Hajime Yatate

The episode will focus on the young Zeon ace Char Aznable earning his "Red Comet" nom de guerre, as well as the beginnings of the Federation's "Project V" weapons project that will eventually birth the RX-78-2 Gundam.


Compilation film for Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 2nd Season.


Following the success of the Dawn Rebellion, Degwin negotiates with Vice Admiral Revil to surrender all Federation assets and the complete withdrawal of Federation forces from Side 3 to prevent similar incidents from happening again. After bring reprimanded by Degwin for failure to look after Garma, Dozle sends Char - who motivated Garma into starting the rebellion - to Earth; in response, Char requests to become a mobile suit pilot when he returns. Feeling the burden of his responsibilities, Dozle proposes to cadet Zenna Mia. In the Earth city of Manaus, Char lands a job as a mobile worker pilot at a construction site. He meets a young Lalah Sune at a casino.


Uranohoshi Girls’ High School, a private school in the seaside neighborhood of Uchiura at Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture. A small high school in a corner of Suruga Bay, it is home to nine teens, led by second-year student Chika Takami, driven by one seriously big dream: To become the next generation of bright, sparkling “school idols”! As long as we don’t give up, any dream can come true... All we have to do now is keep pushing hard for fame and glory! Now their “School Idol Project” begins to make their dreams come true!


Universal Century 0074. Since leaving Texas Colony, Édouard Mass has camouflaged his identity and enrolled in the Autonomous Republic of Zeon's Space Defense Military Academy under the name of Char Aznable. He develops a friendship with his classmate Garma, a scion of the Zabi family. Gradually the two become admired by the other students. Then, in Universal Century 0077, the young at last rise up in arms and begin the fight for independence against the Earth Federation's security forces. This rebellion, however, also marks the beginning of Char’s spectacular scenario of revenge… Now, the gears of history are turning!


In the year UC 0071, three years after escaping the Zabi faction on an Ocean Cargo ship, Artesia and Casval are living happily in Andalusia, Spain, Earth under the identities of Sayla Mass and Éduoard Mass, respectively; masquerading as the children of Don Teabolo Mass, a long time friend of their father Zeon Zum Deikun.


An Aikatsu! All-Star awards ceremony will take place. The film will feature songs and stages featured throughout the anime series.


The graduation of the third-year members means the end of μ's. However, the school director has received a letter regarding μ's, and the curtain of a new story for μ's has been raised.


Universal Century 0068, Side 3 - The Autonomous Republic of Munzo. Zeon Zum Deikun attempts to declare complete independence of Munzo from the Earth Federation Government, while he preaches the evolutionary potential of humans who have advanced into outer space. Deikun however suddenly falls to his death in the middle of his speech at parliament. Upon Deikun's death, Jimba Ral spreads word of a House of Zabi conspiracy - but despite such efforts the power and sphere of influence of House of Zabi, led by Degwin Sodo Zabi, only seem to escalate. While we witness for the first time the untold convulsions of Universal Century history, Casval and Artesia, just bereaved of their father, must face destinies which will be just as tumultuous as the very era itself.


The story of the anime revolves around Ichigo, who was just a normal middle school student until she suddenly got involved in the world of idols. The film will center on Aikatsu!'s greatest "Super Live" concert yet, the Dai Star Miya Ichigo Matsuri. Ichigo prepares for the concert with press conferences, last-minute lessons, and more.


Two fates that never should have crossed paths... Asemu Asuno, son of the Earth Federation Forces commander Flit Asuno. Zeheart Galette, a warrior who throws himself into battle for the sake of the Vagan people. For a brief while they spent time together, formed a friendship, and sometimes quarreled, even as they looked up at the same cosmos. But the time has come for a bitter parting. When those two boys met, was it the beginning of a tragedy, or the light that leads to hope? Out among the stars, they cross swords, shout each other's names, and shed tears. Tossed about by war, these two bring together their hopes and dreams in one future.

A recap special that will feature the battles of Alma and Knight. The past story of Knight will be described with new animations.

