Hal Wilson

David thinks he has killed a man during a fight over his dog, Strongheart, so he escapes to a small town far up north. The only girl living up there is an orphan, Sally, and David falls in love with her. Strongheart decides to search for love himself and lures Lady Jule, a female shepherd, away from a pack of timber wolves.

A Canadian Mountie and a young girl team up to prevent an evil couple from finding a fallen meteorite that contains a powerful element called "Tilano."


"'Boxcar' Simmons, a tramp, represents himself as a mining millionaire in a small town. The population accepts him at his own valuation, and two of the town's 'slickers' make desperate efforts to 'take him for his roll.' One of their schemes is to sell him a worthless ranch, but he turns the tables on them by making them believe that the ranch is a veritable bed of silver ore, and then, after they buy it, he presents the major part of the proceeds to the girl who owns the place and with whom he had fallen in love." (Moving Picture World, 24 Jun 1922, p. 736.)

A woman's excessive spending brings difficulty to her family.

When the benign headmistress of the county poor farm is discharged and replaced with a tyrant, John and Mary, two orphans who have lived there since infancy, decide to run away. Accompanied by a feeble old corporal from the farm, they are forced to seek refuge at the home of General Phillip Bingham when the old soldier becomes ill. After the corporal's death, the general promises to care for the two waifs. Mary becomes his protegee, and John his gardener. Friction develops between the two newcomers and Willing and his wife Jessica, a couple living with the general who hope to inherit his wealth, until one day the general notices a close resemblance between a portrait of his deceased son and John. It is discovered then that John is actually the general's grandson. Thus legitimized, John weds Mary, and the general is pleased with his newly acquired family.

Amanda Afflick is a lovesick laundress who daydreams about customer Horace Greensmith and cherishes the shirt he brought in for washing eight months and sixteen days ago. She tells her fellow workers that the garment belongs to her fiancé, a lord. Just wait, Amanda boasts, one day his lordship will return for his wash — and for her.


The Library of Congress and the Museum Of Modern Art hold complete prints.

A child picked up on the desert by the cowboy hero is brought to town on the eve of prohibition enforcement. The child is put to bed and is laboring with the Lord's prayer when he sticks at "kingdom come." The cowboy goes into the saloon and asks if anyone there knows what comes after "kingdom come." He is greeted with much laughter and no information. A dancer who turns out to be the mother of the child, which has been living with its grandfather, repeats the words of the prayer, and the child goes to sleep in peace. A romance between the cowboy and the dancer develops.

Tom Evans, the fearless range boss of the Double X Ranch, falls in love with a romantic schoolteacher from the East named Clara. They marry and for a time are happy, but in Tom's absence, his partner Blackie persuades the restless young wife to run away with him. Blackie soon deserts Clara, and she is forced to earn her keep at a disreputable dance hall. After robbing a stage, Blackie returns, and Tom, who has been waiting for his former friend, goes after him. In a gun battle with Tom and his posse, Blackie kills Clara and escapes, but Tom follows him into the desert and takes his horse, leaving him to die of thirst.

Ed Wetherford becomes an outlaw and, to escape imprisonment, abandons his wife Eliza and daughter Virginia. After attending college in the East, Virginia returns to California, where she meets and falls in love with Ross Cavanaugh, a United States ranger.

Romantic adventure film in which the girl Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her gullible father is tricked by a set of real pirates. They are rescued by a young man who has a crush on Betty.


A 1917 film directed by Elmer Clifton, Joseph Henabery, and Dorothy Gish.

Betsy Harlow is a hard-working maid in a boarding house. Her dream. however, is to be a detective, a dream she shares with her boyfriend Oscar, a delivery boy for a local grocer. One day a mysterious character named Harry Brent takes a room at the boarding house. Harry, seeing that Betsy is falling for his rather shady charms, persuades her to help him get a box of jewels owned by the Jaspers, an elderly couple who lives across the hall. It turns out that Harry is not quite who he seems; neither, however, are the Jaspers.


When young inventor Bob Moore fails in his efforts to provide his father, a safe manufacturer, with a lock that is burglar proof, he contacts The "Eel," the most talented safecracker in the city, to offer him a job in his factory. The Eel, deciding to go straight, accepts the offer, but when he later learns that Irene Hardin has been given a valuable necklace by her father, The Eel plans one last job to secure Irene's pearls.

