Hal Frederick

A young music student has a seizure forcing her to undergo brain surgery. She comes out of the surgery unable to count or read and has difficulty adapting to life.


A young wife discovers that she has Hodgkin's Disease. It can be treated, but complicating the situation is the fact that she is pregnant and the treatment can endanger the life of her unborn baby as well as herself.


Professor Samuel Hale Constable (Ray Milland) is a government expert in the field of cybernetics. He and his wheelchair-bound wife Lenore (Gene Tierney) became parents late in life, only to lose their daughter Mary (Pamelyn Ferdin) before she reached adolescence. Now their daughter's spirit seems to be reaching out to her grief-stricken father from beyond the grave, encouraging him to give up the important project on which he's been working. This 20th Century-Fox production premiered on ABC-TV as the "ABC Movie of the Week."


An insecure Briton and a Briton of Jamaican descent share a London apartment together.
