Gus Schilling

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.


A lovesick girl (Margaret O'Brien) and her grandfather (Walter Brennan) groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.


Western that starts when a man (Matt Dow) is mistaken as a train robber. After the town's sheriff shoots the kid he's riding with, Dow clears his name and ends up as the new sheriff. He romances a Swedish woman and settles in to a peaceful life only to find that the boy has a few secrets of his own.


After moving to a new town, troublemaking teen Jim Stark is supposed to have a clean slate, although being the new kid in town brings its own problems. While searching for some stability, Stark forms a bond with a disturbed classmate, Plato, and falls for local girl Judy. However, Judy is the girlfriend of neighborhood tough, Buzz. When Buzz violently confronts Jim and challenges him to a drag race, the new kid's real troubles begin.


An heiress decides to pass out anonymous gifts in a small town.


Lawyer Jimmy Donovan thinks a bicycle tour through Mexico is just the thing to keep him out of trouble until his client arrives. But when school teacher Jean Harper misses her tour bus, all of a sudden Jimmy is in for much more than he bargained for.


A big-city cop is reassigned to the country after his superiors find him too angry to be an effective policeman. While on his temporary assignment he assists in a manhunt of a suspected murderer.


A young man tries to get rich by opening a diner. Comedy based on the popular comic strip.


A music publishing company tries to swindle a song from a country girl that they inadvertently recorded without her permission.


Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.


Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.


Gus, a cab driver is in love with the company owner's daughter, but mistakes Dick Lane a harmless, escaped asylum inmate, for the boss and takes him to lunch, and afterwards has the boss picked up as a mental case. Gus further maddens to boss by wrecking the cab.

Gus and Dick, attending a war veterans' convention with their wives, run in to an old girlfriend there, and try to prevent her from meeting up with their wives.

An expedition exploring the Amazon jungle comes across a jungle goddess who lives among the animals and fears none of them--and apparently has found the secret of eternal youth.


Hollywood producer Richard Lane needs a rest and he and his assistant, Gus Schilling, decide that Florida would be an ideal place far-removed from the hustle-and-bustle of Hollywood...and aspiring actresses. Lane's wife is not thrilled to have him that far out of her sight, mostly because of aspiring actresses. Once they arrive at the Florida resort, they quickly encounter the same situations they fled California to avoid, and Lane is in a very sticky situation when his wife follows him to Florida.

A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.


This Columbia All Star Comedy (production number 9427) finds Gus Shilling discovering that a cranky wife (Dorothy Granger) isn't the worst thing after shell-shocked veteran Dick Lane shows up. Gus invites him to a lamb-chop breakfast---not an appealing breakfast to begin with---and learns that the sound of a whistle sets bells ringing in Dick's head. Whistles, from one source or another, including Gus' wife who isn't all that thrilled about Dick coming to breakfast, start and Dick goes crazy. After a chase Gus is mistaken for the escaped insane man (Cy Shindell)from a local sanitarium and taken away by the doctors.

A wholesome girl believes her new racehorse, October, is the reincarnation of her favorite uncle, Willie.


A romantic drifter gets caught between a corrupt tycoon and his voluptuous wife.


As if Dick's marriage wasn't in enough trouble, an ex-girlfriend returns to town with her sights set on him.

A man engages in a boycott of a no children allowed apartment house, with the help of an imaginary stock and a large department store, after his wife become pregnant and they are evicted.

Around the turn of the century, two young men, Johnnie Bennett, a composer and Steve Adams, an artist, go to New York City to make their fortune. They both fall in love with the same girl, Patricia O'Neill. The artist paints a picture of her which outrages her father's sensibilities; but, as a result of the picture, she wins a chance to star in a Broadway play. She soon learns that the artist is just a trifler; and she turns to the composer, who loves her sincerely


Gus Shilling and Richard Lane are two GIs serving overseas, following WWII, and they get word that their wives, also in the U. S. military service, are missing. Meanwhile, the two wives get the same information about the husband of each. Time passes, and Gus, the widower, meets Richard's wife, the widow, and vice-versa and Gus marries Richard's wife and Richard marries Gus's wife, and all is well until they go on their honeymoons and stay at the same hotel.


Gus and Dick find themselves in trouble when they fall into possession of a necklace, not realizing it was left over from a jewel robbery, and also must hide a woman, who is actually part of the robbery, from their wives.

Private detectives Gus and Dick take a murder case where nearly everyone is trying to kill them.


On the run after being found sweet-talking the Sultan's daughter, Aladdin comes upon a lamp which, when rubbed, summons up Babs the genie. He uses it to return as a visiting prince asking for the princess's hand. Unfortunately for him, the sultan's wicked twin brother has secretly usurped the throne, someone else is after the lamp for his own ends, and Babs has taken a shine to Aladdin herself and is bent on wrecking his endeavours.


Ole and Chic are comedians employed in a nightclub, but seeking to be released from their contracts to take a better job. But the prissy nightclub owner, B. J. Wagonhorn, refuses to let them go. In reprisal, they start hurling insults at the nightclub patrons… a ploy that soon has them facing multiple lawsuits… to the delight of three struggling attorneys, Charlie Rodman, Bettty Wilson and Arthur Lane.


