Gustavo Gasparani

Sparkling Girls tells the story of three young and lovely, hard-working housekeepers who rise to stardom overnight after an incidentally uploaded online video of their singing performance becomes an unexpected hit. Penha, Rosário, and Cida, all make an honest living cleaning, cooking, and picking up after their bosses. Besides an everlasting friendship, these three ordinary women also share the similar struggle of finding romantic love. The future music stars never imagined all the glitz and glamour that their lives would turn into.


Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison causing catalepsy in humans, simulating death, enabling grand insurance fraud and other crimes. Ten years later, now as a successful writer, similar characters possibly using Bufo Marinus reappear and create an intricate plot full of surprises.


Orfeu is a popular composer from a samba school. He lives in the favela and falls madly in love when he meets Euridice, a newcomer to the neighborhood. But the local drug boss Lucinho stands between them and will drastically change both their lives.