Odd Jobs Gin has taken on a lot of odd work in the past, and when you're a Jack of All Trades agency based in a feudal Japan that's been conquered and colonized by aliens, the term "Odd Jobs" means REALLY ODD jobs. But when some more than slightly suspicious secrets from the shadows of Gintoki Sakata's somewhat shady former samurai past and a new pair of odd jobs collide, the action is bound to get so wild and demented that only a feature film will do it justice!


30th Gundam Perfect Mission is a short original video animation (OVA) officially released by Sunrise in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Gundam metaseries. It features all the titular and mascot gundams of the main series in a non-cannon conjoint mission.

A short animation serving as a prequel to the events depicted in the PlayStation 3 game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record U.C. 0081.

Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files explores the origins of Chirico Cuvie as explained by the Red Shoulder Battalion's now-disgraced commander, Col Yoran Pailsen. Compilation of the Pailsen Files OAV series.


MS igLoo 2 goes back to the first MS igLoo and tells the story of the Federation soldiers side that has to fight against the monstrous Zakus. Each episode tells a story of a different federation soldier that is cursed by a Death God that came down to earth with the Zakus and shows the desperate struggle against mobile suits with only conventional weapons such as tanks and missiles. Each soldier, fueled with revenge, and a Death God looming over their backs, fights against the odds that is the terrible might of a Zaku.

Lieutenant Oliver May and the 603 Technical Division Unit aboard the Jotunheim continue testing and evaluating experimental weapons to aid the Zeon war effort against the Federation Forces. At the end of each experiment, the tale of the trials and tribulations faced by the weapon and its test pilot adds a small chapter to the long history of the One Year War


Universal Century 0087, Char Aznable has now become the leader of the AEUG. Scirocco, the man from Jupiter, schemes to seize control of the Titans. Haman, the Axis leader, is attempting to restore the Zabi family. Through politics and strategy, these three powers struggle for dominion over the Earth Sphere. The war builds to a deadly endgame around the space colony Gryps 2, which has been converted into a giant laser cannon. What destiny awaits Kamille at the end of the conflict? This is the final part of the Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam feature trilogy, which features enhanced animation and theme songs by GACKT.


Universal Century 0087. The Titans, a bellicose faction among the Earth Federation Forces, grows powerful and tyrannical, even using poison gas to suppress a civil unrest. Dissident soldiers from the same military stand against them, forming a resistance group called the AEUG. Kamille Bidan, a civilian student, gets entangled in this conflict when he impulsively steals the Gundam Mark II and joins the AEUG, running away from his home space colony. Then he begins to fight along with Char Aznable, a former Zeon ace pilot who has infiltrated the Earth Sphere for reasons of his own. This is the first part of the feature trilogy derived from the anime series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and features enhanced animation and theme songs by GACKT.


Universal Century 0087, as the civil war between the AEUG and the Titans continues, Kamille meets a mysterious girl named Four. But his encounter with Four, one of the Titans' "cyber-Newtypes," fills his heart with anguish. The grief-stricken Kamille fights his way back to space to find the new mobile suit Z Gundam waiting for him. Meanwhile Paptimus Scirocco, the man from Jupiter, has added his strength to that of the Titans. And a third power is finally making its move, in the form of the Zeon remnants of Axis... With enhanced animation and a theme song by GACKT, the tragic romance of Kamille and Four unfolds in this second part of the Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam feature trilogy.


The year is Universal Century 0079. Oliver May is a technical officer in the Zeon 603rd Technical Evaluation Unit , in charge of testing new military technology. Stationed in the Jotunheim, a civilian transport ship that was converted into military use, Oliver must head into battle and experience the One Year War, only this time from the perspective of a weapon tester who struggles to make an impact on an evolving war during changing times.


The battle lines have been drawn, placing old friends Kira and Athrun on opposing sides in the war. The resulting battle will mark a turning point in their lives as Athrun and the Zaft forces launches a major offensive designed to end the war once and for all!

