line of swimmers who all attempt to swim some near-impossible distance in the Black Sea.


Kvarkvare is wrongly accused of activities against the Tsar and is imprisoned, but the Socialist Revolution makes him an imposter "hero". Blinded with the authority, he goes to far in his avenge against the whole village.

Venice Film Festival 1979


The stone-cutter, Nasdika, transforms stones into works of art. The labourer, Ivané, harvests wheat in the field. The monk, Béka, paints his pictures in the convent cell. The nobleman, Kirilé, has decided to get married. The war started by enemies turns all these people into warriors. Living Legends is a parable, a hymn to the glory of the georgian people, enamoured of freedom and independence, whose most worthy sons have never hesitated to die in the name of the glorious future of their country.


Based on true story of Georgian uprising on Texel. Insurrection of captured Soviet-Georgian soldiers conscripted into German Wehrmacht on Holland's Texel Island during German occupation of Holland