Hannes Holm

Documentary about Swedish artist and actress Josefin Nilsson.


"Camitz - another time, another place" - About the Swedish filmmaker Jhoan Camitz who directed the Spice Girls first video "Wannabe". He was a willful creator who won several awards for his iconic and offbeat commercials. Johan Camitz was killed in a chaotic car accident in New York, 2000. He was crossing a street when he was hit by a suv with a dying man behind the wheel.

Chronicling the beautiful and tragic life and career of Ted Gärdestad, this biopic tells the story of the great highs and lows of one of Sweden's most loved artists.


Despite grumpy 59 year-old Ove being deposed as president of his condominium association, but he keeps looking over the neighbourhood with an iron fist. When pregnant Parvaneh and her family move into the terraced house opposite Ove and she accidentally back into Ove’s mailbox, it sets off a series of unexpected changes in his life.


The Svensson family goes on a ski-vacation during the winter holiday. Sune, the family flirt girl-charmer, is yet again pulled into a difficult relationship and his father Rudolf is pushed into difficulty parent challenges while the little brother Håkan is up to no good. The big sister being ashamed of her family and the mother Karin tries to glue the family together and enjoy their vacation.


Sune and his family discovers an old painting that could be worth a fortune. There's only one problem, it lacks a signature. Follow the Anderssons in a wacky roadtrip through Europe, filled with crazy fun.


Sune is back! Together with his little brother Håkan Bråkan, big sister Anna, mother Karin and dad Rudolf, Sune embarks on a summer holiday trip to Greece. As every summer before, the family plans to spend their vacation in Myggträsk. Then the most unexpected happens, Rudolf books a charter trip to Greece. The family is overjoyed but the questions about the trip are many. Once in Greece the catastrophes pile up. Sune looses his girl charming powers, Håkan Bråkan really does'nt like Julle in the kids group, Karin becomes more and more annoyed with Rudolf. Meantime, Rudolf discovers that the trip is all inclusive and the possibilities that comes with that.


It's 1975, and Martin is a teenager looking to break out of a stifling home environment ruled by his alcoholic father and long-suffering mother. When Martin's pal Micke suggests they get jobs together as waiters at a resort off the Swedish coast, Martin is all for it, but before long Micke finds better things to do and Martin is left on his own. The presence of pretty fellow server Jenny is a major consolation, but to his surprise, guileless Martin is soon chosen as the protégé of Gösta, the resort's short-tempered manager. Gösta clearly likes Martin and makes him his right hand man, which gives Martin a crash course in the seedy side of life when he discovers Gösta has a number of other business interests, not all of which are legal or ethical.


Isabella Eklöf is an unemployed actress in her early thirties. Her friends all enjoy stable relationships, children and successful careers. In order to jump-start her life she decides to lie a bit on her next job application with unexpected consequences.


Pontus is divorced and has custody of his children every other week while living life as a bachelor the rest of the time. His older brother, Jens, is married since 20 years and has three children. When Jens' marriage collapses, he moves in with his younger brother - a move which will change both of their lives radically.


35-year old Magnus Edkvist hates class reunions as much as anyone and usually skip them. Still he accepts an invitation for a reunion for class he left over twenty years ago. But he has his reasons, as there is a chance that his teen love Hillevi will show up. The girl he wanted to run away with and share the rest of his life. The girl that got away...


A young couple, Sophia and Freddie has just got their first baby, but this little thing makes their lives way to complicated and difficult for them to handle. They both have jobs, Sophia is an actress and Freddie a balloon-flier, which makes it tough to be home with the baby and such. They also have to deal with Sophia´s family, which includes a depressed dad, a close to senile mother, and two eccentric sisters. The family life is nothing what Sophia and Freddie expected.


Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...


Torsten Södergren lives in a normal house with his normal family in a completely normal city. Every morning he greets his normal neighbours before getting into his normal car and drives the usual way to his ordinary work at an ordinary bank. But one day he is fired from his work after twenty years of loyal service. Now he is prepared to do anything to get it back...


Sonja and Mirre, two 19-year-old Swedish trainee nurses, dream of a trip to Rome but heart-rending passion and minor money troubles get in the way.
