Győző Szabó

A wife gets a call from a state adoption agent on her way home. They have been selected to adopt a child with her husband. When she goes into their home to tell the news to her husband she finds him in the bathroom.


Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on permanent office duty for more than a decade? Would you believe a lone mother who is unfit to pay her mortgage and also raise her rebellious teenage daughter? Indeed, no one believes that the troubled ex-detective has discovered a serial murder case. Personal dramas and a murder mystery unfold in present-day Budapest, where demonstrations are part of the pre-election life of a city still trying to cope with the shadows of its historical and recent past. It is a city where nothing seems honest and true, except through the eyes of an emotionally unstable policewoman and her misfit daughter who wants to know who her father truly was.


The amusing everyday life of a small, stereotypical Hungarian village focusing on a corrupt mayor, a bodybuilder priest, a hot bartender girl, a dumb police officer, and a womanizing football coach.


Peter was a lonely boy who was mocked by his classmates for his glasses. When he found a pair of magical red glasses his life turned upside down. He met new friends, like the Pig and the Three-Headed Dragon, and started a wonderful, yet dangerous journey to the headquarter of the Game Creator, the World's most powerful video game developer. They believe he is the only one who can help the fairy tale heroes to survive by turning them into a video game character. "The Game Creator" is a unique take on a Broadway-style musical blockbuster performance.


Liza's a nurse, seeking love. Her only company is a long-dead Japanese pop star, who turns her into a fox-fairy out of jealousy. Now, every men who desires Liza shall die horribly. Can she overcome the curse?


After witnessing a murder, a hapless pair of misfits escape their own near death experience by posing as male strippers - only to find themselves neck deep in even bigger trouble.


A man pretends to be a manager and helps veteran rockstar god, Johnny G. and his ex-band to reunite once more.


The plot of the film takes place in a single day. Four men on the same night, the same night club ends up independently of each other, at the end of a busy day. The four men four separate history of sexuality is the focus.


A lottónyereménynek hála, Tamás megcsinálhatta a filmjét, ami azonban a várakozásokkal ellentétben nagyot bukott. A három fiú egy képeslap révén Alex nyomára jut, aki most szabadult a dutyiból Amerikában és megint csak álnéven, egy színdarab jogait akarja megszerezni. A fiúk azt remélik, hogy megtalálják Alexet, megveszik előle a jogokat és végre visszaszerzik a hatvan milliójukat, amivel a férfi lelépett. Irány Amerika! Ám természetesen a dolgok megint nem az elképzelések szerint alakulnak. Végül Tamásra vár a feladat, hogy Budapesten rendezze meg a darabot.


Noah's Ark .


In the Seventeenth Century, while Hungary is fighting the Turks, the population of a small village in...


László Dömötör, az elvált anyakönyvvezető a volt feleségétől éppúgy nem tud szabadulni mint a házasságoktól. Elszántan próbál új szerelemre találni, kevés sikerrel. Miután Dömötör feszültségoldóként bepiál a munkahelyén és az egyik esküvőt fenekestül felfogatja, a főnöke kirúgja. Távozás közben megpillant egy tudósítást Lázár Norbertről, a feltörekvő, félvilági producerről, aki éjszakai klubokat üzemeltet. Meg nem erősített hírek szerint életét vesztette Afrikában. A férfi megszólalásig hasonlít rá. Mindez őrült ötletre sarkallja. Az 1942-ben készült vígjáték modernizált feldolgozása.


Story about two restaurant critics, whom write articles under fake names.


In an effort to end family feuding, a young gypsy travels back in time to kill mammoths to ensure Hungary becomes rich by killing mammoths in order to create a massive oil reservoir. Things don't go entirely according to plan...


Magyar vándor is a 2004 Hungarian action comedy film directed by Gábor Herendi and starring Károly Gesztesi, János Gyuriska and Gyula Bodrogi


A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, his fellow inspectors, who are all without exception likeable characters, a rival ticket inspection team, and racing along the tracks... And a tale about love.


zilvi deals in drugs and cannot decide between Tamas who offers her love in this world and the priest who offers her the chance of ethereal harmony.

Tamás is a young, Budapest-based director of video clips and commercials who dreams of directing his...


Alex gets a well-paid job from his friend Zsolt: he must smuggle drugs from Germany. Alex wants to run away with the money to France, but suffering a car crash he loses his eyesight. One night, calling from a phone box in the street, he makes the acquaintance of a Hungarian woman living in a seaside town in Germany,

In this Hungarian comedy post communist materialism is satirized. Someone in Hungary has won a large screen TV set. As they live in the country, it must be delivered from Budapest upon the back of an abandoned Russian military truck. The TV is turned on so that all the truck passes will see its perfect picture and hear its messages.


Historical movie on the life of András Hadik