Hani Adel

Coco Chanel is Egyptian Play

The events take place in a horror frame where the residents of the property are surprised by strange things happening in Apartment 6.

The series focuses on the difference between generations in ideas and technology, along with the societal issues experienced by children and objected to by parents.

Much to everyone's surprise, Aliya pulls a runner and escapes from her own wedding ceremony. The decision heralds another one to live independently from her family in her own house, kickstarting her personal journey in life.

A thriller about five friends who, after their graduation from the AUC, start working for Professor Selim Mansour, who is involved in illegal activities. But in the wake of a murder, everything changes.

Kamel Helmy is a famous writer, in the late 1940s, living in Cairo, in the famous Imobilia building, after the death of his wife and the departure of his children from home. He suffers from loneliness and schizophrenia. One day he calls a girl named Samah who had befriended Facebook in an attempt to ease his isolation.

Events revolve around a number of neighbors in a residential building, mostly middle class, where they are exposed to how these people live inside and outside their apartments, where both face life and social problems, but these problems are not known by their neighbors, complex.

The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption and the power of some clerics over the ages to power and false and bad dealings with the people, and how to involve religion in politics in order to obtain positions. That there are clerics deliberately coloring and counterfeiting in this period of time to be the strongest and maintain their positions.


The series revolves around Amina, who discovers that she is ill with cancer, and that she will begin to reconsider her relationship with her fiance, especially in the face of a number of problems with her sister.

Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life


A series about the interconnected relationships between different social levels, starting with (Akram), who is the executive director of a big company, his emotionally distraught wife, and (Samir) their driver who also struggles with his own conflicts where he lives , and his partner (Sony) who snoops on ladies' phones.


In 2013, in Cairo, a tragic fate brings together several detainees from different political and social backgrounds inside a police truck, during the turmoil that followed the ousting of president Morsi.


Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to answer the simplest questions, who decides to give one last lecture about the very simple question: "how do we love?" He gives a full description of the different stages of love by recounting four different love stories going through curves and various crises.


The series revolves around the life of drug addicts, as wife Mariam, returns to addiction after a large period of quitting, which strains her relationship with her husband Hatem, and her friends and family try to help her overcome her problems, and stay away from addiction.

Shams is a rich girl who is very attached to her father, especially since her mother died in childhood, which caused her marriage to fail in the first months, so she decided to overcome her psychological crisis after the divorce by establishing an orphanage and a workshop for girls who could not find work, in addition to her work in handicrafts. Still, she gets into an accident that changes her life forever.

Shams is a rich girl who is very attached to her father, especially since her mother died in childhood, which caused her marriage to fail in the first months, so she decided to overcome her psychological crisis after the divorce by establishing an orphanage and a workshop for girls who could not find work, in addition to her work in handicrafts. Still, she gets into an accident that changes her life forever.

Maha has always been passionate about cinema, and as a set designer she's become an expert at creating imaginary worlds. Under immense pressure at work, she sights another life on the horizon and begins slipping between realities-one resembling the film set she's designed and the other her supposed real life. As she grows ever more entangled in each, the border between reality and imagination becomes blurred, and she must choose for the first time what she truly desires.


A Christian kid suddenly is forced to go to a public school after his father dies and because of a misunderstanding everyone thinks that he's a Muslim.


Based on true events, three women who have suffered various hardships and injustices throughout their lives are driven to carry out various crimes and end up in prison. This marks the start of a new phase for them that differs significantly from what they experienced before.

Hiyam, a young factory worker, lives in a lower-middle-class neighbourhood, along with her co-workers. She is clearly under the spell of Salah, the factory's new supervisor. Believing that love can transcend their class differences, Hiyam relentlessly pursues a dream of the pair being together. However, when a pregnancy test is discovered in the factory premises, her immediate family and close friends accuse her of sinning. Hiyam decides not to defend herself and pays an enormous price in a society that fails to accept her.


Based on Sonallah Ibrahim's celebrated novel, "Zaat" explores the social and political winds of change in Egypt starting from 1952, when the main character "Zaat" was born, all the way up to the present day.

Embodies the Hind Sabri in the events of the movie character girl suffering from HIV AIDS and decide not to surrender his Vtjud violent war against him, whether to seek treatment for themselves or bring hope in the hearts of all who have the disease dreaded, and gradually be able to achieve many of its goals and, following the events.


Upon his return to Alexandria, Khaled becomes intrigued with a graffiti mural opposite his apartment. As he pursues this further, a larger underground arts scene slowly reveals itself, composed of musicians, filmmakers, and graffiti artists. As they struggle to get their voices heard, Khaled is compelled to help them acquire some much deserved visibility.


Three women seek justice due to the difficult daily situation which sexual harassment causes in the streets of Cairo, Egypt.


8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very stagnant state and never achieving goals.


Zay el naharda is a movie starring Basma, Rania Chahine, and Mahmoud El-Bezzawy. History literally repeats itself when May meets and falls in love with a passionate young actor, only months after the tragic death of her first fiancée. All the 'signs' suggest her new lover will meet the same fate.

Al Shahada is Egyptian Short Film