Hal Cruttenden

After 21 years and 224 days Hal's back being single. But it's all going to be fine. Instead of getting the therapy he clearly needs, he's made a cracking show about it. He's lost enough weight to almost get his wedding ring off and, while he may be flying solo, he's far from alone; he's got his grown-up daughters, his dogs and his divorce lawyer. The fickle finger of fate has turned Hal's life upside down but he's sticking a finger right back at it.

Older, wiser, funnier and far closer to a full breakdown, Cruttenden certainly has an edge to him, perhaps it’s from existing on the edges of things; the edges of London, the edge of middle-age, the edge of middle-class and the edge of greater fame. He has all the likeability of an arena comic but with something of the night about him.

Clarissa Dalloway looks back on her youth as she readies for a gathering at her house. The wife of a legislator and a doyenne of London's upper-crust party scene, Clarissa finds that the plight of ailing war veteran Septimus Warren Smith reminds her of a past romance with Peter Walsh. In flashbacks, young Clarissa explores her possibilities with Peter.