It's a Pleasure is a 1945 film starring Sonja Henie. Don Martin is a star hockey player with the Wildcats until he is barred from Hockey for hitting a referee. Through the actions of Chris, Don is able to get a job with Buzz Fletcher's ice-show as the novelty act.


To avoid getting a speeding ticket, Gus poses as a doctor rushing a patient to the hospital for surgery.

An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.


In Sing a Jingle, Allan Jones plays popular radio crooner Roy King, who goes to work in a war plant after being declared 4F. He falls in love with Muriel Crane (June Vincent), the boss' daughter, who is at first unaware of the fact that King is the heartthrob of millions (he's gotten the job under an assumed name).


While shooting a western on location, a Hollywood "cowboy" star--whose offscreen image is exactly the opposite of his onscreen one--is saved from disaster by a gregarious local girl. She winds up becoming not only his leading lady in the movie but, because of a set of nutty offscreen circumstances, his fiancé in real life.


A former bootlegger is now the prosperous owner of a popular nightclub. A hustling promoter manages to pass off a young singer as the heir to a fortune and gets her booked at the club.


Deanna Durbin is all grown up in Hers to Hold, the unofficial sequel to her "Three Smart Girls" films of the 1930s. Durbin plays Penelope Craig, the starry-eyed daughter of wealthy Judson and Dorothy Craig (Charles Winninger, Nella Walker). Developing a crush on much-older playboy Bill Morley (Joseph Cotton), Penelope stops at nothing to land the elusive Morley as her husband. Highlights include Durbin's renditions of "Begin the Beguine" and the "Seguidilla" from Carmen, and a captivating sequence that includes highlights from Durbin's earlier films, presented as home movies!


Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.


A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. A.C. delivers the policy, without noticing the difference, to Terry at a party at the Frolics Club, a cheap joint wedged between a burlesque house and a flop house hotel. Three characters, an elderly hat-check "girl" known as Mother Hodges; Avery Jamieson, a broken-down actor; and bartender Harry Gargan are named beneficiaries. When the company discovers the error, A.C. is sent to get back the policy and, pending that, don't let Terry make any test flights.


A nine-year-old Elizabeth Taylor made her film debut in this lively comedy. She plays the spoiled-brat daughter of a pudding manufacturer who has been entered into the town's mayoral race by some of the local businessmen. They have chosen him because they think he is easy to manipulate. As a sales gimmick, the pudding magnate advertises that his product contains the highly nutritious "Vitamin Z." He suddenly begins selling pudding like crazy and soon his political campaign is well-funded. Unfortunately, there is no "Vitamin Z" and when this is discovered, the town fathers try to dump him and show that he is a fake.


Dr. Gillespie (Lionel Barrymore) supports Kildare's (Lew Ayres) crusade against their hospital's deal with a rival hospital.


Gangsters, nightclubs and the Roaring '20s.


An Argentine heiress thinks a penniless American dancer is her secret admirer.


Newspaper magnate, Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist. As a result, every well-meaning, tyrannical or self-destructive move he makes for the rest of his life appears in some way to be a reaction to that deeply wounding event.


Olsen and Johnson, a pair of stage comedians, try to turn their play into a movie and bring together a young couple in love, while breaking the fourth wall every step of the way.


By Republic Pictures standards, 1941's Ice-Capades certainly qualifies as an "all-star" film. The many subplots center around a performance of the real-life Ice-Capades skating troupe, featuring such luminaries as Belita, Red McCarthy, Megan Taylor, and future Republic film queen Vera Hruba Ralston. James Ellison plays the nominal leading character, a hotshot newsreel cameraman named Bob Clemens. Assigned to film an international skating star in action, Clemens inadvertently wastes miles of celluloid on aspiring skater Marie (Dorothy Lewis) rather than the real star, the unphotogenic Karen Vajda (Rene Riano). But not to worry: With the help of slick showbiz promoter Larry Herman (Phil Silvers), Marie becomes an Ice-Capades headliner in her own right. In addition to Silvers, the comedy relief in Ice-Capades is in the capable hands of Vera Vague (Barbara Jo Allen), Jerry Colonna and Gus Schilling.


In this crime drama, a ruthless gangster's son is soon following in his father's footsteps. When his daddy kills an FBI agent and a cabby, the boy sees it all. Fortunately the courts intervene and send the lad off to live with a family of farmers.


Lucky Devils casts the mismatched duo as a pair of intrepid newsreel cameramen. When they're not risking their lives coverning the Hot Spots of the world, Dick (Arlen) and Andy (Devine) busy themselves romancing Norma (Dorothy Lovett) and Gwendy (Janet Shaw), respectively.


Charming Andre Cassil woos physician Jane Alexander and the two impulsively get married. The honeymoon ends very quickly when Jane voices her progressive views on marriage which include the two having separate apartments. Andre then tries to make his wife jealous in order to lure her into his bedroom.


A young man asks a hat check girl to pose as his fiancée in order to make his dying father's last moments happy. However, the old man's health takes a turn for the better and now his son doesn't know how to break the news that he's engaged to someone else, especially since his father is so taken with the impostor.


Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings


Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.


A businessman boasts he'll give his daughter a large amount of cash for her wedding, and then frantically tries to raise the money. This 1940 comedy stars Leon Errol, Marjorie Gateson, Dennis O'Keefe, Adele Pearce and Walter Catlett.
