Hans Adalbert Schlettow

In the mountains of the Ötztal, the wealthy Fender (Eduard Köck) and Wally (Heath Hatheyer), his only daughter and heir, manage a small farm. He wants to marry the rich, but boring, Vincent (Leopold Esterle). Wally escapes to a mountain hut, where she lives alone and withdrawn. Her love belongs to the hunter, Joseph (Sepp Rist). When she unwisely takes a young vulture from its nest and is attacked by the mother, Joseph comes to her aid and from that point on, she fondly calls him her "Geierwally". He also feels attracted to her, but Wally can't escape the feeling, that the young Afra is his mistress. Mad with jealousy, Wally announces that she'll marry the one who kills Josef. Vincent wants to earn her hand and is determined to kill the Geierwally. Just in time, though, the actual relationship between Joseph and Afra is clarified.


Nazi biography of the Rothschilds, a Jewish family whose members rose to the top of the European banking community during the Napoleonic era.


German propaganda film spinning a story around the popular radio broadcast "Wunschkonzert".


Comedy with Hans Moser as grumpy valet who takes corrective action with mumbling peevishness in the fortunes of his family household count.


In a cosmopolitan city vaudeville theatre, meeting place of the most successful artistes, the art shooter gets in suspicion to have committed a murderous poster on his jealous partner. - Not particularly successful mixture of vaudeville theatre numbers, artiste's destiny and crime film tension, on an average produced and played. A production rotated in Budapest with the popular dancer La Jana.


Remake of the silent film of 1921: The lord of a castle disappears after the return of two feuding brothers from a noble family. Suspicion falls on the recently returned brothers.


Film by Volkoff.

In the first light of day, one can see a mountain farm close to the forest. Nothing stirs far and wide. Suddenly, a figure comes out of the forest, running quickly to the farm. There's a quick grab and the hunting rifle is hidden in the gutter. There's a jump to the window sill: Obermeier Martl creeps like a cat into his room. No one's seen him. At the same time, the doorbell rings at Doctor Rauch's place. The hunter's mate Hias is standing outside. "Doctor, you have to bandage me: I've been shot!" By whom, he doesn't know.


For three difficult orphans living by her aunt the former employee of the family searches a new premouth; he releases with it a result of tumultuous involvements. - Humble-entertaining mistake farce, completely fitted on Hans Moser.


Baron von Goret is an impoverished landowner, whose estate is about to go into receivership. And so, for that reason, he wishes to marry off his son Hermann with his well-off girlfriend Helga. But Hermann is in love with the farmer’s daughter Dorothea. He leaves his father’s estate with her and makes his way to Berlin to make a name for himself. He’s not successful in this and, so as not to stand in his way, Dorothea leaves him. Hermann’s aunt brings him back to his father’s estate, where, depressed over losing Dorothea, works tirelessly to clear the estate of all its debts.


Rosika, a girl from Genoa, fled her innkeeper stepfather after he tried to abuse her. She finds refuge - and a job as well - in a traveling circus. Cherubini, the owner of the big top, falls in love with the lovely young woman and makes her the star of the show 'Light Cavalry'. But unfortunately for him Rosika's heart beats for Geza, the stable boy.


The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia of his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.


Dolly Haas is employed as a (supposedly male) servant at a Hotel.


No overview found.

The athletic young widow Antoinette Peterson gets into financial troubles when a business venture backfires and has to sell her car and her villa. On the road, she meets a stranger whose car she is able to repair and whom she later meets again as the buyer of her house. It is no one else than the venturer William P. Harrison to whom she lost her whole fortune in the first place. He offers her a bet: If she manages to stay for three months as his chauffeur and behaves accordingly, he would give her back her fortune. Although Harrison makes it as hard as possible for her, she keeps up. But they have already fallen in love with each other.

German language version of Terra madre (1931).

Toni van Eyck became known with her leading role in this early "Aufklärungsfilm" (education film) Gefahren der Liebe/A Woman Branded (Eugen Thiele, 1931) opposite Hans Stüwe. She played a rape victim, who finally becomes a murderess.

Lighthouse keeper Uwe Bull lives with his wife Hanne and the silent assistant Jens in a secluded, small world. When the only survivor from a shipwreck, young Margot from Reeperbahn, is washed up on the island, Uwe's feelings arouses. But dark clouds appear in the sky.