The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history.


A 1916 film directed by Lloyd Ingraham.

Tim Clancy was a politician. He was a contractor incidentally. He wanted and secured, by breaking down a good man's moral code, the contract to build the new city water system. Specifications called for the best. He put in the cheapest.

No matter how absorbed with affairs of state, Abraham Lincoln was always ready to give audience to his little son Tad. Little Tad, playing at the boat landing of the White House lake, falls into the water and is saved from drowning by a young fellow named Jasper Brinton. When young Brinton carries Tad into the White House, the president is very grateful to him and says if there is anything that he can do for him at any time he will be glad to do it. Young Brinton's mother is an enthusiastic supporter of the Federal cause, and when the war breaks out, she urges her son to join the Union army. He has an inherent dread of danger and naturally hesitates. He finally enlists. On the battlefield his natural fear takes possession of him.

Two little children, who think themselves very much in love with each other, imbued with the ideas of their elders, plan a romantic marriage. Alvin Strong, the boy, confides his intentions to the family's servant, Jaspar. Alvin arranges with Jane, his sweetheart, to elope in the usual way, through a window, with the assistance of a ladder.

Mabel, the beautiful daughter of General Lewis, has considerable variety of her love affairs when she finds herself loved by Lieutenant Graham, of her father's staff, and very much sought after by a rich Indian Rajah, whom she meets at a garden party. The Rajah proposes, but is refused. He abducts her. Dennis, Graham's servant, meets the abductors and picks up Mabel's locket, which she drops. He hastens to the Lieutenant and tells him what he saw.

Love is awakened in the heart of Peter Hansen when he sees his name written within the outlines of a heart on the sands of the seashore. Above his own name is written the name of "Norma," a daughter of Gyntsen, the aristocrat of the little village. Norma's father is a widower. He idolizes his daughter. Peter is a quiet, noble fellow, a fisherman, with the instincts of a poet and the rule of a king. He is not given to associating with his fellows, being of a retiring disposition. His natural timidity and shyness forbid him to make known his love for her and he worships her in silence.

Oniatare, a young brave of the tribe of the Hurons, and Kowa, a chief of the Mohicans, are in love with Ethona, or "The River Flower," an Indian Princess. The Hurons and the Mohicans are sworn enemies. The young brave and "The River Flower" meet from time to time. Kowa notices this and in plaintive song would lure the fair Ethona to him. But it is of no avail.

Short anti-war film in which a French musician turns out to be a German spy.


This touching short film lasts only 10 minutes, 34 seconds, but is rather engaging. Charles Kent is an old man, who has spent all he owns on influencing a government appointment. His faithful black servant, Amber (Hal Wilson), cares for him as he waits to hear from the Capitol. No one there intends to do anything but make fun of him, even sending a false appointment, to his shame.


Angelo and his daughter Bianca are poor Italian immigrants. They sell fruit and vegetables on the street with the help of Nicola, who is in love with Bianca. To Nicola's dismay, a flirtatious barber by the name of Guiseppe begins to attract Bianca's attention. What Bianca does not realize is that Guiseppe is only interested in her hair, which a wig maker is willing to pay a considerable sum for. When Angelo falls ill and they find themselves without money for food or medicine, Bianca is left with little choice. - Harpodeon

The general store at Scrogginses' Corner is the favorite lounging and meeting place for the citizens of the locality. On an eventful day a rich couple call at the store and ask Si Bunny, the storekeeper, permission to leave a bundle there, to be called for on their return. The storekeeper discovers that the bundle contains an infant.

The story of how Lady Godiva came to ride naked through the streets of Coventry.


Brought up in the lap of luxury and indulged in extravagance, Jack Morrison is gradually led into a life of ease and idleness, from which his father tries to arouse and induce him to interest himself in the large steel business, of which he is the head. Jack refuses to go to work: his father disowns him and tells him to leave the house.

When the two Werner brothers are called to the front it is not strange that the mother is very solicitous about the younger brother and enjoins the older boy to care for and defend him at all hazards. The English army is transported lo the Soudan and is now encamped in the midst of the activities of the campaign.