Harry Chang

Our main protagonist seeks a lucrative position at a global corporation. He is challenged to go against his principles by the other candidates. Will he choose to stand-up against the group?

Yu-Siang is blind – but he has a superb sense of hearing. Born in rural Taiwan, this extremely talented musician moves to the capital Taipei to study the piano. But how will he manage on his own? Even the walk across campus from his halls of residence poses a challenge and he must learn how to make the trip step by step. Yu-Siang began winning awards for his piano playing as a young boy but he once overheard somebody saying he only won because of his blindness. Since then he has avoided public competitions – in spite of his teachers' encouragement. Yu-Siang is not interested in recognition: to him his musical development is more important. One day he meets a young woman working in a snack bar. She dreams of becoming a dancer. The encounter proves to be a turning point for both of them.


Sparks begin to fly when a successful 33-year-old single woman and a 25-year-old romantic with few prospects navigate love and differences.chi


A ragtag group of survivors escape a Filipino sugar plantation overrun by Japanese soldiers during World War II, finding a small boat along the way.