The Earth Forces has commissioned another Archangel-class ship, the Dominion; its sole mission is to destroy the renegade Archangel. As the battle draws to its ultimate conclusion, it is possible that humanity itself will be the victim. Kira, Athrun, and the others must stop a war that threatens both sides with genocide!

Loran Cehack is a spy sent from the moon to scout out Earth, whom they plan to invade. He grows to love Earth as his true home and, after discovering a giant mech from the dark ages, he begins to defend Earth in the war. The year is C.C. 2345. Growing tensions between the Earthrace and Moonrace have spiraled into an all out war. Mankind's only hope for peace lies with a young Moonrace boy named Loran Cehack, and his mysterious Turn-A Gundam, a relic of a dark history which nearly destroyed the Earth centuries ago. As a citizen of the moon, Loran is loyal to the beautiful Queen Dianna Soreil, all the while fighting to keep the technologically superior Moonrace at bay as the pre-industrial Earthrace tries desperately to catch up.


Following the events of the first movie, the Militia finishes restoration work on its excavated spaceship and travels to the moon to deal with Gym Ghingnham and Agrippa Maintainer, who along with Dianna Soreil form a governing triumvirate over the Moonrace. On the moon, the political situation rapidly evolves as new deals are made, setting the stage for a decisive final battle to determine the relationship between the people of Earth and the technologically advanced Moonrace.


In this era, mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth and Coordinators, genetically-enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies. The story revolves around a young Coordinator Kira Yamato who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony is invaded by the Coordinators.


The year is 2071. Following a terrorist bombing, a deadly virus is released on the populace of Mars and the government has issued the largest bounty in history, for the capture of whoever is behind it. The bounty hunter crew of the spaceship Bebop; Spike, Faye, Jet and Ed, take the case with hopes of cashing in the bounty. However, the mystery surrounding the man responsible, Vincent, goes deeper than they ever imagined, and they aren't the only ones hunting him.


It is the Correct Century, two millenniums after a devastating conflict which left the world broken. Earth is now mostly uninhabitable, and thus a remnant of humanity has resided on the Moon while the Earth and its few survivors recover.


A group of sisters are the only ones who can pilot a mysterious robot to save the world from an unknown alien life-form.


Mayfly reveals Cima's backstory in flashbacks as she reflects on her past prior to the events of Episode 13. It reveals that Cima and her unit poisoned a Side 5 colony using G-3 nerve gas, under orders, but were treated as pariahs afterwards by their own countrymen for committing such an atrocity. At the end of the war her superior refused to let her retreat to Axis. Because their home colony Mahal had been converted into a weapon, Cima and her men were left stranded and homeless.


Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist Sho Zama. Together with Silkie Mau, Reml Jilfried (the reincarnation of Remile Luft), and the Aura Battler Silbine, Shion must stop a twisted Shot Weapon from launching a custom-made nuclear ICBM missile that's poised to wipe out the realm.


A side story taking place somewhere before the second half of the series, prior to Daba acquiring the L-Gaim Mk-II. Daba's comrade Leccee is captured by Poseidal's forces, and Daba and his rebels attempt to save her

Mader is trying to unify the land of Asato using giant robots. A legend says that a champion, the giant of Iron, will come to destroy all lesser armour. Mader's ambitious son Hai tries to kill him and his other children, Hai's own brother Jordy and little sister Chururu, wanting no question as to the succession.


Universal Century 0087, and the One Year War between the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon is over. The Earth Federation has created an elite task force, known as the Titans, who are responsible for hunting the remaining Zeon forces. However, the power-hungry Titans have spurred the creation of a rebellious faction called the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG).


In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.

Amuro Ray and the rest of the White Base crew, now denominated the 13th Autonomous Corps, return to outer space to support the rest of the Earth Federation forces for the decisive battle against the Duchy of Zeon's forces.


Released in 1985, this OVA tells a critical part of the story between the TV show's Uoodo and Kummen arcs. Before Chirico found himself in the jungles of Kummen, he received a message from his old comrades: They’ve located General Pailsen. As they set off on a vengeful mission, the Society entrusts Fyana with nurturing the new Perfect Soldier, Ypsilon.