During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.


Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison. A jealous barber's assistant is enraged by the attentions that his manicurist girlfriend pays to a customer. He threatens the customer with an open razor and lands in jail.


The survived print of the film is incomplete. This exciting, modern crime story focuses on a young woman, a prisoner who was dressed to steal by her lover, and therefore she was in jail. She would like to see her sweetheart. One night she succeeds in persuading the doctor of the prison who also is a woman, to be released. She finds the man, a waiter in an elegant hotel, behaving as a cynical Don Juan, he was preparing to rob the safe of the hotel and go away with his new lover, a dancer. This dancer suffers a fatal accident.


One of the last great German Expressionist films of the silent era, Joe May’s Asphalt is a love story set in the traffic-strewn Berlin of the late 1920s. Starring the delectable Betty Amann in her most famous leading role, Asphalt is a luxuriously produced Ufa classic where tragic liaisons and fatal encounters are shaped alongside the constant roar of traffic.


A silent adaptation of the novel by French writer Émile Zola.


"Guilty" - Thomas Feld returns home after 16 years in prison to find his wife Magda and daughter Maria fell in the hands of Peter Cornelius, the owner of a cabaret. Lawyer Frank Peters falls in love with Maria.

After he has committed murder for his mistress, Gloria, the famous painter Jack is forced into hiding.


The story of Brennende Grenze (= Burning Border) starts after the end of WWI. Polish franctireurs invade the German bordering regions which are to be given to Poland as agreed on in the post-war peace treaties. Luise von Willkühnen's manor is invaded by Ladislaus von Zeremski, his lover Nadja and their gang. They treaten the inhabitants until Luise's son kills Zeremski.


A taxi driver in Berlin refuses to give up his horse and switch to motor transport.


Siegfried, son of King Siegmund of Xanten, travels to Worms, capital of the Burgundian kingdom, to ask King Gunther for the hand of his sister, the beautiful Kriemhild.


When Kriemhild, thirsty for revenge, marries to Etzel, king of the Huns, she invites King Gunther and his court to visit them, intending to finally take the life of the man responsible of her disgrace.


A family from Poland has been left homeless in the wake of World War I. They move to Germany and struggle to survive the conditions there, during the Great Inflation. Inga (Carol Dempster) is a Polish war orphan who has only accumulated a small amount of money from the rubble and hopes to marry Paul (Neil Hamilton). Weakened by poison gas, Paul begins to invest in Inga's future and he serves as their symbol of optimism.


This anti-communist propaganda film discusses the revolutionary curse of communism in the Soviet-Union shortly before and after the fall of czardom in Russia, told from the point of view of Belarusians in exile. Anti-communist copy in color which has been discovered, restored and printed by the Royal Belgian Filmarchive.


Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.


As the police intensify their bemusing search on Dr. Mabuse's notorious band of gangsters, the deceptive, elusive hypnotist Mabuse simultaneously begins to close in on himself.


Dr. Mabuse is a criminal mastermind, doctor of psychology, and master of disguise, armed with the powers of hypnosis and mind control, who oversees the counterfeiting and gambling rackets of the Berlin underworld. He visits gambling dens by night under various guises and aliases, using the power of suggestion to win at cards and finance his plans.

Silent Film Drama by Adolf Gärtner. Starring Ellen Richter

An alien from the planet Algol gives a man a device that gives him superpowers.


The noble family de la Porte lives at castle Medan. After the lost heir August returns unexpectedly, countess Herm, mother-in-law of younger brother Johann, fears for the inheritance of her daughter. Together they antagonize the brothers. During a brawl, Johann gets shot by accident. August leaves his home for good, but beforehand he hides his papers of identity in the castle. Johann’s oldest son is the next rightful heir, but due to his excessive deformity he is locked away to make room for his younger brother Gert. Years later, the dying August confesses to his daughter Agga their true identity. She travels to castle Medan to find the hidden papers and take possession of her legacy. On her arrival the countess instructs her nephew Gert to court Agga for the protection of the estate. However, she falls in love with neighbour Magnus and rejects Gert. Hence countess Herm and her nephew forge a plan to set Gert’s brother, who is kept at the castle like an animal, on the uninvited guest.
