Harald Tusberg

Bør is startled when he discovers that his father-in-law is becoming more Norwegian than he is. The father-in-law is about to raise the village's highest flagpole. Bør can't sit still and watch, and that's why the fight and the intricacies are underway.


The young factory girl Milja comes in disaster on board fishing with Julius, who fails her for the beautiful and unreliable Petrina. The people from the bourgeoisie despise factory girls and their bastard, they are vile and promiscuous. In his despair will Milja give away the kid for it to get a better life than she can provide it. But Onsea-Lovisa ready to change her opinion.


Ballad of the Masterthief Ole Hoiland (Norwegian: Balladen om mestertyven Ole Høiland) is a 1970 Norwegian drama film directed by Knut Andersen, and starring a broad cast of notable Norwegian actors, headed by Per Jansen as Ole Høiland. Ole Høiland was an actual Norwegian Robin Hood-figure in the early 19th century. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor, enjoying numerous affairs with attractive women along the way. The story culminates in the ambitious burglary of Norges Bank, Norway's central bank.
