Halder Gomes

Brazilian comedian Edmilson Filho walks his audience through the stages of a modern relationship, playing up the differences between men and women.

During the seventies, the massive arrival of television in the Brazilian countryside puts in jeopardy the business of running small movie theaters. Francisgleydisson is the owner of Cine Holliudy, and he must be extremely creative to keep his passion for cinema alive.


A year after the disappearance of his son, Thomas Mathews, an investigative journalist, still has no information and begins his own obsessive search. However, the obsession has him losing his house and job so his boss sends him on special assignment in Brazil. In Brazil, Mathews investigates close encounter sightings that have taken place in the small cities of Quixada and Quixeramobim-also known as Area Q. While there, he realizes he will face the biggest discovery of his life.


A documentary about how crazy the football fans could be. This sport is much more than 22 men and one ball.

Trapped between the physical world and the afterlife, between dusk and dawn, six strangers, brought together through a series of unusual events, are an enigma to themselves and go mysteriously unnoticed by others. In their futile attempt for survival, they latch on to each other at a desolate mortuary in hopes of making it through the night. There is an astonishing twist in this INTENSE psychological thriller...more is happening at the Morgue than meets the eye.


A martial artist tries to form a new life after leaving her husband who is a part of organized crime. But after her daughter is kidnapped, it's time for her to spring into action.


Aimée is a millionaire influencer who has all her family's assets blocked, except for a farm in the countryside of Ceará that she inherited from her grandfather. She leaves for the hinterland in an attempt to sell the property, but ashamed of the new reality, she invents that she will take a "sabbatical period" for a year. Thus, she will have to deal with her new life and sustain the lie on social media.

Follows the story of Johannes Van Almeida, a painter who was just released from prison and wants to start his life anew, but everything changes when art dealer Antoinette, and international actress in crisis Florence Lizz, get in his way.