Guy Tréjan

The first days of WWI. Adrien, a young and handsome lieutenant, is wounded by a piece of shrapnel. He will spend the entire wartime at the Val-de-Grâce Hospital, in Paris. Five long years, and his life will change forever...


Clélia is a very attractive photographer starting a new job for a sensationalist newspaper. She soon becomes involved with three very different men: Cléve, a middle aged books editor, Nemo, a mysterious photographer and Rupert McRoi, the owner of the broadcasting and tabloid company where she works.


After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.


The head of a failing French family thinks that fate has smiled down on him when the daughter of a wealthy man agrees to be married to his son. The daughter and her aunt then travel out to the French countryside to meet with the family, unaware that a mysterious 'beast' is stalking the vicinity.


Édith Giovanna Gassion is born in 1915. As a young girl she sings on the streets of Paris until a nightclub owner, Louis Leplée, discovers her. When he is murdered the composer Raymond Asso takes care of her and lets her perform at the ABC theatre, which leads to her breakthrough.


A retired professor of American origin lives a solitary life in a luxurious palazzo in Rome. He is confronted by a vulgar Italian marchesa and her lover, her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend, and forced to rent to them an apartment on the upper floor of his palazzo. From this point on his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life takes an unexpected but inevitable turn.


Vlassov is a Soviet spy who defects in France. He is whisked to the U.S, where Allan Davies takes over the case. After polygraph tests and cross-examinations, Vlassov names several Western European agents who are also spying for the Soviets. Davies wants to take the listed agents into custody; meanwhile, those on the list start dying under mysterious circumstances.


Prosecutor Maillard can rejoice: he has just obtained the death sentence of an accused accused of murder. It is the third head he gets at the assizes. There followed an evening of rejoicing with his wife and friends, including the prosecutor Bertolier. The latter's wife is Maillard's mistress. The lovers left alone, the condemned man, Valorin, burst into the room. He managed to escape during his transfer to the remand center. Valorin immediately recognized Bertolier's wife. And for good reason: at the time of the crime, they were together in a brothel. Stunned by the miscarriage of justice he has just committed, Maillard then tries to rehabilitate Vallorin while trying to avoid a scandal in the judiciary. He then calls Bertolier to the rescue. Valorin is opportunely killed "accidentally" and ... everything will go back to "order".

Selling author, Antoine Brisebard is a victim of a blackmailer, Jo, which threatens to jeopardize his reputation by revealing the past of his wife Sylvia. While the latter must pass the same night to take possession of the money required, Brisebard accidentally kills ...


A light French comedy of 5 segments.


A 1963 TV film directed by Michel Mitrani.

A French telefilm broadcast on 30th September 1962, this is a detective fiction, set in London, 1927. The plot is set in a single space... a police interrogation room for suspects. It has only three characters; the suspect, who is an architect, and an idealist influenced by radical ideas. The other two characters are policemen, who try to coax from him the motive behind the death (murder?) of his three year old child. Even in a remastered DVD, the beta production values of a television production will be evident. But at barely a few minutes over an hour, it packs a brisk, at times rushed, but an interesting narrative. Makes one wonder, what other gems must the TV vaults in France (and UK, and Germany, and Italy) conceal?

Based on Alexandre Dumas père novel. Part 2.


D'Artagnan is back from England with a message for the queen. Buckingham has declared that he was ready to attack France to deliver Anne of Austria. D'Artagnan ends up arrested and thrown into prison. Musketeers wonder how to rescue their friend.


"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.


Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.
