Hande Ataizi

Class of teenage students attempting to save their unconventional school from closure, which was one of the highest-grossing Turkish films of 2007.


The movie tells the desperate adventure of two people, Arzuhan and Ahmet, who are passionately in love in South-Eastern Turkey.


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Mourning of his wife's death, Mazhar creates a different reality. Mahzar and his ghost wife Ruhsar, who has magical powers, are happier than ever. But there is trouble in paradise, Mahzar's mother Menkibe is trying her best to make him marry someone that she likes.


Set during the aftermath of the September 28 1997 military coup of Turkey, one of the most fascinating periods of modern Turkish history, Hilal, Feza and Other Planets follows the unlikely relationship between a pro-Muslim student Hilal and her friend Feza, a male transgender prostitute who aims to become a woman. With cultural and social backgrounds that are superficially, and in their own perception, polar opposites, Hilal and Feza find common ground through their separate struggles against state oppression and social prejudice. Though not always smooth or free of conflict, their friendship survives the test of time despite ingrained prejudices, and we see their mutual respect and understanding for each other grow each time they meet.