Hans Henrik Wöhler

January 6th, 2021 is a caesura in the history of the USA. An angry and armed mob invades the capitol building in order to prevent Joe Biden from being officially confirmed as winner of the election. The assault on the capitol leaves all convinced democrats shocked. How could it come so far? A reconstruction and analysis from very different perspectives.

No one really knows the exact details of Special Action 1005. How many people were killed by the Nazis in the rear of the Eastern Front between 1942 and 1944? There were at least tens of thousands. This is the story of how the criminals covered up the traces of their clumsy and savage crimes.

Everything could be so nice between Katrin and Philip, if it were not the love (patchwork) family! Philipp surprises Katrin with a marriage proposal. But the disappointment of her last marriage has not yet been overcome. And promptly, the events turn over. Julia, her ex-husband's new wife, moves in with her unasked and with children. Not only her pointed-tongued ex-mother-in-law Diana, but also Katrin's own mother Renate, come to help. When Philipp takes her by surprise with a spontaneous surprise wedding, Katrin bursts the collar. A marriage now seems a long way off.


Focuses on the Weimar Republic (1918-1933) and its 'collective spirit' in cinema. The purpose of film as a cultural tool is examined. Based on celebrated sociologist Siegfried Kracauer's seminal book 'From Caligari to Hitler' (1947).
