Hans-Joachim Frank

Because her boyfriend had instigated her to steal cigarettes, Sabine is sent to a youth detention centre. At the age of 18, she is released and wants to start a new life. She rents her own room and starts to work in a shoe factory. Although she is strong willed, Sabine remains insecure, because she is still in love with Jimmy. At her new workplace, she has a tough act to follow because her colleagues are untrusting and refusing towards her.


Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm: Jakob is a poor farmer′s boy. Because of his timidity that even makes him run away from mice, he is often ridiculed by other people. Even the king is ill-disposed towards him. One day he sends Jakob to the devil to rob him of three golden hairs. This is supposed to be Jakob′s certain death. But naïve Jakob gets going and on his way even promises the oppressed subjects of the king to ask the devil for a way out of their misery.


Karlemann is very often found in his own 'Robinson world', a secluded place on earth. There he travels the river in his special all-weather boat, and he has his domicile on the river, all built himself. One day he meets two soldiers of the National People's Army who got lost in Karlemann's empire. He shows the them the right way. What Karlemann does not yet suspect: a bridge is to be built over the river at the exact spot where his hut stands...