Håkon Ramstad

When Tyra returns to visit her family, on the 20th anniversary of her beloved father’s death, everything changes when her Dad comes knocking on the door that same evening - forcing the family to examine what grief has done to them.

Dino is 23 and dreams of a different life. She has left the mass unemployment of the Swedish provinces in search of happiness in nouveau-riche Oslo just like hundreds of thousands of other young Swedish people. But her new life has reached a deadlock. Dino finds herself stuck in a destructive sprial of temporary jobs, financial difficulties and wild partying. When she starts an extra job as as a housekeeper in a Norwegian middle-class home, she is thrown into a reality very far from her own.


Deadpan black comedy about a garbage man who gets in trouble in a stinky rich neighborhood.


At dawn, 16-year-old Eva walks along a foggy road. She’s just had her first kiss. She believes this is the bittersweet pain of first love. Her first love is her dad’s girlfriend, Inger. At first, Eva cannot tell if it is her envy of her dad’s love or her passion for Inger, but as time passes she finds herself clearly in love. It is an outstanding film that captures delicate, shaky feelings of first love in a cold Norwegian city in winter.


Den Spanske Flue (The Spanish Fly) is a situation comedy-farce, set in the home of businessman Ludvik Klinke in 1915s Christiania. Struggling to keep his hag of a wife happy, while trying to secure his daughter a nice husband, things are about to get a whole lot worse when a fling from his past turns up on his doorstep. But who is this young lad, who calls him dad?
