Hamed Komaily

My dear mother, release all these women so that the inside of the palace may be deserted.

Madarjan, release all these women so that the inside of the palace is empty. The father of the burnt ones tunes the theme to make the qibla of the world lustful.

"Good, Bad, Kitty: Radioactive" is a series in the comedy-action genre written by "Peyman Ghasemkhani" and directed by "Mohsen Chegini" and produced in Iran in 1399. Prominent actors such as "Pejman Jamshidi", "Sam Derakhshani", "Hamed Komili", "Farhad Ayesh", "Amir Mehdi Jouleh" and "Gohar Kheirandish" have played roles in this series. The story of this series, which is a sequel to the movie "Good, Bad, Kitty 2: Secret Army", narrates the adventures of Pejman and Sam after being kidnapped by the Chechens.


A counter-revolutionary group led by Dr. Madani and under the supervision of Donald Trump will send a mission to Farbod in Iran as a film crew. There, Pejman Jamshidi and Sam Derakhshani are selected as actors in the film Secret Army. Farbod tries to carry out the operation, but Pejman and Sam destroy almost everything and…


David, a movie-maker who loves filmmaking, falls in love with a girl whose father is a staunch opponent of cinema.


The story of life of a musician who plays traditional music and comes to Tehran for a living but after a while he is absorb and begins to play in a rock band.


Barfa and Nader meet each other and get marry but little by little their life begin to reach it's crisis levels.


After Ebi has a near-death experience, he sees a vision of heaven. Upon returning to Earth he encounters an unconventional angel who gives him information about the future of a beautiful woman he has become enchanted by. Ebi feels he must convince the woman to mend her immoral ways to avoid her terrible fate. With the aid of an incompetent friend and the angel, they attempt to track her down and encourage her to repent.


'The Big Trouble' is a delightful comedy brimming with action, suspense and countless moments of laughter. A group of amateur crooks find themselves working with a helpless womanizer who, as it happens, is also a successful criminal - all in the aid of uniting and stopping their internal disputes. The unforgettably animated performances of the cast highlight their clumsy efforts to steal money and an assortment of other valuables. Coupled with their remarkable failures, this team of unlawful amateurs are masters at causing trouble.

Vandad is notice about his father's death so he comes to Kish. In the same time Parmida is noticed about her mother death so she comes to Kish, too. But they understand that they are in the same boat.


2 sister , two sisters

The film tells the story of a coffee shop that has regular customers and this coffee shop is run by a young man. With the arrival of a young woman in this cozy and quiet coffee shop, ...

A short film by Baktash Abtin

This film is the story of two sisters who, with the arrival of a man in love, the first identity is on the verge of collapse and the second character is on a new path of self-knowledge.

Gilda, who owns Sepid restaurant, is living the worst night of her life. she must save herself before tomorrow morning...


A movie directed by Yalda Jebeli